
The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

author:Shanghai Hongkou

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit the red gene in the study of the century-old party history, gather the strength of endeavor, and further launch the red brand of "source of strength", on the morning of July 1, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of theme celebrations in the preface hall. This event is divided into four chapters: "Don't forget the original intention", "Cohesion", "Looking forward to the future" and "Source of strength". The "Centennial Journey, Source of Strength - Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China" essay collection activity, the first "Red Imprint: Youth Art Creation Project" and "Standing Up and Running to the Future" 2024 summer series of theme activities were officially launched on the spot.

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

Wang Xujie, Deputy Director of the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xin Ping, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Affairs and President of the Shanghai Communist Party History Society, Zeng Chenggang, President of the China Sculpture Society, Chairman of the Shanghai Artists Association and President of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Wu Qiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hongkou District Committee of the Communist Party of China and Director of the Propaganda Department of the District Committee, and other relevant leaders and experts and scholars from universities in Shanghai attended the event.

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

▲ Flag-raising ceremony

At the beginning of the activity of "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution and ......", the party branch of the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China and the representatives of the party members of the co-construction unit reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the firm and heroic oath echoed in the flag square and echoed in the hearts of every party member.

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

▲Representatives of party members review the oath of joining the party


The 2024 summer series of theme activities will be launched

In order to further give full play to the role of party history in educating people, continue the gene of Hongkou's "three cultural places", and carry forward the noble spirit of contemporary young people who make unremitting efforts for the party and the people, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China specially plan a series of theme activities in the summer of 2024 of "Standing up and taking responsibility for the future".

The summer activities will promote young people to have an in-depth understanding of red culture, national flag culture, scientific culture, and intangible cultural heritage culture in a variety of forms, such as participating in red story performances, listening to preaching skills training, taking the bus research route, watching red film and television works, and experiencing intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, and taking theory + practice courses as the starting point to practice the confidence and determination of young people to "please rest assured that the party is strong and the country has me".

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

▲The leading guests presented the summer research equipment to the representatives of the "Little Red Flower".

At the scene, the "Little Red Flowers" also brought a well-prepared sitcom "Bloody Sincerity" to everyone, opening a historical dialogue through a hundred years from the perspective of a teenager.

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

▲ "Little Red Flower" brings the sitcom "Bloody Sincerity"

The first "Red Imprint: Youth Art Creation Project" was launched

In order to further make good use of Hongkou's rich red cultural resources and enhance the influence of the "three cultural places", the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China cooperated with the Shanghai Maritime Oil Painting and Sculpture Creation Center to launch the first "Red Imprint: Youth Art Works Creation Project" and issued a solicitation invitation to young artists in the Yangtze River Delta region.

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

▲The first "Red Imprint: Youth Art Creation Project" was unveiled

The first solicitation activity includes Chinese painting, oil painting, sculpture, printmaking, gouache, watercolor and other forms, relying on the historical and cultural resources, celebrities and characteristic buildings of Hongkou District, and inspired by historical resources such as Shanghai culture, national flag culture, and left-wing culture, to create the bloody battles of revolutionary martyrs, the great spirit of party building, patriotic education, the four historical scenes of the Communist Party of China and their related materials.

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

▲The leading guests issued letters of appointment to the judges

It is hoped that with the help of this youth art creation project, talents can be discovered, talents can be cultivated, young authors can be trained and improved in thematic art creation, and Shanghai's red cultural creation advantages can be passed on from generation to generation.

The essay contest of "Centennial Journey, Source of Strength - Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China" was launched

The year 2025 marks the 100th anniversary of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 80th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War. In order to further excavate and collect relevant historical materials of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and strengthen the research on the important contributions of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the party's revolutionary theory, organizational construction and mass movement, the leaders and guests at the meeting jointly launched the essay collection activity of "Centennial Journey, Source of Strength - Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China".

The memorial hall of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China will hold a seminar, from now on for domestic and foreign experts, scholars, students of colleges and universities, etc., the essays can focus on "the great spirit of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the four major congresses of the Communist Party of China", "the four major congresses of the Communist Party of China and the founding of the Communist Party of China", "the four major congresses of the Communist Party of China and the study of Marxism in China", "the four major congresses of the Communist Party of China and the party's organizational construction" and other 28 topics.

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

▲The essay contest was launched

In order to achieve complementary advantages, resource sharing, promote mutual learning and common development, and improve the level of party building, the party branch of the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China signed a co-construction agreement with the party organizations of the School of Medicine and Technology of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the Archives of East China Normal University, the Hongkou Branch of Shanghai Social Insurance Management Center, the Shanghai Branch of Xiamen International Bank Co., Ltd., Shanghai Hotline Real Estate Co., Ltd., and Beijing Jingshi (Shanghai) Law Firm, and established it as a party building pairing and co-construction unit.

The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations
The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations
The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations
The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations
The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations
The centennial journey and the source of strength, the four memorial halls of the Communist Party of China carried out a series of themed celebrations

Reporter: Liu Yang

Photo: Yang Borong

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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