
To lose weight, try to eat less of ten foods

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: To be alive is to be happy

To lose weight, try to eat less of ten foods

During weight loss, if you want to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit in your diet, and try to eat as little as possible or not eat some high-calorie foods.

Because, high-calorie food is not only high in calories, but also has a poor sense of satiety, if you eat less, you will feel very hungry, and if you eat more, you will exceed the calories.

If you want to lose weight, you have to temporarily control your appetite, and don't eat your favorite food for the time being, or eat less.

Of course, to eat less, you must have strong self-control, and if you don't have strong self-control, you may not be able to stop from the first bite.

So, I suggest you still don't eat it.

There are also some foods that we all know are good for weight loss, but we also need to pay attention to screening.

I have collected ten of them for your reference only.

1. Yogurt

Many yogurts on the market have a lot of sugar, thickeners and flavors added to them.

If you like a cup after a meal to promote digestion, the more you eat, the fatter you get.

Real yogurt doesn't taste so good, it's so sour that ordinary people really can't enjoy it.

2. Freshly squeezed juice

Freshly squeezed juice has nothing to do with falling off the scale.

After the fruit is juiced, it perfectly avoids most of the advantages of the fruit and is no different from the drink.

After the fruit is juiced, it also loses the dietary fiber of the fruit itself, which is important for digestion and satiety.

And the natural sugars in the fruit are squeezed out, resulting in a high sugar content per cup of juice.

Excessive sugar intake can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

And during the juicing process, most of the vitamins and minerals in the fruit remain in the pomace, so the nutrients in the juice are relatively single.

Therefore, it is advisable to choose whole fruits during weight loss, and not just drink juices.

This gives you more nutrients and fiber, which can help you manage your weight and maintain good health.

3. Light salad

I feel very healthy, but many light salads on the market are not well matched.

There are too few carbohydrates, too little high-quality protein and less high-quality fat, plus high-calorie salad dressings, so you can't eat them for a long time.

If you really want to eat it, you can make it yourself.

4. Chicken feet

To lose weight, try to eat less of ten foods

100g of chicken feet has 250 kcal. 2 chicken feet have more calories than a small bowl of rice.

So, during weight loss, try to eat less or no at all.

5. Whole wheat bread

It's not that whole wheat bales are bad, it's that it's hard to buy real whole wheat.

Nowadays, many whole wheat breads on the market are ranked first on the ingredient list of wheat flour, not whole wheat flour.

So everyone must learn to read the ingredient list.

Choose a whole wheat flour content ≥ 50%, no additional sugar, and no high fat content.

If you have the time, try to make it yourself, clean, hygienic, with fewer additives, and it is healthier to eat.

6. Fruit oatmeal

Oats are a staple food that is super good for fat loss.

However, adding dried fruits and oats wrapped in a layer of sugar puree is not friendly to fat loss.

Try to eat as little as possible.

7. Sugar and oil mixture

Fritters and oil cakes are not only high in oil, but also inferior carbs, which are very unfriendly to fat loss.

Everyone knows this, so I won't repeat it.

8. Fried peanuts

Peanuts themselves are good fats.

But fried peanuts have 585 calories per 100g.

Eat it, eat too much, higher than the calories of a main meal, the key is that you can't eat enough at all if you eat 100 grams.

Therefore, don't eat fried peanuts during weight loss, even if you eat them, two or three grains are enough.

9. Whole grain biscuits

Some dieters, when they can't stand hunger, will always buy some coarse grain biscuits to satisfy their hunger, thinking that it is low in calories and has a strong sense of satiety.

But in fact, many whole grain biscuits add a lot of extra sugar and oil, and in order to extend the shelf life, there will be a lot of additives, which are not friendly to fat loss.

10. Dried fruits and vegetables

To lose weight, try to eat less of ten foods

During weight loss, we recommend eating vegetables and fruits, but be sure to eat fresh and visible.

But some people like to use dried fruits and vegetables instead.

You must know that dried fruits and vegetables are basically fried, which is a high-oil food, so it is recommended not to eat them or eat less.

If you really want to eat it, try to choose freeze-dried ones.

Of course, during the weight loss period, there is no food that must not be eaten, as long as we can grasp the degree, eat until seven or eight points full, plus appropriate exercise, we will definitely lose weight healthily.

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