
In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

On the stage of life, every family is a unique drama.

However, when the drama goes off the beaten track, tragedy can unfold.

On April 22, 2019, a shocking family tragedy occurred in an ordinary residential community in Miyi County, Sichuan.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

A young man got into an argument with his father over a long bath time, and even impulsively shot his father twice, resulting in his death. #长文创作激励计划#

1. Luo Wenlin's growth and transformation

In a small village in Miyi County, Sichuan, the early morning sun shines through the sparse clouds and sprinkles on the courtyard of Luo Wenlin's house.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Luo Wenlin, a once innocent boy, has now grown into a young man, but he still lives in the excessive doting of his parents.

Luo Wenlin sat on the threshold, fiddling with a piece of cheap jade bought from a vendor in the village.

His face was full of disdain and boredom, as if there was nothing in the world that piqued his interest.

His mother poked her head out of the kitchen, holding a steaming bowl of chicken soup in her hand and a kind smile on her face.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

"Wenlin, come and drink a bowl of chicken soup to replenish your body." The mother's voice was gentle and full of anticipation.

Luo Wenlin raised his head, glanced at the bowl of chicken soup, and frowned impatiently: "It's chicken soup again, I'm tired of drinking it." ”

The mother's face froze, but then she smiled again: "Then what do you want to eat?" Mom will do it for you. ”

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Luo Wenlin stood up, threw the jade in his hand casually, turned around and walked into the room: "Whatever, I'm tired of what you do anyway." ”

The mother outside the door sighed and shook her head helplessly.

Such conversations have almost become a daily routine in Luo Wenlin's family, and his parents have doted on him to the point of no return.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Luo Wenlin's father was a hard-working farmer, who went out early and returned late every day, just to provide a comfortable living environment for his son.

However, they never realized that this excessive doting was making Luo Wenlin more and more selfish and cold.

One evening, Luo Wenlin's father came back from the field, exhausted.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

He took off his mud-stained shoes and sat in the yard smoking.

Luo Wenlin walked over and looked at his father's wrinkled face and rough hands, but there was no wave in his heart.

"Dad, I want to go to the city today." Luo Wenlin said in an indifferent tone.

The father raised his head and looked at his son's indifferent face, and an indescribable bitterness welled up in his heart.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

He knew he couldn't fulfill all his son's wishes, but he tried his best to fulfill him.

"Okay, there you go." My father's voice was a little hoarse.

Luo Wenlin didn't say anything, turned around and left.

He never thought of helping his father with some household chores or farm work, he only had his own desires and pleasures in his heart.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

As time passed, Luo Wenlin's relationship with his parents became more and more strained.

He often quarreled with his parents over trivial matters and even beat and scolded him.

His parents still had illusions about him, believing that he would change one day.

One cold winter night, Luo Wenlin had a fierce quarrel with his parents over some trivial matters.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

In a rage, he slammed the door and wandered aimlessly around the village.

His heart was filled with resentment and resentment towards his parents, and he felt that the reason why he became like this was entirely because of their doting.

However, he did not realize that it was his own selfishness and indifference that had led him down this wrong path.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

He shivered in the cold wind, but there was no remorse in his heart.

That's when he heard his parents calling.

They were anxiously looking for him, for fear something would happen to him.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Luo Wenlin stopped, looked back at their old and anxious faces, and an inexplicable emotion suddenly surged in his heart.

He realized he was wrong, he was too much wrong......

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Second, the bathing dispute

On April 22, 2019, in Miyi County, Sichuan Province in early summer, the sun was scorching, and the air was filled with the fragrance of soil and crops.

Luo Wenlin and his father had just returned from the field, and their clothes were already soaked, sticking to their bodies, revealing a strong smell of sweat.

As soon as Luo Wenlin entered the house, he couldn't wait to take off his soaked clothes and run barefoot to the bathroom.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

He knew that the coolness of the moment could only be brought by that pool of clear water.

"Wenlin, it's so hot today, you hurry up and wash it, don't wash it for a few hours like last time." Father's voice came from the kitchen, accompanied by the sound of a spatula stir-frying.

Luo Wenlin didn't answer, he was used to his father's nagging.

Unscrewing the faucet and letting the water wash the mud and sweat off his body, he felt more comfortable than ever.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Time passed minute by minute, and it was 2 hours, and the sound of "whooshing" water came from the bathroom, as if it was a never-ending summer hymn.

And the father in the kitchen, his brow furrowed more and more, he knew that his son had begun his lengthy "bathing ritual" again.

"Wenlin! Have you washed it? How long has it been! The father's voice raised a little, apparently losing patience.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Luo Wenlin still didn't respond, he enjoyed the rare tranquility and coolness, completely immersed in his own world.

Father finally couldn't take it anymore, he put down the spatula in his hand and strode to the bathroom.

