
Damen Town, Qinzhou District: Fresh-cut rose planting is the icing on the "scenery" of rural revitalization

author:New Tianshui Network

According to the news of Qinzhou District Rong Media Center Recently, the first crop of rose varieties such as Aisha and Roselle in the planting base of the fresh-cut rose industrial park in Tianyu Village, Damen Town, is in the picking period.

Damen Town, Qinzhou District: Fresh-cut rose planting is the icing on the "scenery" of rural revitalization

Since the fresh-cut roses collectively planted in Damen Town Tianyu Village can be picked and listed, the town and village levels have further analyzed and studied the product sales, actively contacted the city's flower wholesalers and retailers, and sent the first batch of more than 1,000 roses Aisha to 20 branches as a bundle to them as samples for sale, and has been praised by flower shops and consumers, everyone agrees that the Aisha produced in Damen Town Fresh-cut Rose Industrial Park has reached the AB level, and the flower head and color are beyond the same level of flowers in Yunnan.

Damen Town, Qinzhou District: Fresh-cut rose planting is the icing on the "scenery" of rural revitalization
Damen Town, Qinzhou District: Fresh-cut rose planting is the icing on the "scenery" of rural revitalization

It is understood that the fresh-cut rose industrial park in Tianyu Village, Damen Town, will be completed in August 2023, covering an area of 26 acres, with an estimated total investment of 5.85 million yuan, and the project will be constructed in two phases, with an investment of 4 million yuan in 2023, mainly building 20 acres of greenhouses, and an investment of 1.85 million yuan in 2024, mainly building industrial park heating facilities, supporting infrastructure and high-pressure fog spray, water purification, lighting, lighting and carbon dioxide emission systems. After the completion of the project, 3.6 acres of 3 varieties of plateau red, Aisha and Roselle will be planted in September 2023 and successfully, and the planting of 11 varieties of fresh-cut roses of the remaining 16.4 acres will be completed in the spring of 2024. In recent years, Damen Town has always taken the development of characteristic industries as an effective way to promote farmers' income and agricultural efficiency, find a way out on the word "special", make a fuss on the word "special", constantly adjust the structure of agricultural industry, and develop the fresh-cut rose industry in Tianyu Village according to local conditions and village policies, and achieved phased success, adding flowers to the "scene" of rural revitalization.

Damen Town, Qinzhou District: Fresh-cut rose planting is the icing on the "scenery" of rural revitalization

In the next step, Damen Town will always adhere to the "party building leading" as the "red engine" to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and further extend the flower industry chain, enhance the flower value chain, integrate the flower supply chain, enhance the stability and competitiveness of the flower industry chain and supply chain, and walk out of a strong industrial foundation of "party building pilot, industrial prosperity, and people's prosperity and village strength", so as to provide strong support for accelerating the high-quality development of the flower industry in the region.