
Wang Fengying went to Baoneng for a few days and slipped away......

author:Brother Dao said car

It turned out that Wang Fengying, president of Xiaopeng Motors, was almost poached by Yao Zhenhua before joining Xiaopeng Motors.

On July 1, "Caiquan Society & Dao Ge Says Che" reported that a number of automotive industry executives received an invitation from Yao Zhenhua (chairman of Baoneng Group) to join Zotye Automobile. (For details, see Exclusive: "Baoneng Yao Zhenhua Becomes the Owner of Zotye Automobile?") Insiders say it's a strategic partnership)

Wang Fengying went to Baoneng for a few days and slipped away......

After the report was released, a senior executive in the industry asked the editor of "Financial Circle Club & Dao Ge Talking Car": Now in the industry, does anyone dare to believe Boss Yao?

At present, although Yao Zhenhua and his Baoneng Group are in a bad situation, Yao Zhenhua was once the top business tycoon in China? Why can't anyone in the industry believe it? A story came quietly.

Wang Fengying learned about Baoneng and slipped away......

Wang Fengying, known as the "Iron Lady" of the automobile industry, was the general manager of Great Wall Motors, and is now the president of Xiaopeng Motors. In terms of understanding cars, ordinary people can't compare with Wang Fengying.

Judging from the sales volume of Xiaopeng Motors in the past two months, the effect of Wang Fengying's joining can also be seen. However, Xpeng Motors narrowly missed out on this talent. A senior executive in the industry told a story to the editor of "Financial Circle Club & Dao Ge Talking Car":

Before joining Xiaopeng Motors, Wang Fengying had been to Baoneng for a few days, and Yao Zhenhua at that time also brought a group of executives to a banquet for Wang Fengying and his wife. "Before she went to Xiaopeng Motors, she went to Baoneng for a few days to work, and after a deep understanding, she found that something was wrong, so she said goodbye," said a senior executive in an industry.

Wang Fengying went to Baoneng for a few days and slipped away......

According to another industry veteran who understands the situation, Wang Fengying spent 3 days to understand the situation, chatted with important first-level executives, and then drove away, the driver waited downstairs until 10 o'clock and did not see anyone, and at 11 o'clock Wang Fengying sent a WeChat message to Yao Zhenhua from the airport to say that he would not play......

"She reviewed (reviewed) for three days and scolded for two days, and Baoneng's product planning was scolded by her for being worthless", the person analyzed that she should have found the real bottom within three days, confirming that Yao Zhenhua did not really want to make cars, but asked her to be an actor, cheat ZF money, and deal with ZF. In her opinion, Wang Fengying's farewell has nothing to do with Baoneng's salary, and Wang Fengying is still very smart at this point.

As the iron lady of the automotive industry, Wang Fengying has profound qualifications and outstanding ability, and judging from her performance in Xiaopeng Motors, it is not an exaggeration to say that she has the ability to turn the tide. However, such a talent will also "slip away" from a car company...... Baoneng Automobile ......

Who would dare to believe Yao Zhenhua?

Generally speaking, a big man with a brilliant record like Wang Fengying is most likely unwilling to let his career make some mistakes, and he slipped away from Baoneng Automobile, or it is also out of this consideration.

It is worth noting that Yao Zhenhua and his Baoneng have a mediocre record in the automotive industry. Since stepping into the automotive industry, although Yao Zhenhua and his Baoneng have made a sensation, they have not made any achievements at present, whether it is the acquisition of Qoros Automobile or their own descendant Baoneng Automobile. The former basically failed, and the latter also stopped moving after the announcement of mass production of Youbaoli A3.

Wang Fengying went to Baoneng for a few days and slipped away......

At the same time, in Yao Zhenhua's car-making process, the deep binding of automobiles and real estate is also one of the characteristics. According to incomplete statistics, since 2017, Baoneng Automobile has successively carried out car-making projects in Changshu, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Guiyang, Kunming, Kunshan and other places, covering an area of more than 11,000 acres. In the vicinity of a number of car-making bases, Baoneng real estate projects have appeared.

As a result, the outside world has been questioning that Baoneng is developing real estate business "by the way" in the name of making cars, otherwise why can't Baoneng Automobile make a splash if it claims to have invested more than 53 billion yuan in total? At present, Yao Zhenhua and his Baoneng have also become "old men", and the amount of execution is frighteningly high......

"Does anyone dare to believe Boss Yao", the question of the senior executives in the above-mentioned industry can't help but make people think deeply. If combined with Wang Fengying's farewell, it is even more intriguing.

It is worth mentioning that after the release of the article "A number of automotive industry executives received Yao Zhenhua's invitation to join Zotye Automobile" reported by "Caiquan Society & Daoge Talking Car", some netizens left a message saying, "Just look at the current personnel president of Zotye Automobile, Qin Junxue", it is understood that Qin Junxue is the assistant general manager of the human resources management center of Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co., Ltd. who helped find the field after Yao Zhenhua was "bullied" by the security guard.

If Qin Junxue has really joined Zotye Automobile, does it mean that Yao Zhenhua has indeed formed some connections with Zotye Auto? Is there any hope for a comeback for this veteran private car company?