
Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey

author:Shanghai Hongkou

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further deepen the effectiveness of grassroots party building, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, and jointly promote the high-quality development of the jurisdiction, a few days ago, Jiangwan Town Street held a theme party day activity of "Fulfilling the mission and forging ahead to start a new journey" in the Rainbow Bay Public Service Center.

Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey
Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey

The original song "Jiangwan Ballad", the poem recitation "From Shikumen to Tiananmen", and the "Source of Strength" immersive party class...... At the scene, the outstanding party members of Jiangwan Town Street showed the positive energy of the party members in various forms.

Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey
Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey

This year, Guo Ziheng and Chen Lixi, two elderly people in Guyuan residential area, expressed their devotion to the party by paying special party dues, and practiced their original intention and mission. Representatives of veteran party members and comrades with more than 50 years of party experience in the jurisdiction were also invited to participate in the event, and commemorative medals were awarded to the veteran party members, so that they could feel the care, love and concern of the street party organization for the veteran comrades.

Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey
Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey

It is reported that the outstanding Communist Party members of Jiangwan Town Street have always kept their original intention and mission, dared to think and act hard in regional development, and achieved certain results in party building leading the comprehensive management of residential communities, the renewal of urban appearance, the optimization of the business environment, the improvement of social governance and the improvement of the quality of life, etc., and polished the glorious title of Communist Party members with practical actions.

Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey
Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey
Gather in Jiangwan to celebrate "July 1st", do not forget the original intention and start a new journey

In the streets of Jiangwan Town, activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China are still going on. Recently, the Jiangwan Town Street Community Party and Mass Service Center and the New Era Civilization Practice Sub-center are guided by the needs of the masses, and give full play to the role of the party and the masses in connecting and serving the masses, consolidating grassroots governance, and uniting the party and the people, and carried out the "July 1st" service activities for the people in the Jiangwan meeting room.

A series of service projects to benefit the people not only improve the quality of life of community residents, but also promote the popularization and development of community volunteer services, so that more residents can enjoy the satisfaction and happiness brought by "one for all, all for one". Next, Jiangwan Town Street will further enhance the depth of service, broaden the breadth of service, provide residents with more high-quality, efficient and convenient volunteer services, give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and volunteers, and make the concept of serving the people deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Reporter: Qian Jing

Image: Street of Jiangwan Town

Source: Shanghai Hongkou