
The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

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The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

What is the concept of 703 points, that is, you can apply for whichever university you want to go to, and you don't have to worry about not being admitted at all.

But such a champion was rejected by 11 prestigious schools in the United States, which was beyond everyone's imagination. #长文创作激励计划 ##2024头条高考季#

1. Other people's children

Li Taibo, who was born in an ordinary family in Beijing, has been a child of other people's families since he was a child.

When Li Taibo was born, the little one, looking at the infant child, Li's father and mother thought about giving their son a good name.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Li's father and mother looked over and over again with a dictionary in their hands, and they couldn't make up their minds what kind of name they wanted to give their son.

When friends and relatives saw them like that, they suggested that they should flip through the Analects, knowing that parents basically turn to the dictionary when choosing names for their children, so they simply change them.

Li's father and mother thought about it, and felt that their relatives and friends were quite right, so they prepared to replace the dictionary with "Analects".

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Said to change, Li's father immediately went to the bookstore to buy a copy of the Analects and came back, "The Analects" in hand, Li's father and Li's mother started their own name business again.

When Li's mother saw the eighth chapter of the Analects, she unconsciously stopped flipping through the book, and when she saw the word "Taber", she felt that this word was suitable for her son.

Mother Li asked Father Li to follow and take a look, and wanted Father Li to help staff together, and finally the couple unanimously decided that their son would be called Li Taibo.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

The couple also thought that their son's name was taken from the Analects, and maybe Li Taibo would be able to get a little bookish, in case he grew up to be a scholar in the future.

As Li Taibo grew up day by day, the couple felt that when they were enlightening their son, Li Taibo learned very quickly, and even spoke a little earlier than the neighbor's children of the same age.

When Li Taibo was a little older, he began to recognize more words, and Li Taibo's favorite thing to do every day was to study at home.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

The books at home, Li Taibo is not limited to the type, he will hold it in his hand, read it carefully, and when he encounters something he doesn't understand, Li Taibo will also ask his parents for advice.

While Li Taibo was still reading at home, children of the same age in the neighborhood were basically playing outside all day long.

In this way, whenever the neighbors are educating their own children, they will always pull Li Taibo out as a reference group, hoping that their children can learn more from Li Taibo.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

After everyone enters primary school, many children will hear a sentence from time to time, look at Li Taibo, why can't you learn from others.

In the eyes of many parents, their children are a leather monkey, if they can be a little like Li Taibo learning, they really have to wake up laughing from their dreams.

It would be nice if Li Taibo was really a nerd, but Li Taibo was not.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Li Taibo likes to draw and play the piano, and he will spare a certain amount of time every day to play the piano and paint.

In this way, it is not easy for friends of the same age to say anything, and every time parents teach themselves, they listen quietly.

Entering junior high school, schoolwork is no longer as easy as in primary school, and many children are still unable to adapt quickly, but Li Taibo feels okay and has been moving forward at his own pace.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

At home, Li Taibo is the precious son of the family, spoiled by his parents and elders, and at school, Li Taibo is a good friend of his classmates and a good student of the teacher.

It can be said that the word smooth sailing is synonymous with Li Taibo's life.

Li Taibo is talented, willing to work hard, friendly to others, and has not encountered any setbacks in his growth, so he lives so plainly.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Second, the college entrance examination is not far away

Entering high school, Li Taibo felt as if there was a tense and oppressive atmosphere around him.

Students are hurrying to study, and parents are afraid that their children's bodies will not be able to keep up with their studies, resulting in a decline in academic performance.

Li Taibo has no such worries, in Li Taibo's view, learning is to learn for oneself, to make a good plan, when to do what should be done, do a good job.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

In his spare time, Li Taibo also wrote a song by himself, and after recording it, he gave it to Li's father as a ringtone for mobile phone calls.

Whenever Li's father's phone rings, Li's father will think of his precious son.

After someone next to Father Li heard the ringtone, he also asked Father Li what kind of song it was, and why he didn't hear that song in the ringtone library of his mobile phone.

Whenever this happens, Father Li always proudly says that the song was written by his son himself, and it is a gift from his son.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

In between classes, Li Taibo often discusses with his classmates which university he wants to apply for, what major he wants to study, and what job he wants to do after graduating from university.

When I was in high school, the flow of time seemed to suddenly speed up, and I was in my third year of high school.

The tense atmosphere became stronger and stronger, and even Li Taibo unconsciously began to get nervous.

Students like Li Taibo have long been on the enrollment lists of many college admissions groups, and even teachers will tell Li Taibo that if Li Taibo keeps it, maybe he will get a guaranteed place.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

After listening to the teacher's words, Li Taibo felt that no, in Li Taibo's opinion, with his own strength, he could also go to the university he wanted to go to.

Li Taibo didn't take this matter to heart, but Li's father and mother began to think about it.

After all, if he gets a guaranteed place, it means that Li Taibo will not have to take the college entrance examination, he will directly get the admission qualification, and he can also choose the major he wants to study independently.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Li's father and mother have discussed this matter with Li Taibo, and Li Taibo also said that he doesn't have to worry too much, even if he doesn't have a guaranteed place, he can be admitted to the university he wants to study.

Thinking of Li Taibo's behavior and achievements in weekdays, Li's father and mother thought that their son was right, so they didn't mention this topic again.

The matter of escorting the quota was like a gust of wind, blowing lightly past the Li family, leaving almost no trace.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Li Taibo didn't care too much about the so-called guaranteed quota, and still studied and lived at his own pace.

