
Feel the surging momentum of China's high-quality development

author:Zero-day studio
Feel the surging momentum of China's high-quality development

  At the Luojiaqiao Base in Qingzhen Park, a 25,000-mu high-standard facility vegetable supply base in Guiyang City, Zimbabwean and Chilean diplomats in China learned about planting crops in a smart greenhouse.

Feel the surging momentum of China's high-quality development

  At the Baling River Bridge in Anshun City, the Commercial Commissioner of the Consulate General of Nigeria in Shanghai, Hassan, poses for a photo in the middle of the tourist trail.

Feel the surging momentum of China's high-quality development

  It is located in Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture.

Feel the surging momentum of China's high-quality development

  At Guizhou Highway Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Shigehiro Konmatsu, director of the Beijing office of the Japan Association for Local Government Internationalization, was visiting.

Feel the surging momentum of China's high-quality development

  In the exchange and experience center of the National Big Data (Guizhou) Comprehensive Pilot Zone, envoys, diplomats and representatives of foreign institutions in China stopped to visit the "China Sky Eye" model.

Feel the surging momentum of China's high-quality development

  Guda Wire & Cable (Group) Co., Ltd. Phase II new energy cable workshop neatly placed copper conductors.

  The above pictures are all taken by reporter Chen Shangwen

  In summer, Guizhou is full of vitality and more colorful.

  The "Local Visits of Envoys to China" sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was recently held in Guizhou. With the theme of "Digital Innovation in Guizhou, All the Way to Guizhou", more than 20 envoys, diplomats and representatives of foreign institutions in China from 15 countries, including Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Australia, Chile, Singapore and Japan, visited Guiyang City, Anshun City, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture and other places for inspection and exchange, and learned about Guizhou's development achievements in high-level infrastructure construction and big data empowerment industries. In an interview with this reporter, they said that from the flying frame of Wanqiao to the vertical and horizontal avenue, from the "cloud" to the transformation of "data", Guizhou has vigorously developed and innovated based on resource advantages, and promoted high-quality development.

  "A vivid microcosm of China's infrastructure wisdom"

  More than 28,000 highway bridges and 4,400 kilometers have been built, and 210,000 kilometers of highways have been formed. Nearly half of the world's top 100 high bridges and 4 of the top 10 high bridges are here; Four bridges have won the Gustav Lindthal Prize at the International Bridge Congress, known as the "Nobel Prize" in the bridge industry......

  Guizhou is the only province in China that does not have plains. Here, bridges connect mountains, cross canyons, and cross rivers, paving a "high-speed plain" and turning the moat into a thoroughfare.

  On the Baling River Bridge in Anshun City, the world's first kilometer-level bridge in a mountain valley, with speeding cars overhead, steep and deep canyons under your feet, and walking along the bridge sightseeing trail at a height of 370 meters, Dioden, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the Burkina Faso Embassy in China, has a more real feeling of the magnificence of China's bridges: "This is a vivid epitome of China's infrastructure wisdom!" ”

  The airship is used to pull the pilot cable, the steel truss stiffening beam is erected with the full-rotation full-hydraulic bridge deck crane, and the bridge is built with large-volume concrete construction technology...... In the Baling River Bridge Museum on the east bank of the Baling River Bridge, there are photos and models that give a detailed introduction to the process of bridge construction. Namibia's ambassador to China, Kaiamo, was in awe of China's bridge engineers: "It is the continuous innovation, unity and cooperation of generations of builders that have created the development of Guizhou from thousands of ravines to a bridge network. Many Chinese bridges, including the Baling River Bridge, continue to break world records in terms of height, length, span, etc., which is a remarkable achievement! ”

  "I really understand the meaning of the phrase 'If you want to get rich, build roads first'!" Knowing that the construction of the Baling River Bridge has shortened the travel time between the two sides of the river from more than one hour in the past to five minutes, South African Ambassador to China Xie Shengwen couldn't help but give a thumbs up. In his view, the development of infrastructure has promoted the improvement of people's living standards, and with it, Guizhou's rich ecological and cultural resources have played a greater value.

  In the "Sky Bridge" service area of Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, a high bridge stands between the misty karst mountains.

