
Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

author:Hanjiang News
Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!
Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

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On the afternoon of July 1, Dayang Township held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

At the meeting, the leaders of the township party committee presented awards to the representatives of the winners of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", outstanding communist party members, outstanding party workers, and representatives of advanced grassroots party organizations; Yao Enkai, secretary of the township party committee, gave a lecture on the special party course of "Knowing the Rules and Regulations, Integrating the Party Spirit, Party Style and Party Discipline", promoting teaching with lessons, encouraging people with lessons, and building a solid ideological foundation for party members and cadres; Watch the cautionary educational film "Forever Blow the Trumpet" and feel the baptism of thought again.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Subsequently, the participating party members went to the Dayang Fujian Red Integrity Cultural Center to listen to the explanation and review the oath of joining the party, understand the original mission, and forge ahead. (Contributed by Dayang Township)

New county towns

On the morning of July 1, Xinxian Town held a ceremony for the commendation of "two excellent and one first" and the award ceremony of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

At the meeting, party members and cadres played and sang the national anthem and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The leaders of the meeting presented awards to 10 representatives of outstanding Communist Party members, 8 representatives of outstanding party workers and 4 representatives of advanced grass-roots party organizations who won town-level honors, and awarded 3 old party members with commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party".

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

After the award ceremony, Xiao Juxiang, deputy secretary of the town party committee, combined with the revolutionary history of Putian, preached the stories of party history in various periods of the new county, and gave a vivid lecture on revolutionary history for party members and cadres.

The new county and town will continue to work together, forge ahead, and add glory to the party flag and emblem with practical actions. (Contributed by Wu Tingwei, Xinxian Town)

Guohuan Town

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Guohuan Town launched a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Combined with the study and education of party discipline, the "secretary lectures on the party" was carried out at different levels, and the party members and cadres were guided to internalize the party discipline in their hearts.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Go to the family style and family training hall of overseas Chinese township in Dongda Village, Jiangkou Town, to carry out on-site teaching activities of party discipline learning and education, in-depth study and comprehension of family style and family training culture, overseas Chinese culture and honest culture, build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration, and build a loyal, clean and responsible cadre team.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

The commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" was awarded to the old party members to stimulate the majority of party members to boost the entrepreneurial spirit of the officers.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Carry out activities for party members and cadres to review the oath of joining the party, and review the solemn commitment and firm determination when taking the oath of joining the party.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Guide the majority of Party members to actively play the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, carry out various volunteer service activities such as environmental remediation, and show the good image of Communist Party members with practical actions. (Guohuan Town, Li Shaoyong)

United Front Work Department of the District Committee

On the afternoon of July 1, the Party Branch of the United Front Work Department of the Hanjiang District Party Committee carried out the party day activity of "remembering the original heart, learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and building new achievements" to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

All party members and cadres walked into the Huang Gongdu filial piety and honesty culture exhibition hall in Sanjiangkou Town to learn about Huang Gongdu's life deeds and filial piety culture, and further establish the discipline consciousness of "being a clear man and doing things cleanly".

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

The secretary of the party branch gave a special party class on party discipline to all party members, strengthened the sense of discipline, and continuously improved the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

In Red Sun Boutique Co., Ltd., all party members visited the party building cultural center of the enterprise, and jointly learned the work experience of the party branch of the red sun company to continuously promote the development of the enterprise with the "three flavors and six styles" party building work, and deeply felt the brand power of the whole industrial chain of 10 billion yuan built by Guosheng.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

All party members of the branch solemnly swore to the bright red party flag, did not forget the original intention, and practiced the oath of joining the party with practical actions.

This theme party day activity guides party members and cadres to continuously build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration, stimulates party members' enthusiasm for loving the party and patriotism, gives full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and makes more contributions to the united front work in Hanjiang. (Contributed by the United Front Work Department of the District Committee)

District Government Office

The Hanjiang District Government Office carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st". Organize and carry out the study meeting of the Party Group Theory Study Center Group, "Three Meetings and One Lesson", etc., conscientiously study and comprehend, and resolutely implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!
Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Walk into the Budweiser Xuejin Beer Museum and carry out the party day activity with the theme of "advocating honesty and cleanliness, keeping integrity and innovation to promote development"; Understand the corporate brand culture, beer brewing process, green and low-carbon production methods, etc., and deeply feel the huge potential of new quality productivity to empower industrial development.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

