
The study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical study center group of the district party committee was held

author:Hanjiang News
The study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical study center group of the district party committee was held
The study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical study center group of the district party committee was held

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The study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical study center group of the district party committee was held

On the evening of July 1, Hanjiang District held a study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical study center group of the district committee, and invited Zhu Ruoxun, senior public opinion analyst of China Economic Information Agency of Xinhua News Agency, to give a special lecture on "How to do a good job in news speech and public opinion guidance". District leaders Lin Zhiqin and Zeng Shuguang attended, and Zhang Qianhua, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, presided over the meeting.

The study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical study center group of the district party committee was held

In the lecture, Zhu Ruoxun focused on the domestic Internet public opinion field trends, the characteristics of the current public opinion environment, how to do a good job in publicity and guidance, and made a comprehensive explanation on the news speech and public opinion guidance.

The study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical study center group of the district party committee was held

The meeting emphasized-

It is necessary to improve the political position and enhance the sense of orientation. All units at all levels in the region should enhance their ideological understanding, continuously improve their ability to deal with the news media and their ability to deal with public opinion in emergencies, and earnestly do a good job in guiding public opinion and value orientation.

It is necessary to strengthen the guidance of public opinion and enhance the sense of service. It is necessary to respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, resolve doubts and confusion for the masses, channel emotions, actively and steadily do a good job in guiding news and public opinion, better build social consensus, and maintain social harmony and stability.

It is necessary to consolidate the working mechanism and enhance the sense of responsibility. It is necessary to further establish and improve the coordination mechanism for the guidance of public opinion on emergencies, form a joint work force, and make sure that all kinds of news and public opinion information are discovered, guided, and dealt with at the first time. (Wentu/Chen Shaoxi, Lin Jiaorong)

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