
Sales volume of new car-making forces in June: 5 car companies with monthly sales exceeding 20,000, and Ideal continues to lead

author:Quick review of the car

June has just ended, and the mainstream new car-making power car companies can't wait to announce their June sales data. Overall, compared with May, the new car-making forces have seen a significant increase in sales.

Among them, there are 5 car companies with monthly sales of more than 20,000. The sales volume of Ideal and Wenjie in June exceeded 40,000 units in one fell swoop, and the sales volume of Xiaomi Auto in June also exceeded 10,000 units. Next, we will take a detailed inventory of the slight market performance of the major new car-making forces.

No. 1 Li Auto

Li Auto's sales in June were 47,774 units, a year-on-year increase of 46.7%, and it continued to be the sales champion of new car manufacturers. The reason why Li Auto's sales in June can achieve such eye-catching results is mainly due to the hot sales of Li L6.

Sales volume of new car-making forces in June: 5 car companies with monthly sales exceeding 20,000, and Ideal continues to lead

Li Auto Chairman Li also said on July 1 that the delivery volume of Li L6 in June successfully exceeded the 20,000 mark. That is to say, the Ideal L6 model basically accounts for more than 40% of the total sales of Ideal Auto and has become the main sales model of Ideal Auto.

In the second quarter of this year, Li Auto delivered a total of 109,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 25.5%. In the first half of the year, Li Auto delivered a total of 189,000 vehicles.

No. 2 Wenjie Automobile

According to the news released by Hongmeng Zhixing, the cumulative delivery volume was 46,141 vehicles, setting a new high in monthly sales. Among them, the sales volume of Wenjie Automobile was 43,146 units, ranking second only to Li Auto among the new car-making forces.

Although the sales volume is not as good as the ideal, the difference from the ideal is that the more expensive the car is, the better the sales. In June, the sales volume of the M9 was 17,241 units, continuing to rank first in the sales of models with more than 500,000 units. The sales of the M7 were also not bad, with 18,493 units sold.

Sales volume of new car-making forces in June: 5 car companies with monthly sales exceeding 20,000, and Ideal continues to lead

On the contrary, the M5, which has the lowest price, has become the lowest-selling model of Wenjie Automobile, with only 7,046 units sold in June.

Zhijie S7 sold 2,995 units in June, a significant month-on-month decline.

In the first half of 2014, the cumulative sales of all models of Hongmeng Zhixing were 194207.

No. 3 NIO

NIO sold 21,209 vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 98.1%, and a slight increase month-on-month, hitting a record high. This is also the second consecutive month that NIO has achieved monthly sales of more than 20,000 units after entering 2024.

Sales volume of new car-making forces in June: 5 car companies with monthly sales exceeding 20,000, and Ideal continues to lead

Regarding the growth of Weilai's sales, it seems that this screen is mainly because the battery swap mode adopted by Weilai has played a great role. Because after the car owner chooses the BaaS car purchase plan, that is, the separation of vehicle and electricity, the overall car price can drop by tens of thousands of yuan.

To increase sales, NIO will also specially adjust its BaaS policy in 2024, with a minimum battery rent of only 728 yuan per month, as well as a series of preferential policies.

In the second quarter of this year, NIO delivered a total of 57,373 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 143.9%. In the first half of 2024, NIO delivered 87,426 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 60.2%.

Sales volume of new car-making forces in June: 5 car companies with monthly sales exceeding 20,000, and Ideal continues to lead

ZEEKR and Leapmotor are two car companies ranked 5th and 6th in the sales list, with monthly sales of more than 20,000 units. With the increase in production capacity, Xiaomi Auto's sales in June also exceeded the 10,000 mark.

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