In the Huang Gongdu Memorial Hall, everyone conscientiously understands the spirit of filial piety and honesty, draws ideological nutrients from it, cultivates honest genes, turns them into practical motivation, and always has the party in their hearts, the people in their hearts, their responsibilities in their hearts, and their cautions in their hearts. (Contributed by the District Office)

White Sands Town

On the morning of July 1, Baisha Town carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and "July 1st" in Aodong Village, a village in the old revolutionary base area.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

The "July 1st" commendation meeting was held, and the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" was awarded to 3 old party members; Commend 5 advanced grassroots party organizations and 30 outstanding Communist Party members and outstanding party workers in Baisha Town.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

All party members visited the site of the 207th Regiment of the Red Army and reviewed the oath of joining the party, expressing their infinite loyalty and high respect for the party.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Zheng Jianyan, secretary of the town party committee, gave a lecture on the "July 1st" special party class for party members and cadres, and put forward new requirements for party members and cadres from four aspects: ideals and beliefs, public servant feelings, exemplary consciousness, and responsibility.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

During the event, Baisha Town also unveiled the exhibition hall of the old revolutionary site of the 207th Regiment of the Red Army, which was completed in quality improvement, and held the handover ceremony of the resettlement area (phase I) of the drinking water source relocation project outside Baisha Town, which was a gift for the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. (Contributed by Baisha Town)

Putian No. 6 Middle School

On July 1, the general party branch of Putian No. 6 Middle School carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" party founding day.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!
Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

The activity encourages the majority of party members to devote themselves to their work with higher morale and more enthusiasm by commending advanced models, attending special party classes, reviewing the oath of joining the party, carrying out party history education and party discipline education, etc., and jointly promotes the high-quality development of Putian No. 6 Middle School education

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Putian No. 6 Middle School also organized experts and teachers to carry out volunteer activities for students and parents to interpret the college entrance examination voluntary application policy and application process, and provide personalized application suggestions for students; All party members and teachers select students for "one-to-one assistance" in combination with their own positions, and help students grow up healthily with care. (Contributed by Putian No. 6 Middle School)

On June 30, the Party Branch of the Red Cross Golden Shield Volunteer Service Team of Handong Street, Hanjiang District, walked into the Community Party and Mass Service Center downstairs of Hanxi Street to celebrate the "July 1st" theme Party Day activities.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Party members went deep into the Luozitian Maritime Culture Micro Exhibition Hall, the Red Political Life Museum, the Puyang Book House, the Hanjiang Liaison Station Site Revolutionary Deeds Exhibition Hall and other functional areas, listened to the stories of revolutionary struggle, and absorbed the wisdom and strength of moving forward.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Everyone said that they should always remember the identity of party members, continue the red blood, inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building, establish a new image of party members in the new era, temper the new style of party members, and enhance the sense of happiness and gain of the masses. (Contributed by Handong Street Red Cross Golden Shield Volunteer Service Team)

District Civil Affairs Bureau

On July 1, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Hanjiang District launched a movie viewing activity on the Party Founding Day with the theme of "Inheriting the Red Gene and Building the Dream of China's Rejuvenation", inviting the staff of the district and the people in need to participate together, relive the glorious history of the party, feel the warm care of the party, stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the party, inherit the red gene, and absorb the strength of endeavor.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Before the start of the film, the social worker organized everyone to sing the red song "My Motherland and Me" to express their love for the party and the country.

After the event, everyone said: "This movie gives us a deeper understanding of the party's original intention and mission, and also makes us cherish today's hard-won happy life even more." In our future study work, we will take our revolutionary ancestors as an example, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, and contribute to the realization of the great Chinese dream. (District Civil Affairs Bureau, Lin Minghua)

Hanjiang Highway Sub-center On July 1, Hanjiang Highway Sub-center organized party members, cadres and workers to go into the "beautiful village" Jiangkou Dongda Village to carry out the activity of "Honest Words in the Family Style Museum, Inheriting the Family Style and Celebrating July 1st".

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Party members, cadres and workers walked into the "Honest and Good Heirloom" family style and family training hall in Dongda Village to learn General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on family, family education and family style, and understand the immigration history, development history, contribution history of overseas Chinese, as well as the good family style of establishing family rules and family training.

Today, all parts of Hanjiang celebrate the party's birthday!

Subsequently, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in front of the family style and family training hall, expressing their determination not to forget their original intention and always follow the party. (Hanjiang Highway Sub-center Zhang Renmei)

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