
The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

author:Pillow History

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A nine-year-old Chinese girl had to leave China, where she had always lived, to study in Japan, a complete stranger, because of her father's work. However, before she set foot in a Japanese school, she claimed that she wanted to fight for China, but before that, she couldn't speak a word of Japanese.

So who is this little girl who has set up big ambitions? What kind of experience will she have in Japan?

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

Elementary school students who came to Japan

In 1996, Zhang Su, a 9-year-old third-grade elementary school student, left China with her mother and went to Japan to live with her long-lost father. Zhang Su's father, Zhang Huanran, was an international student who went to Japan in his early years, and stayed in Tokyo to work after graduation, which led to him and his family always getting together less and leaving more.

This year, he finally made up his mind to arrange for his wife and daughter to go to Japan and reunite the family. This arrangement also means that Zhang Su wants to continue his primary school career in Japan.

But before that, she had never studied Japanese, and her parents were worried about whether she would be able to adapt to school life in Japan. In the face of his parents' worries, Zhang Su's performance was quite confident.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

As a top student in the class, he even said that he wanted to be the first in the exam and fight for China, at this time, Zhang Su did not have a good impression of the Japanese classmates and Japanese schools he had never met.

But the development of follow-up events exceeded Zhang Su's psychological expectations.

In order to welcome the arrival of Zhang Su's mother and daughter, his father specially rented a larger house for the three of them to live. Although he has to face high rent, these are not problems for him compared to the feelings of his family.

In the evening, the family spent their first night in Japan in a newly rented house.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

The next day, Zhang Su had to go to an unfamiliar Japanese school, but her father could not accompany her to school in person due to work reasons, so she had to let the mother and daughter, who did not understand Japanese, go together.

Fortunately, the school that Zhang Huanran chose for his daughter is not far from where they live, and it can be reached within a dozen minutes' walk. Moreover, this school has a history of more than 100 years, and the quality of teaching can also meet the requirements of my daughter.

However, this long-established school is the first time to accept foreign students, so the students in the school are very curious about Zhang Su, and on the day she went to school, countless students gathered on the side of the road to watch curiously, which made Zhang Su a little overwhelmed when she first arrived.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

Later, she and her mother finally found the reception room of the school and met Zhang Su's future homeroom teacher, Mr. Nakamura. She brought Zhang Su into the class and introduced her to all the students in the classroom.

Zhang Su also greeted everyone in the Japanese she had learned with her father last night, and the children in the podium applauded when they saw her brave performance. This made Zhang Su's originally somewhat uneasy heart relax, and just when she thought that the next would be smooth sailing, the classmates around her sang a morning song in Japanese.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

Then there was Mr. Nakamura's Japanese lecture, which made Zhang Su, who didn't know anything about Japanese, dumbfounded, she sat in the classroom for a class and didn't understand anything, which is unimaginable for Zhang Su, who has always been very good at learning.

But this frustration didn't seem to be conveyed to the elementary school students around them, and as soon as class started, they couldn't control their curiosity and began to ask questions about Zhang Su in Japanese.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

This made her feel even more aggrieved, and the tears she had held back in class before could no longer be controlled at this time, and flowed out of her eyes. But she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of the group of classmates she had just met, so she rushed out of the classroom and threw herself into the arms of her mother, who was observing outside.

Seeing her daughter suffer such a setback in the first quarter, the mother was not upset, but she still wiped away Zhang Su's tears and encouraged her to be brave.

Zhang Su, who was comforted by her mother, walked into the classroom again, picked up the textbook on the desk and asked Mr. Nakamura word by word. Seeing Zhang Su's learning attitude, Mr. Nakamura was very pleased and patiently answered her questions.

The onlookers saw her difficulties in learning Japanese and offered to help.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

encountered such a setback when she just came to a Japanese school, can Zhang Su still strive for the first place as she said before?

Gradually adapt to life

Zhang Su, a nine-year-old Chinese girl, came to Japan to study because of her father's work, and on the way to her new home, she made up her ambition to be the first in the exam and fight for China.

But on the first day of entering the Japanese school, as a former top student, she encountered a waterloo in learning, she couldn't understand the Japanese spoken by the teacher and classmates, and she needed to learn from scratch.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

After discovering that she had shortcomings in Japanese, Zhang Su would spend a lot of time studying Japanese every day, and her classmates would enthusiastically teach her how to read various Japanese words.

