
(Monthly) July APP2024 horoscope

author:Star Translation Agency

The original article was originally published in the "Daily Horoscope" App, and after a letter of inquiry, the author said that his identity was kept secret, and in recent years, the Star Translation Agency has followed up on this daily fortune and has been widely praised by readers. The horoscope style is guided by events.

Please note Star Translation Agency and the translator for reprinting.

☆☆☆ Aries – Translator: Illusionless

Aries, our energy has been amazing for most of July. Overall, you are an energetic person, but from this month onwards, you will be ignited, feeling ambitious, and ready to take over the world. You can start with this hemisphere of your personal life and make some of the most important changes you want to make at home. Whether it's cleaning, repairing, renovating, or simply improving what's existing to create a more comfortable home, there's a lot you can do in the coming weeks to make your home your castle. Also in this month, be sure to remember the proverb "curiosity kills cats". Don't dig too deep into something that isn't good for you, or you might anger some people and start a conflict that you don't want or need. It's not good for you, so forget the second part of the proverb, "But contentment brings him back" because this part is harder to achieve. Throughout the month of July, you'll see you make steady progress on money or security-related goals. You may even find that some of the hard work you started a long time ago is starting to pay off, and you're very close to achieving a big goal. Keep the momentum going. Someone might bring you an opportunity at the end of the month, and they'll pretty much ask you to take it. They need you because you have some rare knowledge or experience. If it's good for you, and it probably is, then I encourage you to accept it. This offer should come with a handsome remuneration.

☆☆☆ Taurus – Translator: Cora_Colada

This month, there may be unexpected people who recognize your talent in the arts or other interesting fields. This may lead to a friendship, or even a more intimate relationship, that can open doors for you to be relevant to your area of expertise, Taurus. Take your time, take it easy, and try not to limit yourself with specific expectations. If you go with the flow, it can be a very interesting journey. You may find yourself attracted to a new hobby or sport this month, and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. You may even meet some new people who share your hobbies—they may become close friends over time. However, by the third week of the month, it's perfectly fine if you want to isolate yourself more than socialize with people. As long as you don't do this for too long, it can be a simple time to relax and reflect on your life and the healing experience that lies ahead. A business or money/investment development may occur around the fourth week of July. This is something that you need to think very carefully about, because there may be nuances that you don't like or agree with, but if you don't dig deep and learn as much as you can, you risk ignoring them. There may be a money question about another person at the end of the month, but with patience, it shouldn't be a problem.

☆☆☆ Gemini – Translator: Andrey, the night wandering girl

You may want to launch a long-term project this month. But before making a decision, you should also evaluate what you are currently doing. You do tend to be impulsive, and more often than not, impulsiveness also has a push effect on you. But if there's too much to do right now, it's easy to get clogged. There will be other surprises to come in the coming weeks, so whatever you decide to do in the end, make sure you can handle it and have the right timeline. Then there are some things that may be a bit risky, and you may be scared of it. This fear is unfounded. Even if someone you trust tells you that everything is going to be okay, you need to reconfirm it yourself so that you can feel comfortable doing things. In July, you may exude charm and attract all kinds of interesting new friends to your life. Even if you don't feel like you have much time to socialize, you can still make time if you plan it right. At least one person will resonate with you on a soul level – whether it's friendship or love. With so much to come on this month, to stay focused and pragmatic, the Universe encourages you to indulge in soothing hobbies. Pick something that makes you feel relaxed and, if you can, share it with people you like, admire, and make you laugh. At the end of the month, you may have the opportunity to connect with some people who are relevant to your next plans. You may feel like it's too early to get in touch, but it's actually the right time.

☆☆☆ Cancer – Translator: Illusion

At the beginning of July, you may be in great need of a hug, dear moon cub, and even then, you are often too shy or too humble to ask for this, don't worry – you will soon feel the warm embrace of the whole universe, which is to reassure you that you are cared for and loved. Now is the time of the year that belongs to you, you may have just had your birthday or are about to have one, and now start to look back on the past months or even years and see how far you are from what you thought at the beginning and what you are now, which brings sad thoughts and also encouraging hope, that is, you will experience emotional fluctuations throughout the month of July, but this is not new to you. July will also be full of exciting developments, including long-term breakthroughs in finances, creative projects, relationships, and more. A while ago, there was a complex emotional problem involving your family that has left you desperate, but soon you will understand something, and although this matter cannot be completely resolved in July, you will see the problem more clearly and see that you are right, and what you have done will be proven and rewarded. You may have been feeling lonely lately, but in the coming weeks, you'll be getting more invitations and social opportunities, including romantic opportunities, and if that's what you want, you'll feel like you're suddenly a big hit, and a lot of great, playful people come into your leisure time, get used to it, because you've entered the stage of more joy, abundance, and success.

