
Wang Yao: Expand the advantages of intelligent networked vehicles and accelerate the construction of a new industrial ecology | Frontlook

Wang Yao: Expand the advantages of intelligent networked vehicles and accelerate the construction of a new industrial ecology | Frontlook
Wang Yao: Expand the advantages of intelligent networked vehicles and accelerate the construction of a new industrial ecology | Frontlook

✦ Author—Wang Yao

✦ Typesetting - Zheng Xueqin

✦ Design - Guo Qing

This article is the "first issue" of the July 2024 issue of "Auto Review" magazine

The author is deputy chief engineer of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers

In the wave of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, intelligent networked vehicles are leading a new round of transformation in the automotive industry. The 2024 Government Work Report proposes to "vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productivity", and clearly points out that it is necessary to "consolidate and expand the leading advantages of intelligent networked new energy vehicles and other industries", pointing out the direction for the development of the mainland automobile industry. In recent years, ICVs have made remarkable progress in technological progress, industrial chain improvement, policy support and infrastructure construction, and have cultivated a number of leading enterprises with strong competitiveness. However, the construction of industrial ecology still faces many challenges such as underlying technology research and development, software and hardware collaboration, and standardization and unification. First of all, in terms of key technologies of intelligent networked vehicles, domestic chips are in the stage of development, but they are still heavily dependent on foreign supply in key links such as chip EDA design software, important IP and chip manufacturing. The domestic market share of domestic automotive operating systems is low, and the core technologies such as kernel and functional software of autonomous driving operating systems have not yet been independently controllable. Enhance independent research and development capabilities, accelerate the cultivation of an industrial ecology with independent control capabilities, ensure the safety of the supply chain and industrial chain, and reverse the current passive situation of "being controlled, stuck, and controlled". Secondly, in terms of software and hardware collaboration for intelligent networked vehicles, the fragmentation of the software ecosystem leads to a lack of iterative motivation among application vendors, which seriously affects the user experience, especially the lack of unified interface standards, and the inability to achieve effective connection and data sharing between different vendors. At the hardware level, different vehicle models have differences in specifications and external physical interfaces, and the consistency of device abstraction is insufficient, which increases the complexity and cost of the system. Promote open source collaboration, unify software interfaces and hardware standards, and ensure application compatibility and device consistency. In addition, in terms of the data ecology of intelligent networked vehicles, it is currently facing challenges such as data security issues, insufficient data volume, and data silos, which make it difficult for enterprises to communicate with each other, and it is difficult to realize the value of data and insufficient commercial application. It is necessary to establish an efficient and standardized intelligent networked vehicle data platform to provide data interaction and value-added services, promote data flow, fully release the value of data elements, and accelerate the construction of a data ecology in the automotive industry. In order to meet these challenges, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers has taken active actions to promote the construction of a new ecosystem of intelligent networked vehicles. In 2022, the association successively established a data branch, a software branch and an intelligent networked vehicle branch, and cooperated with industry organizations and industrial forces to carry out data security and sharing, basic software development and application, and open source co-construction of automotive operating systems. By giving full play to the role of the intelligent connected vehicle industry ecological alliance, we will promote the interconnection of mobile terminals and automobiles, build a cross-industry intelligent interconnection ecology with diversified integration and industrial mutual assistance, and promote the transformation of intelligent and connected vehicles. In the future, the association will continue to play a good role as a platform, focusing on key technologies such as autonomous driving, intelligent cockpit, software and hardware integration, and vehicle-machine ecological applications, opening up standard protocols, and solving cross-platform and cross-brand collaboration problems of intelligent networked vehicles. Promote the construction of trading markets, the research and development of open source technologies, and the construction and commercialization of intelligent cockpit ecosystems, so as to achieve true interconnection and sharing of all things. In the development of the global ICV industry, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers will join forces with industry enterprises to build an open, collaborative and innovative ICV ecosystem, promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and enhance the global competitiveness of ICVs in mainland China.

Wang Yao: Expand the advantages of intelligent networked vehicles and accelerate the construction of a new industrial ecology | Frontlook

Image: Car Vertical

Article: Car Vertical

Typesetting: Car vertical

Wang Yao: Expand the advantages of intelligent networked vehicles and accelerate the construction of a new industrial ecology | Frontlook

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