
Adhere to unity and cooperation to jointly promote development and revitalization

author:Zero-day studio

——Written on the occasion of President Xi Jinping's upcoming attendance at the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and his state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan

The majestic ridge is majestic and magnificent; The reckless plateau is vast and boundless. In the middle of summer, the land of Central Asia is prosperous and lush. Another major diplomatic move by China towards the Eurasian region is about to begin. From July 2 to 6, President Xi Jinping will attend the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, and pay state visits to Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Tajikistan President Rahmon at the invitation of the two countries.

  The world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and the international situation is turbulent. The aspirations of the people of the countries in Asia and Europe for peace and development have become stronger, and their willingness to strengthen win-win cooperation with China has become firmer. President Xi Jinping's visit to Central Asia will inject new impetus into the building of a closer SCO community with a shared future, and draw a new blueprint for the development of friendly relations between China and Kazakhstan and China and Tajikistan.

 Adhering to the "Shanghai Spirit", we have taken solid steps on the road of building a community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

  It has 9 member states, 3 observer states and 14 dialogue partners, with nearly half of the world's population and 1/4 of the world's total economy. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is the first intergovernmental international organization named after a Chinese city, and it is also the world's most populous and largest regional cooperation organization. President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and has attended all SCO summits since 2013 and put forward a series of important initiatives and proposals, which have effectively led the development of the SCO.

  In 2018, the Qingdao summit set a milestone in the development of the SCO. President Xi Jinping proposed to build a community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and "establishing a common vision for building a community with a shared future for mankind" was officially written into the Qingdao Declaration, which has become an important political consensus and goal of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. President Xi Jinping pioneered the concept of development, security, cooperation, civilization and global governance that should be upheld in the future development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, summarized the basic concepts of building a new type of international relations, and injected new connotations into the "Shanghai Spirit".

  2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. President Xi Jinping summed up the SCO experience of promoting political mutual trust, safeguarding security and stability, seeking prosperity and development, and sharing international morality, and put forward China's plan to follow the path of solidarity and cooperation, security and danger, openness and integration, mutual learning, fairness and justice, and charted the course for promoting cooperation in various fields of the SCO on a larger scale, in a wider range of fields and at a deeper level.

  In 2022, in Samarkand, the Pearl of the Silk Road, President Xi Jinping viewed and guided the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) from a strategic and overall perspective, and profoundly summarized the successful experience of the SCO's growth and expansion – upholding political mutual trust, mutually beneficial cooperation, equality, openness and inclusiveness, and fairness and justice. The "five insistences" are the practice of true multilateralism and the transcendence of traditional bloc politics, and answer the question of what kind of new type of regional cooperation should be promoted and how to promote it in the context of the new era.

  China's proposition and plan have led the SCO to steady and long-term development, and have won high recognition and support from all parties. Gulinosa Muminova, associate professor at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, said that President Xi Jinping's Chinese plan to promote the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has continuously enriched the connotation of the "Shanghai Spirit" era, which will help member states build consensus and form synergies to jointly safeguard multilateralism and respond to global risks and challenges.

  The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has injected more stability and positive energy into the world. The SCO member states have taken solid steps on the road of building a community with a shared future and advocated an equal and orderly multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization, which not only makes the SCO a security barrier, a bridge of cooperation, a friendly bond and a constructive force in the region, but also makes important contributions to upholding international fairness and justice and promoting world peace and development.

  -- Member States firmly carry forward the "Shanghai Spirit", continue to consolidate the foundation of mutual trust, continue to consolidate solidarity and cooperation, firmly support each other in safeguarding core interests and major concerns, support each other in exploring development paths suited to their national conditions, resolutely oppose interference by external forces, and safeguard the common and long-term interests of member states. Tatiana Borisovna, Director of the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing, said that the key to the continuous development and growth of the "SCO family" and the SCO becoming an important driving force for regional peace, development and prosperity lies in the SCO's promotion of the "Shanghai Spirit" and its advocacy of multilateral dialogue on an equal footing.

