
Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!

author:Undergraduate enrollment of the University of Electronic Science and Technology

Recently, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences were held in Beijing. The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China took the lead in winning three 2023 National Science and Technology Awards.

The 2023 National Science and Technology Award is the first award since the 2020 National Science and Technology Award, and a total of 49 National Natural Science Awards, 62 National Technological Invention Awards, 139 National Science and Technology Progress Awards, and 10 International Science and Technology Cooperation Awards of the People's Republic of China were selected.
Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!

The project "Efficient Modeling Method, Joint Control and Design Technology for the Integration of Electromagnetic Radiation Scattering" led by Professor Hu Jun's team won the second prize of the National Technological Invention Award, which broke through the key core technologies such as full-dimensional modeling, joint regulation and control, and divergent signal separation of the integration of electromagnetic radiation and scattering, and the relevant achievements have been applied to the field of aviation industry in mainland China, 5G communication, oil resources exploration and other industries to meet the urgent needs of the application of many major national engineering projects. It has vigorously promoted the level of integrated research on electromagnetic radiation and scattering in the mainland, and has achieved significant social and economic benefits.

Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!

The project of "Key Technologies and Applications of Power MOS and High-voltage Integrated Chips" led by Professor Zhang Bo's team won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, which broke through the bottleneck of power high-voltage MOS integration and created three types of power semiconductor manufacturing mass production process platforms with international advanced level through industry-university-research cooperation, providing chip manufacturing services for more than 200 enterprises around the world, enhancing the international competitiveness of high-end power chips in mainland China, and promoting the progress of China's power semiconductor industry.

Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!

Professor Pei Dele won the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People's Republic of China, which is the first time that the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has received this award. As the main initiator, Pei Dele founded the Global Brain Alliance, initiated the "China-Cuba-Canada" international brain science cooperation plan, and built the WeBrain platform connecting global EEG scholars in the University of Electronic Science and Technology, making important contributions to the internationalization of brain science in China.

In addition, the project completed by Dai Wenliang and Bei Yenan, alumni of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, won the first prize of the 2023 National Science and Technology Progress Award; The project led by alumni Wang Qionghua and Liao Jianxin won the second prize of the 2023 National Technological Invention Award and the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award respectively.

Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!
Dai Wenliang 1998 major in electromagnetic field and microwave technology, project name: key technology and application of radio frequency system design automation
Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!
Bei Ye Nan 1987 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology, Project Name: Key Technology of High Energy Efficiency Ultra-Wideband GaN Power Amplifier and Its Industrial Application in 5G Communications
Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!
Wang Qionghua graduated in 1988 with a major in physical and electronic technology, project name: key technologies and applications of integrated light field 3D display
Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!
Liao Jianxin, Class of 1981, majored in radio technology, project name: Key technologies and large-scale applications of on-demand reconfigurable intelligent service networks

If science and technology are prosperous, the nation will be prosperous, and if science and technology are strong, the country will be strong. As a new force in scientific and technological innovation and a source of major scientific and technological breakthroughs, colleges and universities shoulder an unshirkable great mission in the process of scientific and technological innovation, basic research, and promoting the construction of a strong country. The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has taken the initiative to serve the major needs of the country and promote the school's scientific research to a new level, and in the first half of 2024, the school will hand over a dazzling scientific research "report card"——

The team of Professor Liu Fucai from the School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering published the latest research results online in the form of First Release in the world's top academic journal Science, which provides an ideal solution to solve the fatigue problem of ferroelectric materials, and also provides a competitive potential for the application of ferroelectric materials in novel devices such as non-volatile memory, storage-computing integrated devices and brain-like computing chips.

Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!

Group photo of the team (from left to right: Pan Er, Bian Renji, Liu Fucai, Li Zefen)

The latest research results of Professor Liu Ao and researcher Zhu Huihui of the School of Physics of the Institute of Basic and Frontier Research have been launched in Nature "Accelerated Preview", which is the first amorphous P-type (hole) semiconductor device with high mobility stability, breaking through the research bottleneck in this field for more than 20 years, and will further promote the development of modern information electronics and large-scale complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology.


Facing the major needs of the country and the main battlefield of the national economy, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has overcome difficulties and worked the journey of scientific and technological innovation. At the same time, the school has also actively taken a variety of measures to take the initiative to plant the seeds of scientific and technological innovation in the hearts of the students of the University of Electronic Science and Technology, and reserve solid strength for scientific and technological research.

Heavy! The 2023 National Science and Technology Award was announced, and 3 achievements of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were awarded!

The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China implements the "Electrification Plan" for the construction of new engineering and builds a training system for outstanding engineering innovation talents supported by high-level scientific research. The school organizes high-level scientific research teams and platforms, led by outstanding scientific and technological talents such as the first finisher of the National Science and Technology Award and IEEE Fellow, and personally organizes the design of the training system, participates in the curriculum teaching, and deeply roots the education in the fertile soil of scientific research. The undergraduate students of the university have successively published their research results in well-known journals such as the top journal Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, the top journal in the field of computer science, Information Sciences, and the SCI journal Nonlinear Dynamics of the second district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the quality of talent training has been continuously improved.

Adhering to the spirit of the school motto of "seeking truth and truth, and making great achievements", generations of electronic science and technology people have forged ahead, innovated, and served the needs of the country with the power of science and technology. In 2024, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is looking forward to every student with dreams, with the enthusiasm of serving the country with science and technology and the courage to explore the unknown, to pursue excellence here!

Pay attention to the headlines of "Undergraduate Admissions of the University of Electronic Science and Technology" for more exciting information!

Source of material for this article: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's official website/official WeChat, China Higher Education Official WeChat

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