
15200 ml! Party members and employees of the Postal Savings Bank donated blood to celebrate "July 1st"

author:Shanghai Hongkou

As a veteran party member, I am very proud to contribute to the society within the scope of my ability!

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Hongkou District Blood Management Center organized a themed blood donation activity. Among them, 76 party members and employees from the Shanghai branch of the Postal Savings Bank of China donated 15,200 ml of blood to convey positive energy with practical actions.


"I am particularly proud to be able to catch up with this event as a party member." Gong Jingjin, an employee of the Shanghai branch of the Postal Savings Bank, rushed to the Postal Savings Bank of China building on Dongdaming Road early in the morning and successfully donated 200 milliliters of blood.

15200 ml! Party members and employees of the Postal Savings Bank donated blood to celebrate "July 1st"

Blood donor Gong Jingjin

Gong Jingjin told reporters that this was his fourth blood donation, and what prompted him to join the unpaid blood donation team was a volunteer service experience in college. "At that time, Shanghai was hosting the World Expo, so I signed up as a volunteer. Through this volunteer work, I have gained a lot, especially spiritually. Gong Jingjin said that unpaid blood donation is a social public welfare undertaking, which needs the support and participation of more people, and he wants to call on the public to actively participate in unpaid blood donation through his own practical actions.

15200 ml! Party members and employees of the Postal Savings Bank donated blood to celebrate "July 1st"

Blood donor Gu Yanting

Gu Yanting is a veteran party member with 10 years of party experience, and when she learned that the unit organized blood donation, she signed up as soon as possible, because in her opinion, unpaid blood donation is not only a love, but also a mission.

At the scene of this blood donation event, the reporter also found many "post-00" blood donors, and Mao Zhengqiang, who donated blood for the second time, was one of them.

15200 ml! Party members and employees of the Postal Savings Bank donated blood to celebrate "July 1st"

Blood donor Mao is strong

Mao Zhengqiang said that it is very meaningful to be able to participate in this activity on this special day to demonstrate the responsibility and responsibility of party members and cadres. "Compared with my predecessors, I am still a 'new soldier', and I still have a long way to go to become a good Communist Party member. In the future, I will continue to participate in unpaid blood donation and add glory to the party flag with practical actions. ”

It is understood that in the middle of summer, due to hot weather and other reasons, the number of unpaid blood donations on the street will decline, and clinical blood use is facing challenges. "Hospitals won't stop treating patients because of the heat, and patients won't stop their need for blood because of the heat." The person in charge of the district blood management center said that he hoped that more eligible healthy citizens and groups would actively participate in unpaid blood donation to help ensure the city's blood inventory.

Thank you to every great unpaid blood donor

Your blood is saving the health and lives of others

15200 ml! Party members and employees of the Postal Savings Bank donated blood to celebrate "July 1st"

Reporter: Sun Jiejing

Image: He Kun

Video: Lu Ning

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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