
When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Moxibustion doctor

It can be seen that the cleanliness of blood is inextricably linked with our health, experts praise blood viscosity as a time bomb that causes disease, blood is too viscous, blood flow will inevitably slow down, and in severe cases, it can affect the blood supply of important organs of the human body, causing heart disease and stroke, and even threatening life.

People with viscous blood should pay attention to a light diet and eat more foods that pass blood vessels.

When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

Mulberry leaves [alias] iron fan, home mulberry leaves, dry mulberry leaves, thorn mulberry leaves, mulberry leaves, mulberry leaves, yellow mulberry leaves, frost mulberry leaves, winter mulberry leaves, white mulberry leaves, chicken mulberry leaves, sub mulberry leaves, mountain mulberry leaves, golden mulberry leaves, late mulberry leaves, old mulberry leaves, double leaves, double mulberry leaves, child mulberry leaves, fairy leaves.

When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

The traditional Chinese medicine effect of mulberry leaves

When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mulberry leaves are sweet, bitter and cold. It has the effect of evacuating wind and heat, clearing the lungs and moistening dryness, calming the liver yang, clearing the liver and brightening the eyes, cooling the blood and stopping bleeding.

01. Antihypertensive effect

Rutonin, quercetin, and quercetin in mulberry leaves can increase the contractility and output of isolated and in-situ frog hearts, and reduce heart rate. Rutonin can constrict the blood vessels of the toad's lower limbs and rabbit ears, and quercetin can dilate the coronary blood vessels and improve myocardial circulation.

02. Lowering blood lipids, cholesterol, anti-thrombosis and anti-atherosclerosis

Mulberry leaves have the effect of inhibiting the formation of fatty liver, reducing serum fat and inhibiting the formation of atherosclerosis. Active ingredients include DNJ, phytosterols, flavonoids and others.

Experts have confirmed that mulberry leaf extract has an inhibitory effect on hyperlipidemic serum lipid elevation and atherosclerosis.

In addition, mulberry leaf tea contains LDL-lipoprotein oxidation components in antibodies, so mulberry leaves can prevent myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage while losing weight and improving hyperlipidemia.

03, anticoagulant effect

Mulberry leaf extract can significantly prolong the coagulation time of whole blood in mice and significantly prolong the activated partial thromboplastin (APTI) time in rabbit plasma, indicating that mulberry leaf has a direct inhibitory effect on thrombin-fibrinogen reaction.

04. Anti-aging and anti-fatigue effects

Through four years of experiments, the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of Zhejiang University confirmed that mulberry leaves have tonic and anti-aging effects similar to ginseng. Ginseng is a hot tonic, while mulberry leaves are a clear tonic, and it is suitable for all seasons.

Quercetin, phenolic compounds, vitamin C and other components contained in mulberry leaves can prevent oxidative damage by inhibiting or scavenging free radicals.

When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

Mulberry leaves have the effects of ginseng-like tonic and anti-aging, stabilizing nervous system function, relieving emotional agitation caused by physiological changes, improving the activity of superoxide dismutase in the body, preventing the production of harmful substances in the body, and reducing or eliminating lipofuscin that has been produced and accumulated in the body.

05, hypoglycemic effect

Since ancient times, Chinese medicine has used mulberry leaves as a traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of thirst-quenching disease (i.e., diabetes in modern medicine), and the hypoglycemic effect of mulberry leaves is achieved through two ways:

First, the alkaloid DNJ (1-deoxynojirimycin) inhibits the activity of disaccharide-decomposing enzymes, thereby inhibiting the absorption of disaccharides in the small intestine and reducing the peak of post-food blood glucose (Kimura, 1995).

The second is to promote the de-sulfazin of β cells through mulberry leaf alkaloid fagomine and mulberry leaf polysaccharides, and insulin can promote the utilization of sugar by cells, hepatic glycogen synthesis and improve glucose metabolism, and finally achieve the effect of lowering blood sugar.

When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour


When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

Three highs, blood vessels, obesity, skin, fire...

Since mulberry leaves are "medicine and food homology", it means that they can be eaten as vegetables and used for medicinal purposes. And the two are also different in terms of the time of harvest:

✦ Medicinal mulberry leaves are generally collected after frost in late autumn, called frost mulberry leaves, and the medicinal ingredients at this time are the best;

✦ When cooking and eating, spring mulberry leaves are used, which are more tender and fresh.

When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour
When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

Mulberry leaf tea

When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

Mulberry leaf tea is the easiest way to take mulberry leaves, whether it is frost mulberry leaves or spring mulberry leaves, it can be used to make tea.


✦ Generally, 5 grams of dried mulberry leaves, double the fresh product, that is, 10 grams.


✦ Tear the mulberry leaves into pieces first and put them in a tea bag. Brew with hot water and drink. Generally, frost mulberry leaf tea is brewed with 100 degrees of boiling water, and spring mulberry leaf tea can be brewed with 90 degrees of boiling water for 15 minutes.

When people reach middle age, their blood is getting thicker and thicker! This kind of leaf is soaked in water to drink, blood clots, high blood pressure detour

Chilled mulberry leaves

✦Pick fresh and tender mulberry leaves, blanch them in boiling water, go through them with cold water again, add some salt, garlic paste, sesame oil after shredding, and a plate of delicious cold mulberry leaves can be eaten.

In addition, mulberry leaves can be wrapped in batter and fried to eat, made into filling, mixed with minced meat or diced meat, used to make dumplings, wontons, buns, etc.; Or use it to make mulberry leaf noodles, mulberry leaf cakes, mulberry leaf pork bone soup, mulberry leaf pork liver soup, mulberry leaf crucian carp soup, etc.

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