☆☆☆ Leo – Translator: ZX

Dear Leo, during one of the negotiations this month, someone you know will give you the leverage you need. You may not even realize the connection between what you want and the person, but if you talk about the negotiation you're on, they will be aware and want to help you. At the same time, you will spread your intentions into the universe, which will also help you to succeed. This month could be a milestone in this area, so focus as much attention as you can. Pay extra attention to large expenditures in July. Sometimes your thoughts are detached from life, and even though you are a rational thinker, you are not always realistic. Before you spend a fortune, even on what you need, you have to do your research on what you're buying, including the best deals, other people's reviews, and check your budget. Be careful. In the middle of the month, you may find yourself particularly emotional. It may come from a painful experience, such as a wedding message from a friend or family member, the birth of a child, or graduating from high school — something that will bring back memories for you. Be cautious about your words and actions, as you will be easily swayed by emotions. Keep things under control. At the end of the month, a last-minute invitation may be sent to you, and we encourage you to attend. You may meet people you haven't seen in a while and get back in touch.

☆☆☆ Virgo – Translator: Illusion

In July, you may be planning to spend a lot of time convincing others to join you or approve what you want to do. Do you feel like you need their consent to move forward, dear Virgo, but is it really needed? Maybe it's more that you feel judged or that you lack self-confidence. Don't waste your energy trying to convince them, put your energy into believing in yourself. Family life can be a bit chaotic in July, maybe it's renovations, people visiting you disrupting your plans, or some other sudden reason. Home is your safe haven, a source of inspiration and harmony, which can cause emotional disruption to you, so it's important to find other sources that meet your needs when your home is chaotic, such as a short road trip, enjoying a mini-vacation, or finding other resources to help you stay emotionally healthy. The month of July may be stressful about property matters, directly or indirectly affecting you, and you may be moving, investing in a property, or helping a friend make a property decision. It's a busy month with high output, so be sure to take time to regain your spirits.

☆☆☆ Libra – Translator: Wave Bubble Aph

A lot of annoying little tasks and nasty chores have piled up. Dear Libra, you have been procrastinating on these things because you simply don't have the energy to deal with them. This month you may suddenly feel energetic to figure out the things you've been putting off, and you should do it as soon as you first feel it. Once you start doing it, you'll find that it's not a lot of things, and it's not as bad as you think. If you can solve it in the first few days of July, you will have a great sense of relief and a more relaxed outlook on life. This month you might be involved in a project that will benefit a charity, your community, or even someone close to you. Someone else may be trying to control the situation, or they may be trying to push your limits by taking ideas that you know won't work. Just let them have their say, and you move on in the direction you're going. Once they have a chance to have a voice, they may get involved and do what they have to do. By the third week of July, you may regret the decision for a project you volunteered for. This project may seem like it's getting a lot more complicated than you think, but it's not. You may just have asked the wrong person for help. Put out the news that you need more experienced guidance, and the right people will show up.

☆☆☆ Scorpio – Translator: Liu Kitten

Dear Scorpio, you may not consider yourself a "sociable person", but when you decide to show your charm, there is no one more attractive and interesting than you. You may need to enlist some support for what you want to do or what you want to promote right now, and if you can muster up the courage to do it, you can win hearts and minds. There may be several good opportunities this month for you to win support for what you want to do. In the second week of July, a last-minute change of plan may have led to better results, although it may not seem like that at first. Keep an open mind. This month you may find yourself drawn to the arts, with the urge to visit art galleries or attend theatrical performances. Or the feeling will take you in another direction, and you may have the desire to paint or learn clay making. Whatever you do, it will be a cathartic way to relax and get in touch with your spiritual authenticity. By the third week of the month, you've probably accumulated a lot of tasks that need your attention, and you may start to hear that someone needs your help or is looking for information. Just be patient and remember that you are just a normal person. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.