  Completed in 2019, the Pingtang Bridge is known as the "Sky Bridge" due to its 332-meter-tall reinforced concrete pylon. Relying on the bridge, the local area also supports the construction of the "Sky Bridge" service area, including hotels, observation decks, RV bases, bridge science museums, Guizhou Highway Heritage Museum, etc., which are listed by the Ministry of Transport as the only demonstration project of the bridge and tourism integration service area in Guizhou, a transportation powerhouse.

  "Pingtang County relies on the Pingtang Bridge to promote the integrated development of bridge tourism, which is impressive." Shigehiro Konmatsu, director of the Beijing office of the Japan Association for International Governments, believes that Guizhou has built bridges according to local conditions, and used bridges as a medium to integrate characteristic resources, promote the development of tourism, and promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. ”

  In addition, diplomatic envoys, diplomats and representatives of foreign institutions in China also visited Guizhou Construction Investment Group, Guizhou Highway Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Guda Wire and Cable (Group) Co., Ltd. and many other enterprises to learn about Guizhou's development achievements in the fields of highways, tunnels, metallurgy and cables, and to discuss cooperation opportunities with Chinese friends. Zambian Ambassador to China Ziwulu believes that whether it is "quality" or "quantity", Guizhou's extraordinary development achievements in the field of infrastructure construction are obvious to all. It is hoped that through this visit, more partners will be found, more channels will be broadened, and the cooperation between Zambia and China will be further deepened.

  "An important window to observe Chinese modernization"

  Build a bridge, string all the scenery, prosper an industry, and enrich the people of a region. Infrastructure construction has promoted Guizhou to achieve tangible changes in people's lives, and the empowerment of "digital intelligence" is injecting more impetus and vitality into the local comprehensive rural revitalization.

  On more than 900 acres of land, 280 vegetable greenhouses are neatly arranged, and 9 staff members are responsible for daily operation and maintenance, and only a mobile phone can remotely control humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide and light...... This is the production scene of 25,000 acres of high-standard facilities in Guiyang City, Qingzhen Park and Luojiaqiao Base.

  "How did you do that?" "How high is the input-output ratio of the project?" "Are there different solutions for different agricultural environments?" …… With a barrage of questions, envoys, diplomats and representatives of foreign institutions in China quickly stepped into the spacious and bright greenhouse, eager to find out.

  It turns out that the greenhouse intelligent monitoring system developed by Guizhou Aerospace Smart Agriculture Co., Ltd., combined with the Internet of Things and big data technology, cleverly uses various sensing equipment to capture every subtle dynamic in the greenhouse at all times, and automatically adjusts related equipment through model analysis. If the temperature in the greenhouse is too high or the humidity is too high, the solar electric film roller will automatically roll up the greenhouse film to ventilate the crops. At the same time, the system can also push real-time monitoring information and alarm information to staff through mobile phones, computers and other information terminals to achieve refined management. According to Rui Mingzhen, Counsellor of the Economic Department of the Australian Embassy in China, China's agricultural production is becoming greener and smarter, which is a very beneficial development.

  "It's amazing!" Outside the smart greenhouse, Diarra, the first secretary of the Malian Embassy in China, was attracted by a smart spray truck full of "science and technology" and couldn't help but give it a try. "Listen to the staff to introduce that this agricultural machine can rely on the software system for autonomous spraying and unattended operation, which can effectively avoid the waste of agricultural materials in the process of pesticide application and reduce environmental pollution." Diarra said.

  After learning more about smart agricultural technologies such as smart plant protection and water-saving irrigation, Lu Keqi, counselor of the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in China, found the person in charge of the company and exchanged contact information. "We look forward to working with China's high-tech agribusiness to help the DRC improve its agricultural production and optimize its industrial structure according to local conditions." Lu Keqi said that China's advanced technology and experience in digital agriculture are of valuable reference significance for promoting African countries to get rid of poverty and become rich.

