
Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

author:Bright sword southeast

Today, we are celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the officers and men of the 71st Group have organized a variety of activities to celebrate the party's birthday.

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲Poster production: Yuan Zhongbiao


▲Video: Fu Shaoxuan, Guo Feng, Gao Ruobin

Review the oath of joining the party

"I swear, I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China......" in the barracks, in the field training points, in the front line of military training, review the oath of joining the party, wear party member badges and other activities have been carried out one after another, the officers and soldiers under the inspiration of the ceremony to understand the original mission, absorb the strength to forge ahead.

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organized an activity to review the oath of joining the party in Wang Jie Square. Photo by Liao Zhenxiong

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organized a review of the oath of joining the party in the military history corridor. Photo by Zhang Yu

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲ The officers and men of a certain brigade solemnly swore an oath at the field training ground. Photo by Geng Li

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A certain brigade organized officers and soldiers to review the oath of joining the party at the training ground. Photo by Qi Kangle

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organized party members in the camp to review the oath of joining the party. Photo by Huang Zhenyu

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade wears a party member badge for new party members. Photo by Guo Pinxi

Remembering the revolutionary martyrs

"We must bear in mind the glorious history, inherit the red gene, and constantly push forward the great cause pioneered by our revolutionary ancestors at a new starting point......," said Le Yi, an officer of a brigade, and through carrying out commemorative activities such as paying tribute to the martyrs and remembering the heroes, the emphasis is on encouraging officers and men to strive to be the successors of the red and continue to fight and charge.

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲Officers and soldiers of a brigade presented flower baskets to the heroes and martyrs. Photo by Zhang Yu

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲The officers and soldiers of a brigade cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs. Wanli wants to take a photo

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A sergeant of a brigade wiped the tombstone of a revolutionary martyr. Photo by He Dan

Party discipline study and education

Do not forget the original intention to follow the party, and forge ahead in the new era. In combination with the ongoing study and education of party discipline, all units have further built the ideological foundation of party members and cadres by visiting the clean government education base and organizing the reading and sharing meeting of the clean education.

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organizes party discipline study and education. Photo by Tian Wenlong

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organized a visit to the party style and clean government education base. Photo by Zhao Genyuan

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade carried out educational activities in combination with the theme board newspaper. Photo by Luo Zhuohan

Visit the Red Stadium

"The history of the party and the military contains the red gene of the growth and growth of the people's army, and making good use of red resources and telling red stories is of great significance for guiding officers and soldiers to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and take the road of military service." At the event site, in front of battle flags, objects and photos, officers and men traced the footprints of their ancestors, continued the fine traditions, and were determined to strengthen the army and win the war.

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A hospital organized a visit to the exhibition hall of Wang Jie's deeds. Photo by Hao Mingming

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organized a visit to the New Fourth Army Memorial Hall. Photo by Wang Wenzhou

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organized party members to study party building style exhibition. Photo by Su Jiapeng

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organized party members to visit the red venue of the station. Photo by Lao Hongchao

Forge the original mission

Iron-hearted to the party, struggle to strengthen the army. They also organized officers and soldiers to carry out mass discussion activities such as "everyone tells the story of party history" and "typical people talk on stage to strengthen the army" through the commendation of outstanding party members, branch party member conferences, party group meetings, etc., and mobilized all party members to participate in ideological confrontations, find gaps in inspection and analysis, and lead the direction of Zhongming in a positive direction.

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲The "Siping Battalion" of a brigade organized a commendation ceremony for outstanding Communist Party members and an oath ceremony for joining the party. Photo by Xiong Mingshuai

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade carried out the activity of "everyone tells the story of party history". Photo by Qiu Youping

Today, the officers and men of the 71st Group jointly celebrated the birthday of the party

▲A brigade organized a mass discussion activity. Photo by Tang Tian

The 100-year-old party is in its prime

The heart of the beginning of the century has been strong for a long time

Through the development of a series of activities

Army group troops

All the officers and soldiers unanimously said

Be more determined

Strive to strengthen the army under the banner of the party

Forever pure and glorious, and build the army for a hundred years

Draft丨Zhou Zhenguo, Zeng Xianfa, Song Fangwu, Liao Peng

(Participating editors: Li Shuo, Wang Yu, Fan Chunlong, Li Fengkun, Liu Zijie, Li Zheng, Jiang Yucheng, Wang Qirui, Xue Weigao, Lu Chao, Yao Lei, Wang Zuxiao, Zhou Naijun, Xiao Maohong, Jiang Binyao, Zhao Qiansong, Zhang Jiahui, Fan Junyu, Li Runxiang, Liu Huangwei, Fang Yuhang, Xiao Yifeng, Xiao Shengxian, Yi Zhichao, Zhang Qiangwei, Lu Mingkai, Ge Benqian)