And her homeroom teacher, Mr. Nakamura, in order to integrate her into the class as soon as possible, also specially arranged a school partner for Zhang Su, Yuki Takeda. After having this friend, Zhang Su would go to school with her every morning, and although the two children of the same age did not understand the language and communicated with each other, they still established a bridge of friendship.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

In this way, a month passed quietly, and Zhang Su gradually began to adapt to life in Japan, but she still had a lot of problems in learning, facing the teacher Nakamura who taught in Japanese, she could understand the part of the minority, most of the time, Zhang Su could only judge the meaning of her speech through the teacher's gestures and tone.

In this way, Zhang Su's learning progress was naturally left behind. As the only international student in the school for so many years, the school attaches great importance to it, so it specially hired a translation teacher to help her study.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

With the help of the translation teacher, Zhang Su's Japanese improved rapidly, and she was finally able to understand what the teacher was talking about. She also tried to take the initiative to raise her hand to answer the teacher's questions, and out of encouragement, every time Mr. Nakamura saw her raise her hand, he would ask her to answer the questions by name.

As a result, Zhang Su's self-confidence in learning was re-established, and her attitude towards the Japanese school and the students in the school also changed, and later she even said something quite patterned.

At that time, the school held a general meeting, and all the teachers and students of the school gathered together, and suddenly the principal asked Zhang Su to speak on the stage and talk about his heart.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

Zhang Su was completely unprepared, but with the encouragement of the translation teacher, she still mustered up the courage to go on stage and start speaking. But her next unprepared words moved everyone present.

She told everyone that she hoped to be good friends with them, holding up the dove of peace and singing the song of peace.

Friendship remains the same

With the help of her teachers and classmates, Zhang Su, a nine-year-old girl, came to Japan to study, and with the help of her teachers and classmates, she quickly mastered the foreign language and made many Japanese friends, and she also changed her attitude when she first came to Japan.

After solving the problem of language, Zhang Su's academic performance also improved by leaps and bounds, and soon caught up with the learning progress of the class, and even became the first place in the class, realizing her ambition when she first arrived in Japan, to take the first place in the exam and fight for China.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

Even Ms. Nakamura, the head teacher, praised her progress, and in her eyes, Zhang Su's enthusiasm for learning was something she had never seen before, and she deserved to achieve today's results.

In 1997, Zhang Su was about to enter the fourth grade of primary school, at this time she no longer had any problems in Japanese communication, and the conversation with her good friend Yuki Takeda every day also changed from chicken-to-duck to smooth communication, and the relationship between the two went further.

Now in class, Zhang Su still actively raises her hand to answer questions, but Mr. Nakamura no longer has to ask her to answer questions again and again in order to take care of her. Zhang Su has been fully integrated into the class like other children, and if she does not explain her identity herself, then everyone will not even think that she is a foreigner.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

Different from Zhang Su's smooth school life, due to the impact of the economic crisis, the company where Zhang Su's father worked fell into a disadvantageous situation, so when the New Year was just entered, the family also came to the temple to pray for blessings, hoping that everything would go well in the new year.

But such prayers did not seem to work, and in 1998, Zhang Su's father's company was on the verge of collapse, so he had to find another way to make a living as soon as possible.

In the end, after discussion, Zhang Su's parents decided to let his mother take Zhang Su back to China, while his father continued to stay in Japan to start a business. After the news reached the school, Mr. Nakamura and the principal were reluctant to let Zhang Su leave, and wanted to do their best to keep him, even if he finished elementary school in Japan, but this wish was not fulfilled in the end.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China

On June 23, 1998, this was Zhang Su's last day of school in Japan, and her good friend Yuki Takeda was still waiting for Zhang Su to go to school together in front of the door as usual, but there were always two people who couldn't finish talking on weekdays, but this day was extremely silent, and the emotion of parting was shrouded in everyone's hearts.

Even the school decided to suspend classes and hold a farewell party for Zhang Su. The classmates who got along day and night played a tune for Zhang Su, and Zhang Su also left their mailing address, and the two sides agreed to keep in touch often in the future.

As the sun sets, it's time to say goodbye, even if you don't give up. Zhang Su's figure gradually disappeared at the school gate, and the classmates behind her shouted to her through the window, hoping to see her again.

The nine-year-old girl went to Japan to study, claiming that she wanted to fight for China, and finally returned to China


Zhang Su, who returned to China, did not forget this friendship in Japan and often contacted them, among whom Mr. Nakamura came to China many times to visit her.

Later, Zhang Su was admitted to Fudan University and became a reporter for China News Service after graduation.


  • Author: Su Mian
  • Editor: Su Mian

This article was originally written by "Pillow History", and has been opened for rights protection on the whole network, and may not be reproduced without authorization, and infringement must be investigated.

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