
Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts



Understanding architectural design concepts is a common challenge faced by many students, especially when it comes to understanding what makes a good architectural design concept. The importance of design concepts is often emphasized in the work. However, mastering the essence of a strong design concept can be a complex task in the initial stages of architectural education. Let's start with some simple definitions and explore how to deepen the design concept.

01 | What is an architectural design concept?

In the field of architecture, a design concept is often defined as an abstract idea, intention, or plan. However, from an architectural point of view, the concept is essentially the approach taken in the design. It is the foundational idea that guides the entire design process. The concept has undergone a growth process, often referred to as concept development, in which various parameters become an integral part of its evolution. For architects, it is the concept that distinguishes an architectural work from a simple building.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

The architectural design concept represents an abstract idea that is the guiding principle and core feature of the project. It is important to note that this concept was dynamic throughout the duration of the project. Instead, it may evolve as the structural design changes.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

The architectural design concept is the first step in any project, before all other activities in the design process. Only after the design concept has been developed and finalized can the project move forward meaningfully. This concept is the driving force and decisive feature of the development of a construction project and is constantly mentioned at every stage.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

The chosen design concept should influence all aspects of the project, from proportions to interior elements, exterior design, and flooring materials. In a construction project, each component should be carefully designed and created according to the overall concept.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

02 | How to generate a design concept

Consulting plays a crucial role in the design concept development process. This includes various types of inspections, of which on-site access is particularly important. Through searching, architects can get inspired and gain insight into their projects. When you conduct a site survey, you are actually analyzing and understanding the site, including its surroundings, cultural background, sociological aspects, etc.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts


Translating design concepts into 2D and 3D sketches, as well as creating scaled sketch models, is an effective way to refine architectural design concepts. Hand drawing is a creative process that facilitates the generation of ideas. Sketch on paper or build a 3D sketch model. The material selection for the sketch model is flexible, but the focus is on strengthening the idea.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

Before starting a new project, it is essential to conduct a case study to gain a deeper understanding. These case studies should cover factors such as projects that have similarities to the site of work, initial concepts that influenced early ideas, the intended function of the building, and climatic and geographical conditions.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

03 | How to develop a design concept

In the initial stages of architectural design concept development, it is critical to gather and classify key information to lay the foundation for the design process. To successfully develop an architectural design concept, a comprehensive study must be carried out in three main areas:

  • Site (site and surrounding environment analysis)
  • Architectural Requirements (Design Brief)
  • Type of building (typology)

[Development of design concepts from site and environmental analysis]

Before delving into the design process for any construction project, conducting a comprehensive site analysis is a foundational step. Through this analysis, we can gain insight into the specific location of the project and the broader context of its surroundings. The ultimate goal is not to make the building disappear into the site, but to reflect and harmonize with it in a thoughtful and environmentally conscious way.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

1. Asamata

The orientation of the building is an important consideration in the development of the architectural design concept. While aligning a building with the sun's path is critical to achieving optimal energy efficiency, there are other factors to consider when determining orientation. For example, on a large site, consider the natural flow of visitors and whether the location has an inherent axis. This may inspire a concept that utilizes or alters existing axes to create an engaging and thought-provoking design.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

2. Perspective

In architectural design, the interaction of the landscape inside and outside the building is essential to establish a visual connection between the architectural form, the interior and the exterior. Well-designed landscape design can spark curiosity when looking inside a building and promote a positive connection with its surroundings when looking at the outside. The interior landscape of a building plays an important role in determining the location of private spaces, in some cases, balancing the need to connect with the exterior while limiting the interior landscape.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

3. Light

The use of light in a space is not just for the sake of visibility. Light, whether natural or artificial, has the power to shape space by interacting with shadows, defining abstract boundaries, and influencing atmosphere. Architects can use insights from site analysis, including sun path studies, shadow assessments, and orientation considerations, to integrate light as an essential design element.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

