
WeChat just responded: Restrict this operation!

author:It's all skills
WeChat just responded: Restrict this operation!

Yesterday, the Weibo topic #WeChat collection code can't be paid# rushed to the hot search, causing heated discussions among netizens.

WeChat just responded: Restrict this operation!

The topic originated from two days ago, when a netizen took a taxi home and was about to pay, he found that his card balance was insufficient. This witty netizen took a picture of the collection code in the master's mobile phone, and planned to pay after returning home.

This operation seems reasonable, but when he gets home and is about to pay, he finds that the payment code he took is not working.

WeChat just responded: Restrict this operation!

This unexpected situation caught the netizen off guard and fell into deep confusion. However, judging from the posts of netizens on a certain red software, similar situations happen from time to time.

WeChat just responded: Restrict this operation!

In this regard, WeChat officials responded.

WeChat explained that in order to ensure the security of the transaction, WeChat's collection code is displayed as a dynamic QR code on the screen of a personal mobile phone, which is time-sensitive, so it does not support the use of photos or screenshots.

If the user needs a long-term valid collection code, they can get the collection code picture through the path of WeChat "I-Service-Payment-QR Code Collection-Save Collection Code".

WeChat just responded: Restrict this operation!

In the event of a last resort, if you need to delay your payment, it is best to take a picture of the payment code printed out offline by those merchants. This collection code will not be refreshed in real time, so you can pay remotely.

WeChat reminds that these measures are mainly for security considerations, to prevent the collection code from being abused or stolen, and to ensure the security of the transaction. Therefore, when using WeChat payment codes, you need to pay attention to these restrictions and follow the official guidance.

WeChat just responded: Restrict this operation!

It is worth mentioning that in terms of the rules for the use of collection codes, there are significant differences between Alipay and WeChat.

At present, Alipay's collection code supports screenshots or photographs, but some specific codes, such as ride codes and payment codes, are not supported.

WeChat just responded: Restrict this operation!

In general, unless you encounter special circumstances, it is not recommended that you use screenshots or take pictures of the collection code to make remote payments. When receiving money, use the dynamic collection code generated by the official real-time generation, or generate a long-term static collection code, so that the collection is the most secure.