
Kang Zhenfeng went to Zhiyang Town to inspect the grassroots party building work and visited Fuqiang Hongtu Company (photo)

author:Shaanxi Net Hancheng Station

On July 1, Kang Zhenfeng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Zhiyang Town to inspect the work of grassroots party building and non-public party building, and visited Shaanxi Fuqiang Hongtu Animal Husbandry Company. City leaders Li Wei and Wang Wenjun, as well as responsible comrades of relevant units attended.

Kang Zhenfeng listened carefully to the report on the grassroots party building in Zhiyang Town and the party building work of non-public enterprises in the agricultural product processing park. He stressed that grassroots party building is an important cornerstone of all the party's work. We must always firmly grasp the clear orientation of the grassroots, coordinate the organs, units, villages, groups, communities and non-public areas, continue to strengthen the grassroots organizations, basic work, and basic capacity building, continuously improve the political and organizational functions of the grassroots party organizations, and effectively run the party's leadership through the whole process and all aspects of work, and transform the party's organizational advantages into grassroots governance and development efficiency.

Kang Zhenfeng went to Zhiyang Town to inspect the grassroots party building work and visited Fuqiang Hongtu Company (photo)

In the Fuqiang Hongtu export breeding base

Kang Zhenfeng inspected the construction and operation of the newly completed export breeding base and the production line of processed products of Fuqiang Hongtu Company on the spot, and had in-depth exchanges with the person in charge of the enterprise to learn more about the company's market development, product sales, operating efficiency and follow-up development plan this year, and coordinated and solved the problems faced by the enterprise on the spot. He said that over the years, Fuqiang Hongtu Company has been deeply engaged in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry, down-to-earth, bucking the trend, and steadily promoting the continuous improvement of the enterprise. He hopes that enterprises will adhere to the rules of the market, further clarify the development orientation and path, accelerate the improvement of the modern enterprise system, continue to strengthen the leading role of party building, continuously promote product iteration and upgrading and industrial chain extension, and resolutely adhere to the red line bottom line in accordance with laws and regulations and safe production, ecological and environmental protection, etc., and be a benchmark for the city's modern agricultural characteristic industries, and contribute to the employment and income of farmers and the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. He asked relevant units to conscientiously practice the new type of pro-Qing political and business relationship, increase factor guarantees, policy support and talent support, and help enterprises develop with high quality; Zhiyang Town and the Management Committee of the Agricultural Products Processing Park should adhere to the joint office and efficient coordination, go all out to build a 5 billion-level modern agricultural industrial park, and empower the "small city counterattack" with the mutual promotion of towns and parks and the integration of industry and city.

Kang Zhenfeng went to Zhiyang Town to inspect the grassroots party building work and visited Fuqiang Hongtu Company (photo)

Meeting site

Source: Hancheng News

Shaanxi Net Hancheng Station (Editor Wang Meina)

Kang Zhenfeng went to Zhiyang Town to inspect the grassroots party building work and visited Fuqiang Hongtu Company (photo)

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