
The Ministry of Urban Industry in Jiangle's patriotic propaganda campaign | Red will be happy

author:Micro will be happy
The Ministry of Urban Industry in Jiangle's patriotic propaganda campaign | Red will be happy
The Ministry of Urban Industry in Jiangle's patriotic propaganda campaign | Red will be happy
The Ministry of Urban Industry in Jiangle's patriotic propaganda campaign | Red will be happy

In January 1947, while extensively carrying out guerrilla warfare, the Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi Party Committees decided to establish the Urban Work Department of the District Party Committee on the basis of the Minjiang Working Committee, with Zhuang Zheng as the minister and Li Tie as the deputy minister, in order to further strengthen the urban revolutionary work. In February, the Ministry of Urban Industry held a meeting of cadres and put forward the goal of opening up and cooperating with the second battlefield of the People's Liberation War and encircling the Kuomintang government in the midst of the whole people.

At the same time, Lin Zhiqun came to Jiangle and directly developed Li Yeqin as a member of the Communist Party of China, and the party organization relationship was subordinate to the Northwest Fujian Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, and later changed to the Fujian-Jiangxi Border Committee.

On July 14, the Minjiang Working Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the principles of "relying on the countryside to develop the city, and relying on the city to develop the countryside" and "consolidating Fuzhou, developing other counties, and developing to a blank spot." For this reason, the Fuzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China appointed Xu Renzhong, Fu Sunhuan, and others to Shaxian County to open up urban underground work, and later sent He Fei (also known as He Youyu, Chen Kemin) and Wu Qijiang to Jiangle, Taining, Ninghua, Youxi, Sanyuan, Yongan, Mingxi and other counties to establish transportation stations and develop party organizations.

In August, Li Tie and He Fei, leaders of the Urban Work Department of the Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi District Party Committees, convened two meetings of CPC members Lin Wenhua, Chen Zonggui, and Wei Jun at the West Lake Lily Bathhouse in Fuzhou to study the establishment of the Urban Industry Department in Taining.

After the meeting, Chen Zonggui and Wei Jun returned to Taining first. While passing by, Wei Jun stayed at the house of Wang Huanzhang, a classmate of Jianshi in Shaxian County, and introduced Wang Huanzhang to join the Ministry of Urban Engineering, codenamed "201", and told him the secret communication method. Since then, Wang Huanzhang has successively developed Qiu Zehan, Huang Yulun, Xiong Faxun and other 3 people to join the Ministry of Urban Industry. According to Qiu Zehan's autobiography "A Wasted Life": "After graduating from Shaxian Normal School, I was assigned to my county Guyong Primary School as a teacher, and met my classmate who graduated from Shaxian Normal School before, he was also a relative of mine, and the principal of Guyong Primary School at that time was called Wang Huanzhang, and he began to introduce me to read a lot of progressive books. For example, "Popular Philosophy", "State and Revolution" and many novels in the former Soviet Union, such as "War and Peace", "How Steel is Made", etc. Later, I was introduced to read some Marxist-Leninist works, and from my own experience and the social phenomena of the time, I began to be dissatisfied with the Kuomintang authorities. From the depths of my soul, I felt that there was a vast expanse in front of me, and I thought, 'Where is the way out?' Where is the light? From now on, I will realize that only the Communist Party can save China. In August 1947, under the influence of the principal and introduced by him to participate in the Urban Work Department of the Party Committee of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Border Districts at that time." "After I started my revolutionary career, I have been working as a propagator of the revolution ever since. Among the faculty and staff, among the young students (who were in frequent contact with Wu Qijiang, Jiang Zongwan, Yang Zhaochang, etc., the teachers and students of Jiangle County Middle School at that time), they secretly propagated progressive ideas, such as circulating the magazines published at that time, such as "World Knowledge", "New Youth", "Xiangdao", "Climax" and other magazines. Spread revolutionary publications and party policies from person to person. ”

Wu Qijiang, a native of Fuqing, actively participated in the revolution from 1942 to 1946 when he was studying in the Provincial Senior High School and Fujian Normal College, and organized students to fight against the military instructors stationed in the Kuomintang at that time to oppose the fascist rule of the military instructors on the students; At the same time, he also organized students to oppose the recruitment of young soldiers and expose their sinister plots; Progressive peripheral organizations such as "Mindong Fellow Townsmen Association" and "Haifeng Society" were formed. In April 1946, he was introduced to the Communist Party of China by Weng Shengjin, and in the summer of the same year, he went to Jianyang Normal School to carry out revolutionary work under the cover of being a teacher.