Natural lighting is especially important in buildings, as it improves comfort and highlights the materiality of the space while saving energy. However, it requires careful planning to address the potential issues associated with increased heat.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

4. Topography

Consider the features of the site in terms of façade and layout. Does the site have significant topography that could be a central element of the design? Is topography a decisive factor in determining where construction can or can't be done on the site? Are certain site areas more susceptible to environmental factors than others that may affect the orientation of the building? Assess whether the terrain of the site is steep or flat. These aspects of site analysis are essential to forming the architectural concept.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

5. Weather

Consider the impact of weather conditions on the site. Assess whether the site is vulnerable to extreme weather elements and whether protective measures are needed. Determine the level of asylum that needs to be provided to the occupants. Explore the possibility of orienting the building to protect it from prevailing winds. Tackling the challenge of balancing weather protection with optimal visibility, we sought a unified concept that met these different design goals.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

6. Physical characteristics of the site

Consider the natural elements on the site, including trees, rivers, rock formations, vegetation, cliffs, valleys, and other unique features. Consider how these natural elements can be the inspiration for the design or even an integral part of the architectural concept.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

[Development of design concepts based on architectural requirements]

1. Functions, Uses, and Users

When developing an architectural concept, it is crucial to decide whether to prioritize form or function. It's important to understand the purpose of the building, the space required, and the potential change in use. In addition, it is equally important to consider the characteristics of the end user, the frequency of use, and the specific needs. The diversity of building users, whether it's a small group of permanent users in a home or a diverse group of one-off visitors in a museum, can have a big impact on the design.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

2. The use and demand of space

The process of visualizing space becomes easier by creating a spatial map that matches the intended use of each area. The architectural arrangement of this space enhances our understanding of form and design philosophy. In addition, it helps to determine which spaces should be close to each other. It's worth noting that at this initial stage, nothing is fixed, encouraging architects to explore various iterations. The mapping of space is influenced by a range of factors, including considerations such as views, site characteristics, and the distinction between public and private spaces.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

3. Circulation

Spatial layout and circulation are interrelated aspects of architectural design. The spatial layout of a building can significantly affect how users move and interact within that space. Flowlines, on the other hand, focus on the patterns and routes that users will follow as they navigate both inside and outside the building. This includes consideration of site access, building entrances and exits, and horizontal and vertical access within the structure. It is worth noting that circulation is a particularly important concept in gallery and museum design, as the flow of visitors and their interaction with the space is crucial.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

[Development of design concepts based on building types]

This part deals with the type of building, which is the type of building we are designing. Whether it's a hospital, a museum, or a residential building, we're here to gather information to get a complete picture of the project. We look at precedent studies and carefully analyze what problems we intend to solve for our customers and future users of the building. We consider the structural requirements that are appropriate for this particular building type and consider how visitors will interact with the building.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

1. Form and volume

Initiating the concept development process typically involves starting with a basic architectural form and then adapting it to relevant factors. This approach often requires manipulating both positive and negative spaces, drawing inspiration from site analysis and spatial function. The improvement of the concept through formal manipulation is especially evident when conducting volumetric studies.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

2. Local characteristic architecture

An important factor to consider when developing an architectural concept is the existing architectural style in the area. You have to decide if your concept conforms to the mainstream style, whether to reflect it in your design, or whether to challenge it with a more modern interpretation. This contextual exploration is crucial as it can lead to innovative opportunities for concept development based on the evolution of the surrounding architectural landscape. Understanding existing buildings and conducting thorough research can open the door to creating concepts that are rooted in nearby architectural developments.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

04 | summary

Overall, architectural design concepts are the fundamental ideas and principles that drive the design process, helping architects create spaces that are functional, beautiful, and meaningful to meet the needs of users and their surroundings.

Students in the field of architecture should be open-minded and willing to explore new ideas. Despite the challenges, their understanding of the architectural concept will gradually deepen with each design.

Design Inspiration丨Essential Guide for Architects: How to Develop Architectural Design Concepts

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