
My sister went to Indonesia to pick up Zhang Zhijie! The mother was widowed + lost her son, fell ill and was hospitalized, which was too distressing

author:One eye in sports

Recently, China's 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during a match in Indonesia, and died after being sent to the hospital. After the incident, Brudo, a spokesman for the Indonesian Federation of Badminton, said that through medical conclusions, Zhang Zhijie experienced a sudden cardiac arrest, and after being sent to the hospital, Zhang Zhijie had shown no pulse and no spontaneous breathing, and at present, Zhang Zhijie's body is still parked in the local hospital, waiting for the family of the deceased to come from China.

My sister went to Indonesia to pick up Zhang Zhijie! The mother was widowed + lost her son, fell ill and was hospitalized, which was too distressing
My sister went to Indonesia to pick up Zhang Zhijie! The mother was widowed + lost her son, fell ill and was hospitalized, which was too distressing

According to the latest news, Zhang Zhijie's brother-in-law said that due to the sudden death of the child, Zhang Zhijie's mother couldn't bear the blow, and fell ill and was hospitalized at that time, plus Zhang Zhijie's father died very early, so it was his mother who worked hard to raise a pair of children to grow up, and now the future pillar Zhang Zhijie is also gone, as a mother, she has lost the two most important men in her life, which is extremely cruel.

My sister went to Indonesia to pick up Zhang Zhijie! The mother was widowed + lost her son, fell ill and was hospitalized, which was too distressing
My sister went to Indonesia to pick up Zhang Zhijie! The mother was widowed + lost her son, fell ill and was hospitalized, which was too distressing

Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the aftermath and handover work still need the participation of immediate family members, so Zhang Zhijie's sister has now embarked on a journey to Indonesia, ready to deal with the aftermath, in fact, my sister is not very old, and she is alone in a foreign country to face the blow of the death of her relatives, you can imagine how broken and uncomfortable her heart is. After learning the bad news before, my sister also posted on social platforms to express her sadness, and also accused the Indonesian organizers of backwardness and mistakes in emergency rescue.

My sister went to Indonesia to pick up Zhang Zhijie! The mother was widowed + lost her son, fell ill and was hospitalized, which was too distressing

As we all know, the video footage from the game scene shows that Zhang Zhijie did not intervene until 30 seconds after he fainted, and was directly carried away on a stretcher about two minutes later, without cardiopulmonary resuscitation, without the use of AED and other first-aid measures, amateur perfunctory, full of loopholes.

My sister went to Indonesia to pick up Zhang Zhijie! The mother was widowed + lost her son, fell ill and was hospitalized, which was too distressing

According to Zhang Zhijie's family, over the years, the child has been training all year round, competing outside, and rarely returning to his hometown, including his uncle, who only saw his nephew come back once last year, and this year's Women's Day, he also failed to go home to accompany his mother, but gave his mother a gift through online shopping, and this is his last thought to his mother, which is really heart-wrenching.

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