
Vigilance to the party丨Different party ages have the same original intention

author:Ping An Anyang

Forge ahead into a new era

A new journey of dreams


103 years of ups and downs

103 years ago did not change

From the little red boat on the South Lake in Jiaxing

to chop the waves

The Oriental Giant Ship that is forging ahead

Communist Party of China

After the vicissitudes of life, the achievements are brilliant

Leading generation after generation of Communists

Tenacious struggle and hard work

Beginner's Unreformed Eternal Party

Passing on the torch continues the chapter

Anyang Public Security

With unpretentiousness

"Words from the Heart"

Show loyalty to the party

Express your gratitude to the party

Pour out your love for the party

Let's hear from them about their loyalty

Take over the baton and struggle for sustainability

Vigilance to the party丨Different party ages have the same original intention

Chang Zhanhao, a police officer from the Baibi Police Station of the Anyang County Public Security Bureau

Chang Zhanhao, male, member of the Communist Party of China, born in 2001, joined the public security work in 2023, joined the party in 2023, and has 1 year of party experience. He is now a police officer of the Baibi Police Station of the Anyang County Public Security Bureau.

In 2023, I am honored to join the Communist Party of China, which is the most important thing in my life. Every time I recall the solemn oath in front of the party flag, I am always full of enthusiasm and confidence.

As a new party member, I always keep in mind the party's teachings, keep in mind the identity of party members, this year I grew rapidly under the care and guidance of the organization, rooted in the grassroots, hard work, fade the "arrogant" two gases, in the urgency and danger to accept the tempering, in the service of the masses to practice the original intention, in the forge ahead in the struggle to create the first. As a public security policeman, I will always keep in mind the original intention of joining the party, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members, conscientiously handle every police situation, listen to the voices of the masses attentively, resolve contradictions and disputes with feelings, forge ahead, be a pioneer, and add glory to the party flag and the police flag with practical actions.

That year, when I joined the party, my heart was full of light

Vigilance to the party丨Different party ages have the same original intention

Li Lin, a police officer of the Household Administration Center of the Yindu Branch

Li Lin, female, member of the Communist Party of China, born in 1984, joined the public security work in 2012, joined the party in July 2014, and has been in the party for 10 years. He is now a police officer of the Household Administration Center of the Yindu Branch of the Anyang Public Security Bureau.

With the bright and dazzling sunshine, July has arrived again. Ten years ago today, under the solemn banner of the Party, I was honorably a member of the Communist Party. From that moment on, I had faith in my heart and I was moving towards it.

When I was a child, I once read two poems by Zheng Banqiao: "Some small Caozhou county officials, every branch and leaf are always about love." "I didn't fully understand the implications at the time. It wasn't until I became a party member and took up my current job that I gradually understood the duties and missions of being a party member and a police officer. Whether it is to apply for ID cards for people with limited mobility, or to handle business remotely for people who are far away and cannot return home, or to solve the problem of abandoning and vagranting people without hukou...... Those smiles that bloomed were not only the heartfelt gratitude of the masses, but also the recognition of my work, and inspired me to contribute to the cause of the party.

The spirit of the police remains the same, and the original intention does not change

Vigilance to the party丨Different party ages have the same original intention

Traffic Police Detachment Wenfeng Brigade Police Officer Guo Guoying

Guo Guoying, an accident handling police officer of the Wenfeng Brigade of the Traffic Police Detachment of the Anyang Municipal Public Security Bureau, joined the Communist Party of China in 2004 and has been a party member for 20 years. In 2006, he joined the public security work, and in 2010, he worked in the accident handling brigade, and has been engaged in accident handling work at the grassroots level for 14 years.

Ever since I joined the party, I have been well aware of my responsibilities and missions. It has also been strictly demanding itself according to the standards of party members, and practicing the mission and responsibility of party members with practical actions. As a police officer, my original intention is to serve the people. Over the past 14 years of accident handling, I have always adhered to the principle of taking the people as the center, proceeding from the interests of the people, conscientiously handling every accident, treating every person seriously, making every effort to solve every practical problem of the masses, striving to resolve every contradiction between the masses, and truly serving the people in my work.

Over the years of working at the grassroots level, I have accumulated a wealth of experience and skills, and I have learned how to deal with various accidents quickly and effectively, and how to remain calm and sane at critical moments. When the parties are out of control, pour a cup of tea for the parties to stabilize their emotions, and a simple sentence of "come and come, drink a cup of tea first, let's talk calmly and slowly" has become the key to the success of mediation in many cases. In the face of the incomprehension and doubts of the parties, I will tell myself that my original intention as a traffic police officer is to "serve the people", and only by being calm and patiently explaining can we truly "do practical things for the masses".

