
I want to be a salted fish, right? The ball battle S7 Shenhai Adventure is lying too cool

author:Layton said

With the arrival of the summer carnival of ball battles, the Endless Planet S7 season has officially begun, and the theme of this season directly pulls everyone into the sea of gods, so that the ball treasures can feel cool and play Borali this summer!

I want to be a salted fish, right? The ball battle S7 Shenhai Adventure is lying too cool

The beginning of each season is the most fun stage of Endless Planet, and it is also the time when I like to live the whole life the most, everyone is not familiar with the map mechanics and the props that have been reshaped, in order not to put the ball treasures at a disadvantage at the beginning, let me introduce you to the gameplay of this season!

I want to be a salted fish, right? The ball battle S7 Shenhai Adventure is lying too cool

This season came to the sea of gods, the thorn ball directly turned into a red and green pufferfish, the two big eyes are very cute, it is easy to find, the map as a whole has become the dark blue of the ocean, a vortex will be randomly refreshed on the map, and the spores will continue to spit out, we can eat the spores it throws out on the side, if you eat it will directly increase in volume.

I want to be a salted fish, right? The ball battle S7 Shenhai Adventure is lying too cool

The most interesting thing is this season's props, the offensive prop becomes "Salted Fish Assault", and the latter salted fish is used to attack the opponent directly, which is very fun. However, you can also use the "electronic barrier" to defend and directly bounce the salted fish away.

The prop "Propeller" accelerates 250% directly after activation, and moves quickly. There is also a prop called "SpongeBob SquarePants", which is in the shape of a small sponge, which directly allows you to absorb water after use, and the volume directly increases by a circle, catching the opponent off guard, but the sponge absorbs water for a time limit, and it will return to its original size after a while.

I want to be a salted fish, right? The ball battle S7 Shenhai Adventure is lying too cool

It is worth mentioning that this season also inherits the mechanism of random BUFF, which is refreshed every once in a while, making the gameplay richer, spitting up the ball, increasing the development speed, adding question mark props to the whole map, and even directly conjuring a super large thorn ball, which increases the fun, this is a big smash fight, and it's over.

In addition, the style of everyone's use of skins has also changed this season, and various marine skins in the creative workshop have emerged in an endless stream, especially all kinds of salted fish, which fully expresses the mood of the balls, and it is so hot in summer that it is better to stay at home, drink ice cola, play balls, and want to be a salted fish in the sea.

I want to be a salted fish, right? The ball battle S7 Shenhai Adventure is lying too cool

The title of the settlement interface has also changed.,I actually got the title of "SpongeBob SquarePants".,I don't know if there's a big star and Squidward.,But I tried a few times.,The biggest one I got the title is the blue whale.,What's bigger than a whale in the sea? Let's explore it for yourself!

I want to be a salted fish, right? The ball battle S7 Shenhai Adventure is lying too cool

The new season begins, go to the sea of gods to explore, feel the cool in the deep sea in the hot summer, have a hearty chaos, see who is the king of the sea of gods, dominate the entire ocean, and become the biggest ball.