
1, the death of "half-cut hero" Li Cunqiao (4)

author:Historical station

At this time, Li Cunmiao already had a new love: when he broke through the Liang army's village, he killed the Liang general Fu Daozhao and captured Fu's wife Hou. The Hou family is also very beautiful, Li Cunqiao is very fond of her, and he takes her with him every time he marches and fights in the future, and the palace calls her "Mrs. Jiazhai". However, Liu Nu soon gave birth to his eldest son Li Jiqi, Li Cunqiao felt that this child was very similar to himself, and liked it very much, so his favor for the Hou family gradually turned to Liu's body, and when he marched and fought in the future, he only took Liu with him. This Mrs. Liu was "sexually cunning and jealous" ("Zizhi Tongjian" volume 270), and when she accompanied Li Cunqiao to live in Weizhou, her father Liu Shanren heard that his daughter had gained glory and wealth, so he personally went to the Weizhou Palace to visit. At that time, Liu was competing for favor with Li Cunmiao's other wives, boasting to each other about their origins, and the poor and helpless Liu Shanren suddenly appeared, exposing her humble and humble family background, Liu was furious, and said: "I can still remember some things when I left my hometown, my father has died in the chaos, and I still cried for a while with the corpse before leaving." This bad old man is so bold that he dares to come and confess! He ordered Liu Shanren to be pulled out of the palace and whipped him fiercely. This matter is spreading, so, is that "bad old man" Liu's biological father? Li Cunqiao asked Yuan Jianfeng to understand the situation, and Yuan Jianfeng said: "When I first got Mrs. Liu, there was a man with a yellow beard who supported her. Seeing Liu Shanren, Yuan Jianfeng saw at a glance: "This is the yellow-bearded man back then." "There is no doubt about it - the father is not pretending, but the ruthless daughter refuses to recognize him. Li Cunmiao had a number in his heart, so he wanted to make a joke with Liu. One day at noon, when Liu was taking a nap, Li Cunqiao disguised himself as Liu Shanren, personally carried his bags and medicine box, and asked Li Jiqi to wear a broken hat, followed Yu Hou, and entered Liu's bedroom, claiming: "Liu Shanren came to visit his daughter." In this play, Li Cunqiao acted vividly, Liu was ashamed and angry, and he couldn't help his husband, so he had to take his anger out on his son and beat Li Jiqi. Li Cunqiao became the emperor and wanted to make Liu the queen. However, the Han family is the wife, even the Yi family, according to the name, is also above the Liu family, not to mention the mother Cao family, who is already the queen mother, also belongs to the Han family. Li Cunmiao was a little embarrassed.

At this time, Prime Minister Dou Luge catered to Li Cunqing's wishes and suggested that Liu be appointed as the queen; Even the privy envoy Guo Chongtao agreed. There is a reason for this: Guo Chongtao offended many eunuchs and servants, and the eunuchs and servants hated him to the core, so he wanted to cater to the Liu family to protect himself. With the support of these two important ministers, Li Cunqiao was very happy, and officially canonized Liu as the queen in the second year of Tongguang. In this way, the psychology of Han and Yi was unbalanced, and in order to appease, Li Cunqiao named Han as a concubine and Yi as a concubine. No matter Concubine Shu or Concubine De, they are all under the queen's mother, and Queen Liu will not take them in her eyes anymore. But it didn't take long for her to discover a new potential threat: Li Cunqiao fell in love with a "love concubine", who was not only beautiful and beautiful, but also gave birth to a son for the emperor! What to do? Coincidentally, Li Cunqing's confidant general Yuan Xingqin had just died of his wife. One day a banquet was held in the palace, and Li Cunqiao asked with concern: "Are you going to continue the strings?" Why don't I find one for you? Empress Liu took the opportunity to point to the "Ai Ji" and said to her husband: "Since Your Majesty is so merciful and loving, why don't you reward her to him?" Li Cunmiao was difficult to refuse for a while, so he had to "oh", "oh" perfunctory twice, Empress Liu immediately urged Yuan Xingqin to kneel down and thank him, and when Li Cunmiao hurriedly helped Yuan Xingqin up, Empress Liu had already let people use a small sedan chair to carry the "Ai Ji" out of the palace and go straight to Yuan Xingqin's house. For this reason, Li Cunmiao was so angry that he claimed to be sick and did not eat or drink for several days. As for Queen Liu, she not only avenged Li Cunmiao for pretending to be Liu Shanren, but also easily eliminated a rival in love.

Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Cao both had contacts with the generals of the feudal towns in various places, and in order to distinguish them from the holy decree of Emperor Li Cunxuan, the instructions issued by the Empress Dowager Cao were called "edicts", and the instructions of Empress Liu were called "religious orders", both of which had a certain degree of authority. Empress Dowager Cao died soon after, needless to say, Empress Liu's power increased a lot. It's just that she is very greedy for money, and when she was in Weizhou, she relied on her husband's power to do business, and even took out wood, vegetables, fruits, etc. to sell. After becoming the queen, not only did the business continue, but the property contributed by various places had to be divided into two parts, one for Li Cunqiao and one for Queen Liu herself. Li Cunmiao's share was constantly rewarded to eunuchs and servants, and the money and jewels in Empress Liu's palace were piled up. Thinking that she became a noble queen from a poor body, she thought that this was the blessing of the Buddha, so she believed in the Buddha, and only used a little wealth when copying Buddhist scriptures and giving gifts to monks and nuns. After the flood, when the prime minister led hundreds of civil and military officials to ask the emperor to take out some property from the "inner house" as military salaries to solve the living problems of the soldiers, Li Cunmiao agreed, but Empress Liu said: "Our husband and wife have won the world, although they rely on martial arts, but also because of the mandate of heaven!"

1, the death of "half-cut hero" Li Cunqiao (4)

Empress Liu (?) ―926)

Since we have a destiny, what can others do with us? Li Cunqiao thought about it too, so he replied to the prime minister with these words of Queen Liu. The prime minister was not convinced, and argued with the emperor in the palace, and Empress Liu heard it behind the screen, so she took out her makeup box and three silver basins, led Li Cunmiao's three young sons, and went out to Li Cunmiao: "The property offered from all over the country has been rewarded, and these are the only ones left in the palace, please ask the emperor to sell them and use them as military salaries!" The "these" she said naturally also included the three children, who were dignified princes! In this case, the prime minister was terrified, how dare he say anything more, so he had to retreat in embarrassment. It wasn't until there was a mutiny in Weizhou that Li Cunmiao transferred troops to the expedition that he had to take out his belongings to reward the army. However, many of the soldiers, while carrying the gifts, scolded angrily: "Our wives and children have starved to death, what is the use of these goods?" When Li Cunmiao personally led a large army to conquer the "rebellious" Li Siyuan, who had been dispersed before he arrived in Bianliang and had to withdraw to Luoyang, on the narrow road, every time he encountered a guard with a weapon in his hand, Li Cunmiao would gently and softly reassure: "I just received a report: Li Jiqi, the king of Wei, has transported back 500,000 taels of gold and silver from Shudi, and I will send it to you after returning to the capital." But the guards replied: "Your Majesty's reward has come too late, and no one will thank God's grace." Li Cunmiao had nothing to say, only tears. In fact, even if he killed Guo Chongtao, there was also a "credit" of Empress Liu: Li Cunqiao was a little hesitant after being dissuaded by others, and Empress Liu loved her son, afraid that Guo Chongtao would harm her baby son Li Jiqi, so she passed the "teaching order" signed by herself to Li Jiqi, and Li Jiqi did not attack Guo. One of Guo Chongtao's daughters married Li Cunyi, the younger brother of Li Cunqiao. After Guo Chongtao's death, a eunuch slandered in front of Li Cunqiao and said: "King Mu stretched out his sleeves, wailed and wept, and cried for his father-in-law, and his words were full of resentment. Li Cunqiao was furious, sent someone to imprison Li Cunyi, and then killed him again.