Just when Li Taibo was about to forget about this incident, Li Taibo happily asked Li Taibo to go to the office, and then told Li Taibo that he had been given a guaranteed place at Peking University.

Li Taibo didn't expect that he could really get a guaranteed place at Peking University in advance, and in Li Taibo's plan, he wanted to apply for the electronics department of Tsinghua University.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

So, Li Taibo directly said that he didn't want this guaranteed place, and if he could give it to other students, he would give it to them.

Teacher Li Taibo originally thought that Li Taibo should be very happy after learning that he was escorted, but he didn't expect Li Taibo to say that he didn't want this escort place.

After listening to Li Taibo's words, Mr. Li Taibo said that this is a very important matter, and he still needs to discuss it with Li Taibo, so let Li Taibo return to the classroom and continue to study.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Mr. Li Taibo contacted Li's father and mother and told the other party the whole thing.

Teacher Li Taibo originally thought that Li Taibo's parents would join forces with him to persuade Li Taibo, but he didn't expect Li's father and mother to express their support for their son's idea, but they would also talk to Li Taibo again.

In the evening, when Li Taibo and Li's father and mother had dinner together, they talked about this matter, and Li Taibo said that he didn't want to study at Peking University and wanted to apply for Tsinghua University.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Until Li Taibo made a decision that was not a whim and hot-headed, Li's father and Li mother chose to stand behind Li Taibo. Full support for his son.

In this way, Li Taibo refused to be sent to Peking University and walked into the college entrance examination room with countless candidates.

3. Create a new world

After the college entrance examination, Li Taibo also gave himself a rare vacation and spent a period of time easily.

On the day the scores were announced, Li Taibo was not excited about checking the scores, but Li's father and mother unconsciously began to get nervous.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

When he learned that Li Taibo scored 703 points, Li's father and mother were very excited.

Although Li Taibo refused the guaranteed quota of Peking University before, Li's father and mother expressed their support for Li Taibo, but they were still worried about their son.

Now that I learned that Li Taibo scored 703 points in the college entrance examination and was the top science student in Beijing that year, the heart of Li's father and mother fell steadily.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

It wasn't until after the college entrance examination scores that Li's father and mother thought that Li Taibo was ready to apply for the Department of Electronics of Tsinghua University with peace of mind, but Li Taibo said that he wanted to apply to universities in the United States.

In this way, Li Taibo applied to 11 prestigious universities in the United States at the same time, including the world-famous Harvard University and Yale University.

At the same time, when I filled in the application, I also applied for the University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

It was another time of waiting, and just when everyone began to speculate about how many prestigious schools Li Taibo would eventually receive admission notices, the 11 American colleges and universities that Li Taibo had applied to before all rejected Li Taibo.

This news is beyond everyone's imagination, and everyone can't figure out how to understand that a top science student has been rejected by 11 colleges and universities in a row, which is simply unheard of.

Even Li's father and mother didn't expect to encounter such a situation, and when they didn't know how to deal with it, many media began to wantonly analyze the reasons for Li Taibo's failure.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Not wanting to continue to let the false information continue to ferment, Li Taibo posted on Weibo to analyze the reasons for his failure.

First of all, Li Taibo's application to American colleges and universities was too late, and it was a temporary rise, and compared with other students who were ready to apply to American colleges and universities early, Li Taibo was almost unprepared.

Second, the U.S. education system is different from the Chinese education system, and if you want to apply to U.S. colleges and universities, you must take the SAT and pay more attention to reading comprehension skills.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Although Li Taibo scored 2240 on the SAT, his score in the reading comprehension section was not high, so he did not have an advantage.

Finally, when he applied to American colleges and universities, he also applied for full scholarships from each university.

On the whole, Li Taibo didn't have time to prepare his resume at all, so he naturally lost among the students who applied at the same time.

Li Taibo calmly analyzed the reasons for his failure, and suggested that if you also want to apply, you must be prepared and do not play temporarily.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

Think about it, under the convention, how can something that is made on the spot be better than something that someone else spends time and energy to make.

It's not that what is made on the fly is necessarily bad, it's just that in a competitive environment, in a comparative environment, as a judge, who doesn't want to see a well-prepared work.

In the end, Li Taibo chose to study at the University of Hong Kong, but he would first receive a one-year outsourcing training at Tsinghua University.

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

At the end of his one-year study at Tsinghua University, Li Taibo went to the University of Hong Kong to report as scheduled.

When he arrived at the University of Hong Kong, the first thing Li Taibo had to overcome was to dare to speak English, and Li Taibo, who never flinched, moved forward bravely and slowly overcame this problem.

In 2012, when he was offered the opportunity to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he transferred from the University of Hong Kong to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University

At this point, when he mentioned the previous rejection by 11 American universities, Li Taibo calmly expressed his gratitude for their rejection.

If they hadn't rejected Li Taibo before, there would be no Li Taibo now.

Li Taibo relied on himself and also broke a new world for himself.


[1] Released by China Youth Online on October 31, 2018 ("Failure Product of Exam-oriented Education")

[2] China Youth Daily released on November 7, 2018 ("High Score and Low Ability" Champion Counterattack: You Don't Have to Punish Yourself with Other People's Words)

The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University
The top student in science scored 703 points in the exam, refused to be sent to Peking University, and was rejected by 11 prestigious universities in the United States, so he had no choice but to go to Tsinghua University