  -- Member States uphold independence, shared security and welfare, and strive to enhance the overall security level of the region through cooperation, and oppose bloc confrontation and undermining regional stability in the region. Member States have actively engaged in contacts and dialogues with Afghanistan and worked hard to achieve long-term peace and stability in Afghanistan at an early date. The Global Security Initiative (GSI) proposed by President Xi Jinping has provided a plan for all parties to work together to strengthen regional security governance and has won widespread support. SCO Deputy Secretary-General Logvinov believes that the Global Security Initiative is compatible with the goals of the SCO.

  -- In the face of the collision between economic globalization and "de-globalization", the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has always unswervingly promoted economic globalization, adhered to the direction of regional integration and development, and continuously stimulated multilateral cooperation to achieve win-win, multi-win and win-win results. China has worked with all parties to build a high-quality Belt and Road Initiative and promote the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, bringing tangible benefits to the people of all countries in the region. The China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone has delivered a brilliant report card in its high-level opening-up and promoted the development of cooperation between China and other SCO countries. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Agricultural Technology Exchange and Training Demonstration Base in Yangling, Shaanxi Province, has provided an important boost to the modernization of agriculture for all parties.

  -- Member States have actively carried out exchanges and cooperation in many fields such as science and technology, education, culture, health and poverty alleviation, and jointly practiced the concept of civilization based on equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness. Thanks to mutual learning among civilizations and people-to-people bonds, the SCO has transcended differences in ideology, social system and development path and set an example of a new type of international relations. Holding the Shanghai Cooperation Organization People-to-People Friendship Forum and Sister Cities Forum, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Forum on Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development, and other events; Carry out the "Lifeline Express International Brightness Tour" activity, and carry out cataract surgery free of charge; Construction of the Luban Workshop in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries...... China has implemented the Global Civilization Initiative, promoted exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and injected lasting impetus into the friendship and common development and progress of the people of all countries in the region from generation to generation.

  -- Member States firmly uphold multilateralism, oppose hegemony and bullying, resolutely resist the Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation, promote democracy in international relations, defend the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and contribute to the development of the global governance system in a more just and equitable direction. China actively advocates that the SCO remain open and accept more like-minded international partners, so as to make the SCO family more representative, inclusive and vibrant. The fact that more and more countries are applying to join the SCO family shows that the concept of the SCO is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and that its development prospects are widely optimistic.

  The "SCO Force" stems from solidarity, and it is in the interests of all member states to promote the building of a closer SCO community with a shared future. China is ready to work with all parties to safeguard regional tranquility, promote prosperity and rejuvenation, and work together to create a bright future for the Eurasian continent.

 China and Kazakhstan have joined hands on the journey of national rejuvenation and national prosperity and strength, and have pursued their dreams

  China and Kazakhstan are good neighbors, good friends and good partners, linked by mountains and rivers. The two countries took the lead in resolving border issues, laying cross-border oil and gas pipelines, carrying out international production capacity cooperation, and establishing a permanent comprehensive strategic partnership, creating a number of "firsts". This state visit to Kazakhstan is President Xi Jinping's fifth visit to the world's largest landlocked country.

  In September 2022, President Xi Jinping made Kazakhstan the first stop on his first foreign trip since the outbreak of the pandemic. At the meeting between the two heads of state, President Xi Jinping made it clear at the outset: This demonstrates the high level and particularity of China-Kazakhstan relations and our deep friendship.

  During the visit, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev awarded President Xi Jinping the Order of the Golden Eagle, Kazakhstan's highest honor. In his remarks, President Xi Jinping said: "I cherish this medal that symbolizes the friendship between the two peoples. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, China-Kazakhstan relations will be like a golden eagle spreading its wings and flying high, making a journey of thousands of miles, bringing more benefits to the two peoples. ”

  The two heads of state have led the way and led China-Kazakhstan relations to maintain a strong momentum of development amid the changing international situation. In September 2022, the two heads of state signed and issued a joint statement, announcing their efforts to build a community with a shared future characterized by friendship, high mutual trust and solidarity for generations to come. In 2023, President Xi Jinping and President Tokayev met twice and made new arrangements for building a China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future.

  With firm political support, in-depth economic and trade integration and cooperation, and extensive people-to-people exchanges and mutual learning, China and Kazakhstan have set an example of good-neighborliness, friendship, mutual respect, advancing with the times, and win-win cooperation.