In June 1947, Wu Qijiang was forced to leave Jianyang Normal after revealing his identity. In August, he came to Jiangle with a simple outfit and was hired as a teacher at Jiangle County Junior High School, serving as a physical education instructor and part-time English and other courses in junior high school. During his tenure as a teacher at Jiangle Middle School, he took advantage of every opportunity such as field trips and after-school conversations to instill progressive ideas in students, explained and analyzed the situation during the Liberation War at that time, propagated revolutionary principles, exposed the darkness, reaction, and decadence of the Kuomintang government, and taught young students not only to bury their heads in study, but to care about the fate of the country. During the discussions, he often used the facts of the Kuomintang government at that time, such as the arrest and distribution of funds, corruption, and the miserable living conditions of the broad masses of the people to teach young people to have a clear understanding of the situation and have the courage to wage a resolute struggle against the old society and the old government. In individual conversations, he clearly pointed out to the young students: "Young people must follow the Communist Party in order to find a way out" and "the War of Liberation will certainly be victorious." He also told many stories of the Communist Party and the people's army under its leadership of loving and liberating the people. These talks and teachings pointed out the right path for the progressive young students who were struggling to do so at that time.

During this period, Wu Qijiang also organized progressive students to secretly read books on the Chinese Communist Party, such as the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong's On New Democracy, Against Liberalism, Ai Siqi's Popular Philosophy, and the Soviet novel Iron Flow. The study of these books is often in the form of circulation, and sometimes several students discuss and exchange learning experiences in a small area.

Wu Qijiang's revolutionary propaganda activities in Jiangle were first carried out by individual contacts and individual propaganda, and then carried out preliminary organization, and the progressive young students who were close to him at that time included Zhong Hong of Jiangle County Junior High School, Zhang Jingbai of Jianshi, and Yang Zhaochang of Guishan High School. He gave full play to the role of the backbone of these students, and carried out the propaganda work of progressive ideas through them to other students around him.

During his period of Jiangle, Wu Qijiang taught conscientiously, had a simple style, was able to keep close contact with the masses, cared for students, and once used his own salary, clothes, etc. to help poor students. Once, when the school cook was sick, he personally went down to the room to cook for the students. These actions are very different from the average faculty. His good teaching ethics, profound knowledge, vivid teaching methods and equal attitude have been well received by students and have a profound influence on the students of Jiangle Middle School.

In October, why not came to Jiangle. He Fei is the person in charge of the Urban Engineering Department of the Northwest Fujian Prefecture Committee, codenamed No. 9. Wu Qijiang is the person in charge of Jiangle sent by the Ministry of Urban Industry, codenamed "No. 12". He Fei summoned Jiangle's underground party members Wu Qijiang, Wang Huanzhang, Huang Yulun and others to hold a meeting in the mountains behind Jiangle County Junior High School. The content of the discussion at the meeting was to plan to establish a stronghold in Wanquan on the border between Jiangle and Taining, mobilize the masses to carry out the "three resistances" (anti-ding, anti-grain, and anti-tax) and the "Third Five-Year" rent reduction movement, strengthen the revolutionary organizations, and establish guerrilla units. During this period, after testing, Wu Qijiang developed Yu Changli, Lin Jihua, Jiang Zongwan and others to join the underground party of the Ministry of Urban Industry and established a party branch.

