
(Weekly) APP weekly horoscope 7.1-7.7

author:Star Translation Agency

The original article was originally published in the "Daily Horoscope" App, and after a letter of inquiry, the author said that his identity was kept secret, and in recent years, the Star Translation Agency has followed up on this daily fortune and has been widely praised by readers. The horoscope style is guided by events.

Please note Star Translation Agency and the translator for reprinting.

☆☆☆ Aries – Translator: Illusionless

Aries, our energy levels are stronger than usual this week, which is a good thing because you have a lot to do. You may have many unfinished projects at home that you need to finalize, or you may also have to put an end to one or two favors that you are doing someone else. If you stick with it, your energy should be steady, and you'll get everything done by the end of the week. Family life is a source of joy this week. You might choose to entertain some of your favorite people, prepare some great home-cooked meals, and be the star of the party. Alternatively, you can simply choose to go out and enjoy the comforts of home and prepare yourself a special meal. You may receive an invitation or two from a family member or friend who hasn't had a chance to meet in a while, and that's good for you. Before the weekend, a lucky break could be anything from a job raise to a good price for something you've always wanted to sell.

☆☆☆ Taurus – Translator: Cora_Colada

Someone may have been distracting you from your plans this week because they want your time to be all theirs. This may be a tempting opportunity, Taurus, but you should at least take care of your most important priorities first. Once you do that, you'll be able to keep a clear mind and have fun without worries. Whether you're looking for romance, new friendships, or both, this week is a great time to be. You should find that you will meet people who are the same frequency as you and easy to talk to. Start a conversation wherever you go, and you may meet people you really like and learn from. You may feel like you're feeling creative this week. You may have the urge to express yourself in a certain way. This may be in obvious ways, such as drawing or writing, but it can also be a reflection of your personality in the way you dress. A friend who is a bit self-centered may need attention and flattery, but you may not be in the mood to do it that much this week. Maybe you've given too much of this kind of support in the past, so now they're expecting you to do the same. It's time to give this person the opportunity to rely on their own sense of self to be more self-reliant, rather than expecting you to continue to define themselves for them.

☆☆☆ Gemini – Translator: Andrey, the night wandering girl

This week you may feel more pragmatic than before. You may have had conflicts with some people in family members and social relationships, and these relationships will be more relaxed. It's been difficult to get along with people like this in recent weeks, so it's a great time to sit down and talk to them. You prefer to look at things objectively and are relatively more emotionally stable, and you will find that the relationship will become more balanced and harmonious. Now is also a great time to go for what you want and achieve your desires that you were not able to achieve before. Now that you're in good shape and stronger, this week, take some time to pursue your goals. In the middle of the week, fears may arise around new, upcoming events, and you need to get rid of all fears. These emotions are meaningless and may only appear to you – because it's about what you want so badly. You may be anxious at the thought that you will be disappointed, but you may not be disappointed at all. There are a few people who have been trying to get in touch with you, and later this week, these people may be close to you. You may be tempted to avoid the other person – it may just be a gut feeling – for a reason. So, do what you feel is right.

☆☆☆ Cancer – Translator: Illusion

You choose to dwell on what thoughts strongly affect the direction of the week, dear Moon Cub, and you need to deliberately focus on the thoughts of hope and joy and immediately eliminate any negative or fearful thoughts. You're extremely sensitive right now, and it's extreme for someone like you, who is already very emotional and very sensitive. By thinking about the best possibilities, you begin to pave the way for your dreams to come true. Keep that in mind. Now, creative self-expression is good for you, and instead of choosing an artistic hobby on impulse, consider signing up for a course so that you have to take classes at a specific time to make you more likely to stick to it. It's also a great week to check out garage auctions, flea markets, heritage and antique auctions. These activities can make you feel like you belong and give you joy because you love treasure hunting and yearn for the past, and the nostalgia that comes with this experience is good for you. Later this week, there may be romance coming into life. If you're single, someone may contact you out of the blue, not a complete stranger, who seems to have suddenly shown interest in you, even if you need to reschedule your schedule. If you have a partner, you might be able to enjoy a particularly romantic evening on the weekend.

☆☆☆ Leo – Translator: ZX

Dear Leo, invest in yourself this week, in whatever way you think makes the most sense for you. You need to care for yourself, love yourself, and be kind to yourself. This week, we encourage you to spend money on yourself and on anything that makes you feel happy and uplifted. You can go on an extended weekend, go to a concert you've always wanted to see, or spend some money on a fun class. It can also be something bigger. For example, if you have the idea of starting a business, then starting a business is also something that requires investment in yourself. This week, you will grow your knowledge in many ways. You may have insight into a friend's plans for a joint project, and even though you may be angry that they didn't tell you what they want, the project or venture you're considering with them may still be worth it. This week you may also learn about the amazing value of something you own, such as a piece of real estate, or a piece of art, which may lead you to consider whether you should sell it. On weekends, you might be invited to join a team that's more fun than work, which is a good idea. This small team could be a group of friends doing something to help others.

☆☆☆ Virgo – Translator: Illusion

A change in your work, neighborhood, or family life can end up being a good outcome, even if it doesn't seem like it right now. You may have heard about such changes this week, but don't judge and jump to conclusions, dear Virgo. Don't predict the future too far away, or your imagination will make you anxious or scared. Remember, there's nothing to worry about. The deadline for filing a matter is approaching, which may be subject to legal or institutional restrictions. Don't panic, or you won't be able to maximize efficiency, relax and enjoy the process, and then deadlines won't be an issue. You may reach some kind of milestone this week, whether it's related to work, relationships, or personal accomplishments that you're proud of. Whatever it is, commemorate the occasion and celebrate, even if it's just to admit to yourself that you've done a great job. Later this week, don't let your ego get in the way of accepting advice, which may be given in the form of criticism and a little bit, but what you've learned and the insights you've gained are very valuable.

