
Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!

author:Shanghai Hongkou


Summer vacation has begun

Are you ready

It's a more interesting and fulfilling way to open it

this year

Hongkou District Youth Activity Center

For everyone

Five education "children" heart colorful a "summer"

There are a total of 62 activities in 4 categories

There's a lot of content, and it's exciting

Check it out


Red footprints

Relive the revolutionary years and trace the development process of the party

Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!
Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!

Hongkou is known as the "Three Cultural Places", do you know which three places they are? In early July, the 13th season of "Rainbow Memory" will explore the revolutionary imprint of Hongkou and Shanghai, a treasure city of China's revolutionary spirit. At the same time, there are also "Red Shadow Rainbow Road" - red culture research activities, "Follow Lu Xun's footsteps" printmaking experience activities, etc., waiting for you to explore the red stories around you.

Golden Stage

Show yourself on the stage of youth

Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!
Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!
Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!

Do you have a dream about the stage? The student version of the original musical "Cha Classmate Boy" is waiting for you. Join the two-month drama workshop and musical rehearsal, so that your friends can see a new you in the first class of the school year. Of course, you can also be an appreciator of art. On July 13th, the weekly radio concert of Hongkou District Student Wind Ensemble will be held at Nine Trees Future Art Center. There are also activities such as the Rainbow Sound and Green Rhyme - Midsummer Words Concert, I Want a Microphone High School Student Campus Singer Billboard, so stay tuned!

Blue ocean of science and technology

Take a dip in a sea of knowledge and innovation

Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!
Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!
Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!

Do you know the new term "curation"? The new project of "One Square Meter Museum" summer research activity is about to meet with you. The 2-day Future Curator Bootcamp will help you learn curatorial methods, understand the design of the museum, and try to create and arrange exhibitions. At the same time, let us devote ourselves to activities such as satellite research camps, artificial intelligence unmanned driving lectures, youth aerospace model championships, and national youth science and technology innovation competitions to explore the truth of science together.

The ancient rhyme of Qingdai

Appreciate the infinite charm of traditional Chinese culture

Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!
Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!

How can summer vacation life be without summer camp activities? The National Compass Program Archaeology Summer Camp will be coming as scheduled. This year's summer camp will focus on "tea culture", through the carrier of green brick tea, learn ancient arts, inherit etiquette, and touch the context of Chinese culture. In addition, children can also participate in traditional culture parent-child experience activities to feel the charm of traditional culture.

Visits and experiences

Shows & Performances

Lectures & Trainings


Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!

More details about the event and registration information

Can be followed

Hongkou District Youth Activity Center WeChat public account

Come and spend it together

Let's go this summer

Summer vacation is coming→ here are 62 activities in 4 categories waiting for you!

Reporter: Qian Jing

Image: District Youth Activity Center

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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