  Agricultural products must not only be grown, but also sold. In the exchange and experience center of the National Big Data (Guizhou) Comprehensive Pilot Zone, a series of data such as sales ranking, order volume, and sales area of agricultural and sideline products are beating on the large data screen of Guizhou Cloud Warehouse, adding "code" power to Guizhou goods. It is reported that the hub warehouses and county-level node warehouses in Guizhou rely on the e-commerce supply chain system of Guizhou cloud warehouses to carry out rural collection, cloud warehouse collection, data exchange, and unified warehouse co-distribution, so as to better and faster deploy high-quality agricultural products such as glutinous rice, chili peppers, sour cowpeas, and prickly pears, which are sold all over the country. Tetsuya Kamibayashi, director of the Shanghai Representative Office of Japan's Nagano Prefecture Industrial Promotion Organization, believes that the comprehensive revitalization of Guizhou's rural areas has presented a series of new scenes, which not only reduces the manpower and operating costs of agricultural production, but also further improves the quality and efficiency of agricultural development.

  In today's Guizhou countryside, the lives of ordinary people are becoming more and more prosperous. New "happiness energy" is constantly being released on this hot land, attracting more and more people to come from afar.

  During a visit to Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, the Commercial Commissioner of the Consulate General of Nigeria in Shanghai, Hassan, came across a group of football teenagers from the Shanghai Experimental School in Shigatse, Tibet. "I heard that they came to play the 'village super' game with the students of Rongjiang County." Hassan sighed that seeing the vigor and vitality of the children, he has begun to imagine how intense and exciting the scene will be, "The integration of culture, sports and tourism has become an industrial resource, which has increased the income of villagers, promoted interaction and exchanges, and also opened an important window for the world to observe Chinese modernization." If I have the chance, I must go to the scene to watch a 'village super' game! ”

  "Looking forward to more mutually beneficial cooperation with China"

  In recent years, Guizhou has closely followed the cutting-edge digital technologies represented by artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, blockchain technology, etc., focusing on the "three keys" of computing power, empowerment and industry, and accelerating the construction of an innovation zone for the development of the digital economy. From the vivid practice of Guizhou's vigorous development of big data technology and empowering thousands of industries, envoys, diplomats and representatives of foreign institutions in China feel the surging momentum of China's high-quality development.

  In the innovation center of Guizhou Big Data (Group) Co., Ltd. on the cloud, the first big data exchange in China, Guiyang Big Data Exchange, shows the specific applications of various data zones such as meteorology, electric power, government affairs, and hydrology. Taking the power grid company as an example, after purchasing meteorological data service products, users can process and analyze meteorological monitoring and forecast data such as temperature, water vapor and rainfall in the area of power towers and high-voltage lines, so as to deal with the risk of ice accumulation in power lines more scientifically in winter disaster prevention monitoring and guide the ice melting work...... Up to now, the Guiyang Big Data Exchange has attracted more than 870 data vendors, with a transaction volume of more than 3.9 billion yuan.

  "In the context of massive data collection, how data transactions are carried out is what I am most interested in." Goh Sze Kie, Deputy Consul of the Consulate General of Singapore in Guangzhou, said that now she has a new understanding of Guizhou, and "Singapore looks forward to more mutually beneficial cooperation with China".

  The shipper opens the mobile phone application to enter the transportation destination, and the truck driver "grabs the order" and intelligently matches the order line according to the real-time supply situation...... In the exchange and experience center of the National Big Data (Guizhou) Comprehensive Pilot Zone, visitors were deeply impressed by the cases of deep integration of big data with the real economy and people's livelihood services.

  "Mozambique attaches great importance to the development of the digital economy, and China's endless big data application scenarios and innovative technologies will provide us with useful references." The Counsellor of the Mozambican Embassy in China, Shilinda, said that he would bring back what he had seen and heard in Guizhou, and would also suggest that the government organize industry representatives to visit and study in China to experience the vitality of the integration of data and reality.

  At Guizhou Langma Information Technology Co., Ltd., Niyagus, Minister of the Zimbabwean Embassy in China, experienced "Internet + medical" services such as online remote consultation, AI consultation, and health testing. He praised the accessibility and convenience of smart medical care by bridging the geographical gap with information interconnection and shortening the distance between patients and doctors. "As China's national big data comprehensive pilot zone, Guizhou has built big data into a bright business card for the world, and more importantly, China has always closely linked it to the well-being of its people while promoting the development of related industries." Nyagus sighed.

  "A beautiful trip to Guizhou is just the starting point of our cooperation." "By enhancing communication and understanding, we will deepen our friendship and tap the potential of cooperation, and we will reap more win-win results." ”

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