  "No matter what risks and challenges it encounters, China is a trusted friend and trusted partner of Kazakhstan, and the Chinese people of Kazakhstan will always stand with the people of Kazakhstan," "Kazakhstan and China are veritable permanent comprehensive strategic partners, and Kazakhstan will never do anything that harms China's interests under any circumstances"...... China and Kazakhstan support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests, help each other when one side encounters difficulties, and interpret the profound connotation of a community with a shared future with actions.

  The Belt and Road Initiative, the most popular international public good in today's era, was first initiated in Kazakhstan.

  On September 7, 2013, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech entitled "Promoting People's Friendship and Creating a Better Future" in Kazakhstan, putting forward the initiative of jointly building the "Silk Road Economic Belt" for the first time. The Kazakh side immediately responded positively: "If China is good, Kazakhstan is good." Kazakhstan hopes to catch the express train of China's economic development and is willing to strengthen coordination with China on their respective development strategies to achieve common development. ”

  From the busy China-Kazakhstan (Lianyungang) logistics cooperation base to the China-Europe freight train, from the fruitful China-Kazakhstan energy cooperation to the emerging China-Kazakhstan automobile industry cooperation and new energy cooperation, China and Kazakhstan have insisted on being the pioneers of the Belt and Road Initiative and continuously adding impetus to the country's development.

  The bilateral trade volume between China and Kazakhstan has continued to hit record highs, achieving the target set by the two heads of state seven years ahead of schedule. 27 of the 45 capacity cooperation projects established have been completed; We will continue to create bright spots for cooperation in the fields of finance, artificial intelligence, digital economy, and new energy; tap each other's transit transport potential and actively support the construction of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor; The agreement on mutual visa exemption came into force, the agreement on the establishment of cultural centers was signed, and an archaeological team was jointly formed to excavate and study the site of Rakhat...... Ambassador of Kazakhstan to China Shahrat Nuryshev said that the Belt and Road Initiative has created a new platform for economic, trade and people-to-people cooperation between Kazakhstan and China.

  In February this year, as one of the important achievements of the first China-Central Asia Summit, the Xi'an terminal in Kazakhstan was officially put into use, shortening the transportation time from Xi'an to Tashkent from 13 days to 9 days, and the whole transportation time of the Trans-Caspian train from 20 to 25 days to 12 days. Two months after it was put into operation, more than 18,000 tons of goods in transit have been delivered, and Kazakhstan's trade and logistics hub in China is pushing the cooperation between the two countries to a new speed.

  East Kazakhstan Technical University is home to the Luban Workshop in Kazakhstan. In February this year, President Tokayev went to inspect and visit a number of training areas and observe the operation of teachers and students in the workshop. In Chinese, he said: "Thank you very much for the efforts of the Chinese universities, they have done a good job. Hopefully, there will be as many such workshops in Kazakhstan as possible. ”

  As important members of developing countries, China and Kazakhstan have demonstrated their responsibility on the international stage with pragmatic and efficient cooperation. President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and Kazakhstan is a positive responder and staunch supporter. China and Kazakhstan closely coordinate and cooperate within the framework of the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, and the China-Central Asia Mechanism, practice true multilateralism, and promote the development of global governance in a more just and equitable direction.

  President Xi Jinping pointed out: "China-Kazakhstan cooperation has set an example of complementarity, mutual benefit and win-win results in the international community, and injected positive energy into promoting the building of a new type of international relations and building a community with a shared future for mankind." "The two sides will work hand in hand on the journey of national rejuvenation and national prosperity and strength, pursue their dreams, and will continue to create a better future for China-Kazakhstan relations and bring greater benefits to the people of the two countries.

  China and Tajikistan have set an example of friendship and cooperation between countries of different systems, civilizations and sizes in the international community

  China-Tajikistan relations have deep historical roots, a solid political foundation, rich cooperation connotations, and extensive public support. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the relations between the two countries have made a leap from good-neighborly friendship to strategic partnership to comprehensive strategic partnership. The two countries have always trusted and respected each other, carried out mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and set an example of friendship and cooperation between countries of different systems, civilizations and sizes in the international community.

  In September 2014, President Xi Jinping paid his first state visit to Tajikistan, accompanied by Tajik President Rahmon, for nearly 10 hours. "Good brothers have to move forward hand in hand!" The two heads of state walking hand in hand became a good story of friendship between China and Tajikistan.

