
The monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 for the first time! ZEEKR delivered 20,106 units in June, setting a new delivery milestone

author:Brother Dao said car

According to Caiquan Society, on July 1, ZEEKR Intelligent Technology announced the latest delivery volume: 20,106 units will be delivered in June 2024, an increase of 89% year-on-year and 8% month-on-month, setting a new record high. For the first time, the ZEEKR brand delivered more than 20,000 yuan in a single month, creating a new delivery milestone. From January to June this year, a total of 87,870 units were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 106%, and it became the sales champion of China's pure electric brand with more than 200,000 units in 2024. Among them, ZEEKR 001 has been delivered more than 10,000 for three consecutive months, and has steadily ranked first in the sales of pure electric models of more than 250,000 yuan. As of the end of June, ZEEKR has delivered more than 280,000 units, continuing to set new delivery records.

The monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 for the first time! ZEEKR delivered 20,106 units in June, setting a new delivery milestone

Not only did domestic sales continue to increase, but in terms of globalization, ZEEKR announced in June that it had entered the right-hand drive markets such as Malaysia and Indonesia, opening a new chapter in its Southeast Asia strategy. On June 24, the first batch of ZEEKR 001 and ZEEKR X were officially sent to Mexico, opening a new journey in Latin America. Up to now, ZEEKR has entered nearly 30 international mainstream markets, including Sweden, the Netherlands, Thailand, Mexico, etc. By the end of 2024, it will enter 50 countries and regions around the world, including the luxury market in 8 European countries, as well as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Australia and other countries. The right-hand drive version of the Zeekr X is expected to be delivered in Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and other right-hand drive markets in the third quarter of this year.

The monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 for the first time! ZEEKR delivered 20,106 units in June, setting a new delivery milestone

In terms of channels, since the beginning of this year, ZEEKR has accelerated channel development, and as of the end of June, it has opened 429 stores around the world. Among them, 402 are in China. As an important channel strategic layout, ZEEKR, which aggregates full-link one-stop services such as experience, retail, delivery, and after-sales, has opened 75 stores and is expected to expand to 140 within the year. In the future, ZEEKR will further strengthen the channel layout and channel sinking of markets at all levels, and open up more growth space for product delivery, and it is expected that the number of stores will increase to more than 520 within the year.

The monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 for the first time! ZEEKR delivered 20,106 units in June, setting a new delivery milestone

In terms of energy replenishment, ZEEKR has forward-looking layout of the world's only "three 800" ultra-fast charging ecological network, including 800-volt vehicles, 800-volt electricity (power battery), and 800-volt network (energy replenishment network) to provide users with full-life cycle services and inputs. At present, ZEEKR has become the car company with the largest number of mass-produced 800-volt models in the world. As of June 30, ZEEKR has built 1,130 charging stations and 6,358 charging piles, including 515 extreme charging stations and 2,731 extreme charging piles that meet the 800V ultra-fast charging standard, continuing to maintain the industry-leading position in the number of self-built 800V ultra-fast charging piles.

The monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 for the first time! ZEEKR delivered 20,106 units in June, setting a new delivery milestone

At the same time, ZEEKR Energy has also actively expanded its cooperation network, and has cooperated with 39 mainstream operators in China to access more than 800,000 high-quality third-party charging piles, covering more than 340 cities across the country. The access rate of high-speed charging piles reaches 88%, covering 9 longitudinal, 16 horizontal and 7 radial highways across the country, ensuring that users can travel without worry across the country.

At present, ZEEKR is accelerating the "Thousands of Stations and Thousands of Piles" plan, which is expected to be close to 1,000 pole charging stations by the end of 2024, and the total number of pole charging piles is expected to reach 10,000 in 2026, and through the "1515 Convenient Electricity" plan, it strives to achieve the ultimate convenience of finding charging piles in the city in 15 minutes and completing charging in 15 minutes, providing users with a more efficient and convenient ultra-fast charging experience.