
West Lake Ulva soup

author:Prince lyrical

Cold rain


Since ancient times, Hangzhou has been the center of culture, art and commerce in China, as well as a paradise for food. In the midst of this paradise, there is a unique delicacy – West Lake Ulva Soup, whose origins can be traced back to ancient times.

During the Song Dynasty, people around West Lake began to grow Ulva as a nutritious vegetable known as a "treasure in the water". At that time, the literati and scholars often used Ulva to cook delicious soups, one of the most famous of which was Ulva soup.

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of the lettuce soup. It is said that in ancient times, a literati named Li Yu came to Hangzhou to visit and was full of praise for the beauty and food of the West Lake. He tasted a variety of local delicacies, including Ulva soup. He was so fascinated by the delicious taste of this soup that he decided to bring the soup back to his hometown so that more people could taste it.

The preparation of Ulva soup is not complicated, but it requires careful selection of ingredients and patience. Ulva is the main body of the soup, it is tender and delicious, and rich in nutrients; Chicken soup is the best partner for Ulva because it can enhance the flavor and make the whole soup more delicious. In addition, some spices such as salt, pepper, etc. need to be added to enhance the texture and flavor of the soup.

Tasting the lettuce soup is a very enjoyable process. First, you'll feel the tenderness of the lettuce and the deliciousness of the chicken broth, then you'll taste the flavors of the seasoning, and finally you'll feel your whole mouth surrounded by this deliciousness. Every bite of the soup will make you feel the food culture and historical heritage of Hangzhou. Nowadays, the West Lake Ulva soup has become a food card of Hangzhou, attracting countless tourists to come and taste it. It is not just a cuisine, but also a cultural symbol, representing the beauty, prosperity and charm of Hangzhou's cuisine.

The origin of West Lake Ulva soup is a legendary story that not only showcases Hangzhou's food culture, but also reflects people's pursuit and yearning for a better life. Every time you taste the Ulva soup, you can feel the charm of Hangzhou and revel in the prosperity of this beautiful city.

West Lake Ulva Soup, also known as West Lake Ulva Soup, is one of the traditional famous dishes in Hangzhou, named because it uses Ulva as the main raw material. Ulva is an aquatic plant that grows in the lake, with a unique fragrance and taste, and is known as the "king of aquatic vegetables". The West Lake Ulva soup is praised for its delicious taste and unique flavor.


In Hangzhou, West Lake Ulva soup is a beloved traditional delicacy that is not only delicious, but also carries a profound historical and cultural heritage.

Ingredients: Ulva cabbage, chicken, ham, bamboo shoots, egg skin, chives, ginger, salt, chicken essence, pepper, broth. Wash the chicken and cut it into small cubes. Cut the ham into thin slices. Wash and finely chop the chives. Pour the stock into the pot, add the ginger slices, bring to a boil, add the diced chicken, bamboo shoots and lettuce, and cook until the lettuce is soft. Add salt, chicken essence and pepper to taste, then sprinkle with egg skin and ham slices, and finally sprinkle with chopped chives.

The history of West Lake Ulva soup can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty, when it was known as "Taishi Soup". Ulva is the fruit of an aquatic plant that is smooth and refreshing. Hangzhou is located in the south of the Yangtze River and is rich in Ulva resources, so West Lake Ulva soup has become a gourmet business card of Hangzhou. In the production process, Ulva occupies an important position with its unique taste and nutritional value. However, to make a delicious West Lake Ulva soup, in addition to the quality of the Ulva itself, you also need high-quality chicken, ham, and various accessories. The combination of these accessories and cooking skills all reflect the art of making West Lake Ulva soup.

Savor a steaming bowl of West Lake Ulva soup, and you will feel the tenderness of the Ulva and the deliciousness of the chicken intertwined, forming an indescribable taste. At the same time, the fragrance of the soup is intertwined with the mellow aroma of the accessories, giving people a sense of tranquility and beauty. Behind this delicacy is the careful selection of ingredients, the skillful use of cooking techniques and the respect for traditional culture.

The production process of West Lake Ulva soup is not only the production process of a delicacy, but also a tracing of history and culture and the inheritance of traditional skills. Let us taste the food at the same time, but also feel the admiration for traditional culture and the pursuit of food art.

The West Lake Ulva soup is delicious, smooth and tender, fragrant and delicious, and is a dish that is very suitable for cooling off in summer. At the same time, the nutritional value of Ulva soup is also very rich, it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, etc., which is very suitable for summer consumption.


In the early morning, the West Lake is light mist and sparkling. It is a beautiful city with a long history and rich culture. In this poetic atmosphere, there is one delicacy that complements the West Lake, and that is the West Lake Ulva Soup.

