
To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party members in this residential area did this~

author:Shanghai Hongkou

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, recently, the General Party Branch of Xiangde Residential Area of Ouyang Road Street joined hands with community party members to carefully plan and carry out a unique party day activity with the theme of "Spring and Autumn Fruits, My Heart to the Party".

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party members in this residential area did this~

On the day of the event, despite the drizzle in the sky, Tang Xiaoyi, a 100-year-old party member in Xiangde residential area, still walked into the venue with enthusiasm, and he said excitedly: "The party's birthday means a lot to me. No matter how strong the wind or shine, I will come to the celebrations. Despite my old age, my love for the party is forever young! ”

At the beginning of the event, the community launched a new brand "Xiangde Stage, the protagonist is you", aiming to build a comprehensive platform integrating party building, autonomy, service, safety and culture. This brand links community residents, property committees, property companies and co-construction units to jointly create a multi-governance scene of "Xiangde Stage" for co-governance and sharing. At the same time, the community has also issued a recruitment order for managers, hoping that more residents will join in and build the "Xiangde Stage" into a community stage where everyone can become the protagonist.

The atmosphere was warm, and many residents responded positively and volunteered to take up the roles of "elevator control update manager" and "community emergency teaching manager", showing the enthusiasm and responsibility of community residents for co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party members in this residential area did this~

Under the solemn party flag, everyone reviewed the oath of joining the party, reviewed the moment of joining the party, and made a solemn commitment to the party again. Liu Caijiao, the founder of the Ouyang Poetry and Literature Society, and the members of the Poetry and Literature Society recited the poem "My Mother, Dear Party" affectionately on the spot, and used poetry to praise the greatness of the party and the love of the mother.

"Every year I wear carefully selected clothes to the event because I have the same birthday as the party." Liu Caijiao excitedly shared with everyone after the performance.

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party members in this residential area did this~

In addition, the event also held a photo exhibition of "Spring and Autumn Fruits, My Heart to the Party". The exhibition is divided into three themes: "Spring and Autumn Fruits" shows the development process and vitality of the Communist Party of China over the past 103 years, with the elements of spring as the background; "Fruitful Results" focuses on the fruitful achievements under the leadership of party building, and shows the model of the co-construction units in the jurisdiction to actively play their corporate responsibilities and missions in the new development stage; "Spring Shadow Like Poetry" collects photographic works around the landscape environment of the community, the development and changes of the community, and the people's life, and records beautiful moments and touching stories.

Next, the residential area will also carry out more colorful and diverse theme party day activities, invite more community residents and co-construction enterprises to join them, work together to create the "Xiangde Stage" brand, and jointly create a happy and livable community life scene.

Reporter: Lu Xuejiao

Image: Ouyang Road street

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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