The red gene is forever inherited

Don't forget the original intention and always move forward

Vigilance to the party丨Different party ages have the same original intention

Wang Lushan, a police officer of the Public Security Patrol Brigade of the Beiguan Branch

Wang Lushan, male, member of the Communist Party of China, born in 1970, enlisted in the army in March 1989, joined the party in May 1994, and has been a party member for 30 years. He joined the police in 2005 and is now a police officer of the Public Security Patrol Brigade of the Beiguan Branch of the Anyang Public Security Bureau. He has won the third-class merit twice, was rated as an "outstanding Communist Party member" by the Anyang Public Security Bureau, and was commended as a "National Public Security Organ Model of Loving the People" in May 2022.

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, it has been 30 years since I joined the party. From the moment I joined the party, I always kept in mind the party's teachings, behaved honestly, and did things in a down-to-earth manner.

My father was an "old eight roads", and he was also a well-known good man, who was honest and selfless. A long time ago, I made up my mind to be the inheritor of my father's red family style, so that the red family style can be passed on from generation to generation. In 2021, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, after paying the party dues, I paid an extra 2,021 yuan in special party dues to express my gratitude to the party. From my father's body, I saw the shadow of Lei Feng, and it was from then on that the "Lei Feng Spirit" was like a seed, sprouting and growing in my heart......

The party emblem is like a bright light, always guiding me forward, I helped the people in the jurisdiction to build confidence to overcome the disease, quickly picked up the injured foot of Mrs. Yang to the hospital for treatment, visit the elderly living alone...... I keep my original intention in serving the people, work hard in the subtleties of my work, do more good things, will purify my soul, "Lei Feng spirit" will become a gene flowing in my blood, and I can also feel happy in the process of helping others.

Take an oath once and practice it for a lifetime

Vigilance to the party丨Different party ages have the same original intention

Former police officer of the Political Department of the Beiguan Branch Lu Zhiguo

Lu Zhiguo, male, member of the Communist Party of China, born in February 1964, joined the Communist Party of China in October 1984, with 40 years of party experience, joined the public security work in October 1999, retired in 2023, and was formerly a third-level senior sergeant of the Political Department of the Beiguan Branch of the Anyang Public Security Bureau. He has successively won personal third-class meritorious service, personal commendation and other honors.

There are always many special days worth remembering in a person's life. Forty years ago, I raised my right fist in front of the bright red party flag and took an oath. From that moment on, the shining party emblem illuminated the direction in which I was headed.

In 1999, I took off my "olive green" military uniform and put on a "navy blue" police uniform. What has changed is the change of roles and identities, and what has not changed is the belief and determination to be loyal to the party and the original intention of serving the people. The police uniform is in the body, and the responsibility is in the heart. The party emblem is on the chest, and the mission is on the shoulder. Over the past 40 years, with boundless loyalty and enthusiasm for the cause of public security, I have dedicated the best years of my life to public security work. As a propaganda policeman, I used enthusiastic words to record the fearlessness and hardships of my comrades-in-arms in fighting crime and supporting justice, and used simple and unpretentious photos to freeze the most warm and touching moments of the deep affection of the police and the people.

Although I have retired and officially bid farewell to the police profession, I have also opened a new stage of my life, and I will continue to care about and support the public security work, and do my best to make suggestions and contributions to the public security cause.

My heart is devoted to the party, and it will never fade

Vigilance to the party丨Different party ages have the same original intention

Former traffic police detachment policeman Li Jishan

Li Jishan was born in 1954 in Linzhou City, Anyang, Henan Province, the hometown of the spirit of Hongqi Canal. He joined the army in 1973, joined the Communist Party of China in 1974, and had a party age of 50 years, transferred to the traffic police detachment of the Anyang Public Security Bureau in 1986, and retired in 2014.

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, as an ordinary party member with 50 years of party experience, I am filled with emotion.

Fifty years ago, I joined the Communist Party of China with honor, and fifty years later, on July 1, I received a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". This is not only a precious honor, but also makes me deeply appreciate the care and warmth of the party organization for our old party members. Work can be retired, but party membership never fades. In the future, I will continue to give full play to my residual heat, drive the young party members around me, and pass on the fine style of Anyang Public Security. At the same time, I also hope that the young police will not forget their original intentions, keep their mission in mind, practice the oath of joining the police with practical actions, and contribute their youth to the public security in Anyang.

The original intention has never changed

The mission is always in mind

Party age is not a simple number

It's about trust and expectation

It contains mission and responsibility

The "heartfelt words" of the police

It expresses the most sincere and good wishes to the party

Vigilance to the party丨Different party ages have the same original intention

Anyang Public Security

will be even more determined

A more high-spirited attitude

Faithfully perform their duties and charge ahead

Let the police badge shine more brightly under the party flag