In that year, the insect disaster was serious, the county's grain harvest failed, and the listed grain was greatly reduced. The grain merchants in the county took the opportunity to hoard rice and grain and refused to sell it, and loaded the grain on ships for transportation. More than 200 hungry people gathered at Sanhuamen Wharf and intercepted two grain merchant rice ships. The county police dispatched officers to stop it, and moved some of the food to the Catholic church, where it was allowed to sell the next day. However, the officials and businessmen secretly colluded, and the grain merchants smuggled the grain on the ship that night. Wu Qijiang then initiated and organized a demonstration by the teachers and students of Jiangle Middle School, and Wang Huanzhang also actively cooperated in organizing a strike by primary school teachers, which dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Kuomintang authorities in Jiangle County and effectively cooperated with the development of the revolutionary struggle against "civil war, hunger, and oppression" throughout the country.

In October, Wu Qijiang mobilized Wang Huanzhang to go to the mountains to fight guerrillas, but Wang Huanzhang did not make the trip for some reason.

In November, Wu Qijiang, Wang Huanzhang and others studied the matter of raising funds to establish a commercial bank in the Temple of Our Lady of Zhang in Lelin, which was operated by the personnel of the Ministry of Urban Industry to fund the work of the Ministry of Urban Industry. At the same time, Wang Huanzhang reprinted (mimeographed) a book entitled "Basic Issues of Revolutionary Theory" and secretly distributed it to progressive youth.

During this period, the Fujian-Jiangxi Border Prefectural Committee and the Fujian-Jiangxi Border Guerrilla Column, which persisted in the guerrilla struggle in the Longqi Mountains area at the junction of Jiangle, Mingxi, and Taining, opened a secret channel of communication with the Jiangle County Labor Department, and they regularly or irregularly exchanged information and conveyed the spirit of the instructions of the higher-level party organizations. When the leaders of the Fujian-Jiangxi Border Prefectural Committee and the guerrilla column of the Communist Party of China infiltrated Jiangle County to carry out their work, they hid in the homes of members of the Ministry of Urban Industry to give guidance to the work of the Ministry of Urban Industry. This secret channel of contact was maintained until the beginning of 1948. According to Qiu Zehan, an underground party member of the former Lecheng Ministry of Industry, recalled: "At the end of 1947, Lin Zhiqun went to my house to secretly guide the revolutionary work, and during the day he wrote pamphlets such as 'The Way Out for Young People' and the outline of the 'Land Law' at home, publicizing the fight against local tyrants and the division of land, which were secretly mimeographed and distributed by Qiu, and stayed at the county cultural center where his cousin Qiu Zeyong worked at night (alternate accommodation), and organized performances of progressive plays such as "Home", "Spring", "Autumn", and "Sunrise", as well as small programs such as the live newspaper drama "Hitting the Profiteers...... Later, two progressive youth forums were organized at the Huashan Temple in Houshan and the Liao clan ancestral hall at the south gate to discuss the current situation and the way out. ”

In January 1948, the underground party organization of the Communist Party of China learned that the investigation office of the provincial party headquarters of the Kuomintang had gone to Shunchang Middle School to investigate the whereabouts of Wu Qijiang, so it was related to the investigation of the Kuomintang Jiangle County Government through Yu Changli as a "fellow villager". The party organization immediately decided that Wu Qijiang must leave Jiangle, and Wu Qijiang immediately left Jiangle. After Wu Qijiang arrived in Taining, he immediately got in touch with Wei Jun, an underground party member in Taining, and carried out revolutionary work together with He Fei, the head of the urban work department of the prefectural party committee, in the Taining and Shaowu areas. At the beginning of 1948, Qiu Zehan, an underground party member, was transferred from Guyong Primary School in the county seat to Gaotang Primary School, 40 miles away from the county seat, to teach.

The Ministry of Urban Industry in Jiangle's patriotic propaganda campaign | Red will be happy

Around March, Wu Qijiang and He Fei infiltrated Jiangle Tang Primary School, summoned Jiang Zongwan, Yu Changli, Lin Weihua and others to hold a secret meeting in Gaotang to learn about the development of Jiangle's work, assign tasks, and leave Gaotang the next day.

In April, Wu Qijiang secretly came to Jishan near the county seat and asked Yang Zhaochang, Zhang Jingbai, and Jiang Zongwan to meet with him. At that time, Wu Qijiang had a thin face and thin clothes, and he talked about how he escaped from Jiangle and went to Taining, Shaowu and other places, usually walking at night, living a hard life, and working as a short-term worker in the countryside for a while. He particularly stressed that at present, the surveillance of spies is very strict, and everyone should be more vigilant. Yang Zhaochang and others parted after collecting some travel expenses for him.