With a "bang", he pushed open the bathroom door, and the sight in front of him made him angry—Luo Wenlin was still taking a leisurely shower, and he even had a satisfied smile on his face.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

"How long are you going to wash? There is just a little water at home, what should we do if you run out of water? The father's voice was filled with anger and helplessness.

Luo Wenlin was startled by his father's sudden intrusion, he raised his head and looked at his father's angry face, and the dissatisfaction in his heart exploded instantly.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

"How long do you care if I wash? Do you want to take a shower too? He retorted loudly.

The quarrel between the two grew louder and louder, and the emotions became more and more excited.

Suddenly, Luo Wenlin stood up abruptly and took out a modified gun from the cabinet next to him.

He pointed at his father, a frenzied glint in his eyes.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

"If you force me again, I'm welcome!" He roared.

The father was stunned by his actions, he never thought that his son would do such a thing.

However, Luo Wenlin had lost his mind, and he pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Two gunshots echoed through the small bathroom, and the father's body collapsed amid the gunshots.

Blood poured out of his chest, staining the entire bathroom red.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Luo Wenlin looked at everything in front of him in horror, he couldn't believe that he had killed his father with his own hands.

He threw down his gun and fled the scene in a panic.

When the mother heard the gunshots, she hurried to check on the situation.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

When she saw her husband lying in a pool of blood, her world collapsed in an instant.

She cried and called the police and emergency services, but it was too late – Luo Wenlin's father eventually died due to his injuries.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

3. The dual judgment of law and morality

After the incident, the village seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze.

Luo Wenlin, the young man who was once pinned on by his family, has now become the focus of everyone's discussion.

His actions, like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, caused ripples.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Under the persuasion of his family, relatives and friends, Luo Wenlin finally chose to surrender to the police.

With heavy steps, he walked into the police station that had once awed him.

His eyes were filled with fear and remorse, as if he had foreseen his future fate.

In the interrogation room, the atmosphere was serious and tense.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Luo Wenlin sat in a cold chair and faced the two serious police officers.

His hands were clenched, his knuckles white, revealing the tension and uneasiness in his heart.

"Do you know what sin you have committed?" The officer's voice was deep and powerful.

Luo Wenlin nodded, and said in a trembling voice: "I know, I killed ...... My father. ”

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

The officer took a deep breath and continued to ask, "Why are you doing this?" ”

Luo Wenlin raised his head, tears flashing in his eyes.

"I just wanted to scare him, I didn't expect it to ...... Will really shoot. His voice choked, as if he couldn't bear the pain in his heart.

However, the law is just and does not change the nature of the facts because of the subjective will of the individual.

Luo Wenlin's actions have constituted the crime of intentional homicide, and he must bear legal responsibility for it.

During the interrogation, Luo Wenlin recounted in detail what happened on the day of the crime.

He admits that he lost control of his emotions during an argument with his father and took out the family's modified firearm.

He claimed that he just wanted to scare his father, but he didn't expect the gun to actually fire bullets.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

However, these explanations do not change the essence of the facts.

Luo Wenlin's actions have caused irreparable consequences - he killed his own father with his own hands.

This fact plunged Luo Wenlin into deep self-blame and remorse.

In addition to the legal trial, Luo Wenlin also faced moral condemnation.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

His behavior not only harmed his father's right to life, but also seriously violated the moral bottom line of society.

His parents gave all their hard work and sweat for him, hoping that he could become a productive person.

However, because of his impulsiveness and selfishness, he let all this come to naught.

The news spread throughout the village, and the villagers said they couldn't believe it.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

Luo Wenlin, whom they were once familiar with, would do such a cruel thing.

His actions not only plunged his family into endless grief, but also shocked and outraged the entire village.

Luo Wenlin's mother was devastated when she learned the news.

She couldn't accept this cruel truth, let alone forgive her son.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

She used to love him, love him, and spoil him so much, but now she has come to such an ending.

Her heart was filled with endless remorse and self-blame, as if it was all her fault.

Accompanied by his family, relatives and friends, Luo Wenlin went through the most difficult time of his life.

He knows that his mistakes are irreparable, but he still hopes to make up for some of them through his actions.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not change the fact that it had happened.

He could only pray silently in his heart, hoping that his father would forgive him for his mistakes, and that he could regain his once kind and innocent self.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice


The tragedy of Luo Wenlin is a wake-up call for us.

We must be soberly aware of the importance of family education and adolescent mental health.

Only by caring for the growth of children with rational love can they become responsible and responsible social citizens.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

At the same time, we should also strengthen legal and moral education for young people, so that they can understand the consequences of their actions and bear the corresponding responsibilities.

Only in this way can we jointly create a harmonious and beautiful social environment.


In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and used up the hot water, and after being urged by his father, he confronted his father.

In 2019, the man took a bath for 2 hours and ran out of hot water, and after being urged by his father, he shot his father twice

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