☆☆☆ Sagittarius – Translator: No Illusion

In July, you may have a great idea that you'll be excited to share with others, but if you do it with an arrogant attitude, others won't see how special the idea is. That's a shame, shooter, because that's really something you should be proud of. This month, be sure to take into account other people's opinions in your presentations and give them a chance to give feedback. Everyone wants to be heard. In the second week of the month, you may feel a strong positive vibe in many areas of your life, especially the emotional aspect. If you have a partner, a conflict that has been put on hold may surface and may get worse before it gets better, but then there may be dramatic breakthroughs and solutions that you are perfectly happy with. If you are single, someone very attractive may pass in front of you, and the chemistry between you will be noticeable. This month you will feel stressed because of money issues that were not resolved in the previous month. You may feel guilty for some reason, and this month you will find that it is not your fault at all, nor is it your responsibility, and you can get rid of this problem with a clear conscience. Overall, July would be a good month to settle other outstanding debts or money messes. At the end of the month, you may hear that there is a concert or theater performance nearby that you want to attend. Buy your tickets early and enjoy the anticipation.

☆☆☆ Capricorn – Translator: Liu Kitten

This month you'll need to rely heavily on your instincts to solve problems in your family and perhaps personal finances. In the former case, you need to use your empathy and intuition to understand what is really bothering someone, so that you can get to the heart of the problem and deal with it properly. In the latter case, you need to figure out who you can trust and who you can't. If you listen, your intuition will tell you that they will guide you in the right direction. This month, you may finally get recognition on an issue in the past, where someone will tell you that you are right and they are wrong. You need to hear this phrase and it will greatly help you move forward with the plan you've been thinking about. Dear Capricorn, even though you know you've been right all along, it can be very relieved to hear someone admit the truth. You're likely to pay more attention to beauty in all its forms this month. This could mean that you want to beautify your home with calmer colors, plant a beautifully designed garden, or you might even want to focus more on how to plate your homemade recipes. Overall, you're more focused on aesthetics this month. This state of mind may help you cope with some of your worries, and it's also a great way to do that. By the end of July, you'll be freed from some of the annoying problems, and you'll finally find yourself more relaxed and hopeful for the future.

☆☆☆ Aquarius – Translator: Wow Wow Wow _ATS

Earlier this month, a project that works with people seemed to be going in an uncontrollable direction. Maybe you'll complain and feel like you should have more control over the process. However, bottle, all you have to do is "stronger self-management". Maybe you're influenced by someone's habits, but you can't change someone else's nature anyway. If you can be unaffected by personal grievances and likes and dislikes, you will be more focused and deliver the best results. Focus on work rather than someone's stupid behavior. This month you may find yourself in a much lighter relationship with someone who has not been getting along well in the past. Maybe it's because you've "given up resistance." You let your guard down and show a gentle side of your personality that makes you feel a lot more easy-going. You used to be a little intimidating, but now you're more intimate and approachable. That's a good thing! By the third week of July, you may need to lift your mood a bit, as you may be feeling stressed or depressed due to a lot of work or family challenges. You need to find a Hong Kong style that can cheer you up. Look at the positives, stay away from negative news and people with negative personalities, and keep looking for the good side of everything. If you can keep yourself in a positive and optimistic mindset, you can put yourself in a good mood and enjoy the rest of the month.

☆☆☆ Pisces – Translator: Love Yo Wei PM

This month someone may be offering you a money management course, probably in a very casual way, such as learning from others, or a specific class that you could attend to learn more about the subject. This is very beneficial for you, because a child of liberty like you can sometimes deviate from the course of the realm, and it is good to have a tutorial to guide you. In July, a period of abundance will begin for you, though not necessarily in terms of money. Maybe it's more that what you've always wanted – presumably a luxury – becomes readily available in some form. For example, someone might offer you a piece of art or a luxury car for a big sale – something you wouldn't normally be able to afford. You may not get richer this month, but you will feel richer. However, there are opportunities in the future to add tangible wealth to your life, and if you take advantage of these opportunities now, you will become more successful and wealthy in the future. Be wary of small talk in the pantry or gossip on other occasions, you may hear some great news, but you shouldn't believe most of what you hear. If you keep this in mind, you can damage your relationships. The frustration of ongoing projects this month may be a disguised blessing that you can focus on the development of better things during the pause.

(Monthly) July APP2024 horoscope

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