
Three or four-wheeled vehicles are on the road, and many people have been fined! What should I pay attention to when traveling? 4 key points to tell you

author:New energy strategist

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Recently, there are not a few places to carry out special rectification of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles. For the elderly who drive three- and four-wheeled vehicles, it is very likely that they will be stopped and punished by the traffic police because they do not understand the road requirements in time.

No, a few days ago, Guangxi Jinchengjiang investigated and dealt with a number of three-wheeled motorcycle traffic violations, some owners were fined 150 yuan for driving electric tricycles illegally carrying people, and some owners were ordered to correct because they installed seats in the back seat of the electric tricycle without permission, and the vehicle was restored to its original state and fined 50 yuan.

Three or four-wheeled vehicles are on the road, and many people have been fined! What should I pay attention to when traveling? 4 key points to tell you
Three or four-wheeled vehicles are on the road, and many people have been fined! What should I pay attention to when traveling? 4 key points to tell you

In the face of such high-intensity rectification actions in many places across the country, car owners must understand in time to avoid being fined for driving on the road. Regarding the key points that need to be paid attention to when traveling, here is an inventory for you, so that you can comply with the rules and not be afraid of being fined.

1. Get a license and take a driver's license

Although the management of non-standard electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles has been relaxed, such vehicles are also allowed to drive on the road after registration. However, the travel conditions are the same, and you need to get a license and a driver's license. I believe that the majority of car owners are very easy to solve the license problem, and some car owners feel that the driver's license test is too cumbersome, and there may be unlicensed driving.

Three or four-wheeled vehicles are on the road, and many people have been fined! What should I pay attention to when traveling? 4 key points to tell you

Here I would like to remind you that in the rectification action of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles carried out in many places, special attention is paid to the situation of unlicensed and unlicensed driving.

2. Do not illegally modify or install vehicles

Compared with electric two-wheeled vehicles to remove the speed limiter device and increase the capacity of the battery compartment, the common modification behaviors of electric tricycles include adding awnings to vehicles and installing seats in the back seats, which are also problems that the traffic police should strictly investigate. In the case we mentioned above, there was a situation where he was punished by the traffic police for installing seats without authorization.

Three or four-wheeled vehicles are on the road, and many people have been fined! What should I pay attention to when traveling? 4 key points to tell you

3. Use according to the purpose of the vehicle

In fact, this requirement is also very well understood, such as the freight tricycle is used to transport goods, can not be used to carry people, the owner of the car should be used according to the use of the vehicle itself, and the vehicle attributes shall not be changed. or the illegal operation of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles, etc., are not allowed.

4. Do not drink and drive

Three or four-wheeled vehicles are on the road, and many people have been fined! What should I pay attention to when traveling? 4 key points to tell you

Now compliant electric tricycles have long been included in the category of motor vehicles, and if there is a traffic violation, fines and points will be deducted. One of the requirements for driving a motor vehicle on the road is not to drink and drive, and this also applies to three- and four-wheeled vehicles.

There have been car owners drunk driving electric tricycles before, and the traffic police found that they were not only fined, but also directly detained.

If you can do the above 4 requirements and comply with traffic regulations, you can rest assured that you can drive electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles. What do you think about this? Welcome to discuss together.