☆☆☆ Libra – Translator: Wave Bubble Aph

This week's alarm bells are ringing, and someone in your life may tell you a story you don't believe. Dear Libra, you may think that this is your intuition warning you, but it may also be that you are simply connecting what is happening to something else. Slow down and think through. If you can think it through calmly and carefully, you may feel more and more at ease and feel that there is nothing to worry about. This week you may feel very comfortable working with someone working or collaborating on a common goal or team project. You are very energetic together, which surprises you. This could be someone you want to work with in other forms in the future. This particular venture should have good results and the possibility of other profits. The person who seems to be on your side in a certain family problem may actually be playing a mind game, such as "partition". If you're aware of this, you'll know what to say and what to avoid, so be careful. It doesn't have to be a big deal. There may be a family gathering with an unusual tone and positive tone on the weekend. This may help restore old connections and evoke happy memories.

☆☆☆ Scorpio – Translator: Liu Kitten

This week, a certain admirer may follow you like a puppy. The person may be attracted to your wit and wit, or they may even be attracted to your romantic qualities. Even if the feeling is not mutual, Scorpio, you need to be gentle with this person because their "affection" for you is huge and they really see the best in you. This may become a future friend in some way, so be open. There may be a family member or friend this week that you feel needs some kind help. You may think they're kidding themselves about what they're planning, but they may not be ready or willing to listen. If you want to help, then bring it up, but keep in mind that they may not be ready for your guidance, so be it. This week you may have a chance to break free from obligations or commitments you made some time ago that are too heavy for you right now. You may not have the time, the relationships involved may be conflicting and stressful, or you may simply no longer be interested in it. If you see this breakthrough, then accept it and don't feel bad about it. Letting go of this arrangement is good for you to free up time for yourself to do things that have been neglected by you.

☆☆☆ Sagittarius – Translator: No Illusion

Anxiety builds all the time, and you may feel a little overwhelmed at the start of the week. A good way to deal with this situation is to stay "physically active" in the days that follow. If you can walk or bike instead of driving somewhere, start walking. If you can take a break in the morning and go out and enjoy nature, go for it. Want a new workout plan? Maybe it's time to go to the gym more, or if you don't already have a gym membership, go for it. Shooters, you'll find that physical activity burns off a lot of brain energy and makes you feel so much better. Your friend or loved one may exhibit some very different behaviors this week, but it's a good way to do it. They may change their style and become more colorful, or they may have a spring breeze and a good smile. The person may have good news to share, but they may not be ready. Give them time and space to find the right moment and then celebrate together when they reveal what they want to do. You may be very close to accomplishing a goal that involves education. Do this for yourself before crossing the finish line: take a moment to reflect on how far you've come and how proud you should be of yourself.

☆☆☆ Capricorn – Translator: Liu Kitten

This week, you may be disappointed when someone you trust has let you down in some way. For example, they may promise to do you a favor but don't show up, or they may withdraw from a plan you've made together that you're looking forward to. Even if it's disappointing, don't comment on it. You may find out afterwards that there are legitimate reasons that you don't know about, and they will make it up later. At the same time, the plan you have in place to fill in the gaps may lead to wonderful results. In the middle of the week, an opportunity to improve your finances may present yourself to you, and someone you know and trust may be at the heart of that opportunity. It could be an opportunity to invest or sell something, and that person could be at the helm. If you've never been able to do so, try to imagine it as you want it to be. Your imagination and visualization skills are strong this week, and there's a good chance you'll get what you want, or at least get closer to it. On the weekend, give a friend the chance to plan an outing, even if their options aren't what you can think of. Either way, you're all going to have a great time.

☆☆☆ Aquarius – Translator: Illusion

Someone volunteered to help you with something big this week, and you don't think they have any experience, but you may be able to find other places to help them, even if it's not directly related to what you're trying to accomplish, it can still ease your burden. Get creative, dear Aquarius, and make the week start easier. This week you may have received long-awaited recognition from a parent or authority figure that you didn't expect, let alone praise, so cherish the moment and let it help you build your confidence. You're more attracted to beautiful things than usual this week, and while you certainly have a good aesthetic side, it's easier to resonate with beautiful things like brilliant colors, artwork, music, and so on this week, which can be both enlightening and comforting. The idea of suddenly wanting to have fun on the weekend entice you to get out of your shell and possibly also crave fun new activities from friends, which can be great for your mood.

☆☆☆ Pisces – Translator: Love Yo Wei PM

At the start of the week, a piece of rat poop (a bad apple) from a happy hike will probably change the whole tone of the journey. If you're planning an adventure that involves people looking for trouble or causing conflict, you can try to change the atmosphere by being sweet with yourself. If you can't influence the person, then you need to decide if you want to hang out and get out of the experience as much as possible. Ignore what's wrong and focus on what's right. Dear fish, you may be becoming more introspective this week and more attracted to solitary activities, such as reading. Too much solitude at the moment can cause you to feel sad or nervous, so even if you need to shut yourself up to read a novel, find ways to expand that experience. For example, joining a book club or calling a friend who is also reading the book can incorporate some social elements. Someone you've always admired and perhaps thought was perfect will probably show their undesirable side this week, but luckily these traits will make you find them more interesting, which will help you understand that no one is perfect, but imperfection is also attractive.

(Weekly) APP weekly horoscope 7.1-7.7

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