In May, Zhou Zuxiang, head of the Kuomintang Taining County Military Section, led the Self-Defense Forces to Guanchangkou to arrest a member of the Ministry of Urban Industry and seized a box of documents kept there by the special branch of the Ministry of Urban Industry, which contained letters and progressive literature from the Ministry of Urban Industry. Since then, with the exception of a few comrades who have been transferred to other places and adopted one-line contacts, more than 20 members of the Taining Urban Work Department have been arrested one after another, and have gone through the procedures of repentance and rehabilitation, and each of them has found someone to guarantee before being released. When the news of Wei Jun's arrest reached Jiangle, Wang Huanzhang went to Fuzhou to study in advance, and the rest of the people in the Ministry of Urban Engineering were either arrested or fled.

In the spring of 1948, the Fujian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China secretly found 11 backbone workers of the Ministry of Urban Engineering in Shaxian, Sanyuan, Nanping, Jiangle, Taining and other places through underground traffic officers, and took them to work in the Fujian-Jiangxi Border Prefectural Committee, which was located in the Houshan Shiitake Mushroom Factory on the banks of Jiang Gongpan in Fukou Township, Shaxian County. In April of the same year, due to the "Li Tie Incident" in the Ministry of Urban Industry, the Party Committee (Provincial Party Committee) of Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi Districts made an erroneous decision to wrongly execute most of the upper and middle-level leaders of the Ministry of Urban Industry, and 11 members of the Ministry of Urban Industry who worked in the Fujian and Jiangxi Prefectural Party Committees were also wrongly killed.

According to the recollections of Tang Xianyou and Wang Debiao, who used to work in the guerrillas, Wu Qijiang was among the 11 personnel of the Urban Engineering Department who were dealt with in Huanglikeng in Fukou Township, Shaxian County. In addition, after the liberation, the Organization Department of the Nanping Prefectural Party Committee recorded in the "Opinions, Report, and Summary of Eight County Groups including Taining on the Examination and Restoration of the Party Membership of the Underground Party Personnel of the Ministry of Urban Industry": "After the provincial party committee learned about He Fei, when dealing with the Ministry of Urban Industry, he mistakenly killed our underground party, and Wu Qijiang was the person who was wrongfully killed at that time."

In Jiangle County, although Wu Qijiang was gone, the revolutionary ideas he spread left a deep impact on the progressive students of Jiangle Middle School. The students still studied revolutionary books in secrecy, longed for revolution and freedom, and exposed the corruption and darkness of the Kuomintang government in schools and in the countryside. In April and May 1949, Yang Zhaochang, Zhong Hong, Liao Guochang, Dai Shurong and other progressive young students formed a reading club to study revolutionary theories, and mimeographed the "Outline of the Land Law" and the Communist Party's "Urban Policy" and other propaganda materials to secretly circulate and post. When the news of the victory of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in the south came one after another, a group of progressive students of Jiangle enthusiastically pursued revolution and freedom, and under the surveillance of the Kuomintang government, they risked their lives to secretly leave Jiangle in two groups and go to Shaowu, Jianyang and other places to join the revolutionary ranks.

On June 23, 1949, teachers Qiu Zehan, Sun Zhaoxiang, Yu Qiji, and Tang Zhaowen also went to Shaowu, a neighboring county that had been liberated, via Wan'an, and applied for the Military and Political University of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and Fujian University.

Source: Party History and Local Chronicles Research Office of the County Party Committee Editor: Li Ping Preliminary review: Xiong Ruqing Review: Zou Guanchang Final review: Xiao Jiuhui Business cooperation, news clues, and cracking down on fake news reports: 0598-2322923 Submission email: [email protected]

The Ministry of Urban Industry in Jiangle's patriotic propaganda campaign | Red will be happy

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The Ministry of Urban Industry in Jiangle's patriotic propaganda campaign | Red will be happy


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