
"God of War", full firepower!

author:Eastern Theater of Operations

Text, photo: Zhang Xiangyang, Deng Lei, Zhang Naiyou, Zhu Wenxing

"God of War", full firepower!


An artillery detachment of a composite brigade of the 72nd Group Army

Thousands of miles to a certain training ground

Artillery live-fire drills were launched

Temper team collaboration under unfamiliar geographical conditions

and precision strike capabilities –

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ Battlefield maneuver.

This time the live firing

The brigade is required to comply with the new outline

Set against the backdrop of a real combat mission

Take the "Temporary Extraction Combat Squad,

Selecting the position and selecting the target at the opportunity".


"God of War", full firepower!

▲The members of the artillery squad quickly got out of the car to carry out pre-shooting preparations.

At the same time, they formed a "cadre artillery squad"

The first shot of live ammunition was fired

While exercising the commander's practical operation ability

It will further arouse the enthusiasm of all officers and men to participate in the training

"God of War", full firepower!

▲The artillery squad leader clarifies the location of the artillery position for the members of the artillery squad.

8 a.m

Upon arrival at the predetermined area

The members of the "cadre artillery squad" were quickly launched

Construct positions, measure distances,

Wind direction, wind speed, etc

"God of War", full firepower!

▲The members of the artillery squad installed antennas for the on-board communication equipment.

The assessment begins

Sudden "enemy situation" on the radio

Commanders make decisions quickly

Solve the elements

Give the command to shoot

"God of War", full firepower!

▲The squad leader of the "cadre artillery squad" uses the operation terminal to determine the firing range.

"Target No. 101, enemy observation post, instantaneous fuse


The ruler ××, the direction ××,

One-shot reloading! ”

A war artillery squad consisting of 4 cadres

Quickly complete the preparation for shooting

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ The members of the artillery squad loaded ammunition and quickly completed the preparation for shooting.

"3, 2, 1, put!"

With the sound of cannons

The first shells whistled out

A few seconds later

The news of the "first hit" came from the observation post

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ The "cadre artillery squad" fired the first shot.

Artillery fire

Firing the "first shot" is crucial

This time, the "cadre artillery squad" composed of officers from various detachments

Don't just take the lead

Moreover, the assessment results should be included in the overall score of the detachment

"God of War", full firepower!

▲The "cadre artillery squad" is ready to go.

Soldiers should first train their generals, and cadres should take the lead

While stimulating the enthusiasm of fighters for training

It has also led to the improvement of the overall combat capability of the detachment

"God of War", full firepower!

▲The sight is set up by the aiming hand.

"Artillery emplacements exposed,

Immediately move to the reserve positions! ”

During the assessment, he suddenly received an order to transfer his position

The members of the "cadre artillery squad" quickly returned to the command position

Lead the detachment to withdraw from the position in an orderly manner

And to carry out maneuvers to transfer to reserve positions

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ Quickly withdraw and maneuver to the predetermined area.


The assessment team is also set up from time to time

Encountering an "enemy" minefield ahead,

The road is damaged and impassable

Inspect the ability of artillery detachments to deal with aircraft on the spot

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ The officers and soldiers quickly began to disguise.

Facing a variety of special conditions superimposed tests

Officers and men responded calmly and worked closely together

Resolve them one by one

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ The sighter quickly aims at the target.

After arriving at the reserve position

The artillery squads of the detachments quickly occupied positions

Understanding each element

Construct a stationing hoe pit

Recalibrate the scale

Fixed shooting elements

Fire strikes were again carried out on the target areas of the "enemy".

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ Prepare for live firing after moving positions.

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ Open fire.

"God of War", full firepower!

▲ Carry out precision strikes on different targets.

"God of War", full firepower!

▲The roar of the god of war resounded in the sky.

This live-fire assessment

Cadres stand in the lead and serve as benchmarks

Truly lead the troops to fight and lead the troops to fight

The quality and effectiveness of the troops' training have been fully tested

Artillery detachments, always ready for battle

"God of War", full firepower!

Authoritative release in the Eastern Theater of Operations

Supervisor | Department of Political Work of the Eastern Theater of Operations

Hosted | Eastern Theater Financial Media Center Issue | Draw 4865

Internship Editor: Zhu Yunlong Email: [email protected]