  In June 2019, President Xi Jinping paid another state visit to Tajikistan. President Rahmon conferred the "Order of the Crown", the highest national medal of Tajikistan, on President Xi Jinping, and highly appreciated President Xi Jinping's positive contributions to the development of Tajikistan-China relations. President Xi Jinping said that President Rahmon's award to me with the "Order of the Crown" is full of the deep friendship of all the Tajik people for the Chinese people, which I cherish very much. I am ready to work with President Rahmon to elevate the China-Tajikistan comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level and bring better benefits to the two peoples.

  In 2023, the two heads of state jointly announced that they will promote the building of a China-Tajikistan community with a shared future featuring friendship for generations, solidarity and mutual benefit. Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China-Tajikistan relations have continued to develop by leaps and bounds, reaching the highest level in history.

  The Belt and Road Initiative is a main line of friendship and cooperation between China and Tajikistan.

  Tajikistan is known as the "Land of High Mountains", with about 93% of the country's land area being mountainous. The lagging development of transportation infrastructure, power and energy, and water conservancy facilities was once a constraint to its economic development.

  After President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, Tajikistan was one of the first countries to support the initiative and sign a cooperation document with China on the Belt and Road Initiative. Tajikistan is actively promoting the in-depth alignment of Tajikistan's "National Development Strategy before 2030" with the Belt and Road Initiative.

  China and Tajikistan have actively promoted high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and practical cooperation in various fields has been deepened. The projects of China-Tajikistan-Wu Highway, the first phase of China-Tajikistan Highway, and the Yawan-Wahdat Railway Bridge Tunnel have been successfully completed, and the construction projects of some key sections of the second phase of China-Tajikistan Highway are progressing in an intense and orderly manner. The completion of the Dushanbe thermal power plant and the completion of power projects such as the 500 kV power transmission and transformation line in the Central Territory have reversed the weak construction of power infrastructure in Tajikistan; The Sino-Thai New Silk Road Tajikistan Agricultural and Textile Industrial Park introduces a complete industrial chain from "sowing a seed" to "harvesting a garment"; The commissioning of Huaxin Yawan Cement Plant has fundamentally changed the situation of Tajikistan's dependence on imports of cement...... A series of landmark large-scale cooperation projects have helped Tajikistan accelerate its industrialization process, improve its economic and social development, and bring tangible benefits to the people of Tajikistan. In 2023, the trade volume between China and Tajikistan will exceed US$3.9 billion, a year-on-year increase of 53.5%. Up to now, there are nearly 500 Chinese enterprises in Tajikistan, involving energy, textiles, agriculture and other fields, contributing to the development and revitalization of Tajikistan.

  More than 2,000 years ago, on the Silk Road, which stretched for thousands of miles across Asia and Europe, the ancestors of China and Tajikistan exchanged ideas and learned from each other, making outstanding contributions to the exchange and integration of world civilizations. After thousands of years of accumulation, the friendship between the two peoples has been deepened.

  Today, in the center of Dushanbe, the parliament building and government office building of the Chinese aid tower have become new landmarks; On the wide streets, Chinese brand new energy taxis add style to the city; The opening of the new waterway of the "Air Silk Road" and the high enthusiasm of the people of China and Tajikistan are surging between the take-off and landing of flights.

  In the Confucius Institute of the National University of Tajikistan, there are many books; In the Luban Workshop in Tajikistan, the spirit of craftsmanship helps realize professional dreams; The "Silk Road" Chinese Government Scholarship Program has built a bridge for Tajikistani students to study in China; The China-Tajikistan Traditional Medicine Cooperation Center was established in Tajikistan to facilitate exchanges and cooperation in the field of traditional medicine between China and Tajikistan. High-quality joint interviews by China-Tajikistan media on the Belt and Road Initiative contribute to people-to-people bonds...... The people-to-people exchange projects have gathered into a moving movement of cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and Tajikistan.

  Today, China-Tajikistan cooperation has a broader vision and a higher responsibility. The two sides have worked closely together in the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, jointly promoted the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the China-Central Asia Mechanism, and made China-Tajikistan contributions to regional and world peace and development.

  President Xi Jinping's trip to Central Asia carries the dreams of the region and the expectations of the people, and will inject positive energy into the peace and development of the Eurasian continent and the world at large, and make new contributions to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.