Ulva cabbage, also known as water chestnut cabbage, has been a special ingredient in the West Lake area since ancient times. Its color is tender and green, the taste is smooth and tender, and it is rich in nutrition, and is known as "the treasure of vegetables in water". With its light and refreshing taste, Ulva soup has become a business card of Hangzhou cuisine. When you taste the lettuce soup, you will feel its unique smooth texture. This taste is not only due to the deliciousness of the lettuce, but also from the profound historical and cultural connotation behind it.

In ancient times, Ulva was a royal tribute. Legend has it that Ulva was once offered to the emperor and was praised for its unique medicinal properties. In addition, Ulva also has an indissoluble bond with literati and artists. Many poets and painters will mention Ulva when they depict the beautiful scenery of West Lake. The delicacy of the lettuce soup has also become a poetic carrier for their writings. And in this rich land, Ulva also carries a unique emotional sustenance. It is not only a meal on the table when families are reunited, but also a symbol of nostalgia. People who are far away from their hometown, whenever they taste the soup of Ulva choopa, they will think of the customs of their hometown and miss their relatives in their hometown.

West Lake Ulva soup is not only a delicacy, but also a cultural heritage. It has witnessed the historical changes of Hangzhou and carried the emotional memories of countless people. While tasting the lettuce soup, we can also feel the city's profound historical and cultural heritage. The origin of the West Lake Ulva soup can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty, when the Ulva in the lake had become a royal tribute. With the evolution of history, Ulva has gradually become a traditional ingredient and spread among the people. West Lake Ulva soup is not only a delicacy, but also a kind of inheritance and development of traditional culture.


In Hangzhou, south of the Yangtze River, there is a delicacy that is highly prized for its light taste and rich nutrition, and that is the West Lake Ulva Soup. With its strict selection of materials, the meticulous production process, and the long inheritance, this soup has become an important bridge for cultural inheritance and exchange in Hangzhou and even China.

Ulva is an aquatic plant that grows on the shores of Hangzhou's West Lake, and its smooth taste and unique fragrance infuse the soup with rich flavor. The production of West Lake Ulva soup is integrated with the wisdom and enthusiasm of Hangzhou people. They carefully select the lettuce, choose fresh fish and bamboo shoots, and then add the right amount of seasoning, and after simmering over a slow fire, the soup is presented to the people. The sweet taste and rich nutrition make people have an endless aftertaste.

In Hangzhou, West Lake Ulva soup is not only a delicacy, but also a culture. It has witnessed the thousand-year-old history of Hangzhou and also reflects the attitude of Hangzhou people. It is a kind of inheritance, but also a kind of communication. It transcends regional and cultural boundaries and transmits Hangzhou's culture to people all over the world. Whenever we taste the West Lake Ulva soup, we are not only able to taste the delicious food, but also feel the cultural heritage of Hangzhou. From the selection of materials to the production, every process is full of love for life and the pursuit of food. This pursuit is also the essence of Hangzhou culture.

West Lake Ulva Soup, like a bridge, connects the history and culture of Hangzhou, as well as people from all over the world. It allows us to understand Hangzhou better, to understand China better, and to understand the power of good food. This is the charm of West Lake Ulva soup, and it is also the charm of culture. Let us taste the West Lake Ulva soup at the same time, but also feel the culture and history it carries, so that it can become a window for us to understand and appreciate Chinese culture.


With its unique taste and nutritional value, West Lake Ulva soup has become one of the representatives of West Lake cuisine.

Ulva is an aquatic plant that grows in lakes and has been praised since ancient times for its tender taste and rich nutritional value. Rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, iron, zinc and other trace elements, it has a significant effect on improving human immunity and enhancing physical fitness. And the lettuce soup is a combination of these natural nutritional treasures, becoming a good health product.

The importance of West Lake Ulva soup is self-evident. First of all, it is a dish with a local twist. In Hangzhou, Ulva soup has become a must-have dish for entertaining VIPs, relatives and friends. Whether it is a family dinner or a business banquet, Ulva soup has become a delicacy in people's mouths. It is not just a delicacy, but also a cultural inheritance and emotional bond.

West Lake Ulva soup is of great significance for health. Modern people live a fast-paced life and have irregular diets, which can easily lead to various health problems. The soup is rich in a variety of nutrients, which can provide the body with the energy and nutrients it needs, which helps to improve immunity and prevent diseases. Whether it's the elderly or children, Ulva soup is an ideal healthy choice.

West Lake Ulva soup also has the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin. Ulva is rich in antioxidants, which can remove free radicals in the body, delay aging, and maintain skin elasticity and radiance. For women, Ulva soup is a great beauty dish that allows them to enjoy delicious food while maintaining their beautiful complexion.

The importance and significance of West Lake Ulva soup is far-reaching. It is not only a delicacy, but also a cultural inheritance, a guarantee of health, and a source of beauty. Let's taste this delicious dish while also paying attention to the nutritional value of Ulva and making it a part of our healthy life.