
"Continue to be a youth ambassador to enhance the friendship between the two peoples"

author:Zero-day studio

——2024 "Guling Yuan" China-US Youth Exchange Week

"Continue to be a youth ambassador to enhance the friendship between the two peoples"

  During the exchange week, Chinese and American youths experienced tea culture.

"Continue to be a youth ambassador to enhance the friendship between the two peoples"

  Young Americans learn the art of Chinese paper-cutting.

"Continue to be a youth ambassador to enhance the friendship between the two peoples"

  Chinese and American youths practice Tai Chi together.

  The above pictures were taken by reporter Liu Lingling

  From June 23 to 30, the 2024 "Gulingyuan" China-US Youth Exchange Week, co-sponsored by the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Fujian Provincial People's Government and the All-China Youth Federation, was held in Fuzhou. With the theme of "Inheriting the Friendship of Guling", more than 500 young people from all walks of life in China and the United States gathered in Fuzhou to relive the story of Guling, inherit the love of Guling, and deepen exchanges and friendship through a variety of activities. Young people from China and the United States have expressed that they will further enhance mutual understanding and blind date, pass on the friendship between the Chinese and American peoples, and contribute to the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations.

  Planting the Tree of Friendship –

  "I hope that the friendship between the people of the United States and China will thrive like the tree we planted"

  On June 24th, Chinese and American youths and "Friends of Guling" and other guests planted a "Sino-US Youth Friendship Forest" in Guling. "In the past week, I have made connections and friendships with many Chinese friends, and the face-to-face communication has brought us closer to each other. I hope that the friendship between the people of the United States and China will grow like the tree we planted. Claire Mills from Michigan State University in the United States said.

  Yang Wanming, president of the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, said that this exchange week is one of the largest and richest youth activities since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and it is also a landmark project to implement President Xi Jinping's initiative last year to invite 50,000 American teenagers to China for exchange and study. Thematic dialogues, roundtable discussions, youth fairs, documentary screenings, intangible cultural heritage experiences and other exchange activities have built a platform for the young people of the two countries to enhance understanding and deepen friendship. The event left beautiful and unforgettable memories for Chinese and American youths, and enhanced their mutual understanding and friendship.

  In the "Sino-US Youth Friendship Forest", American young Jack Pinnick and his daughter planted a red maple tree. Pinnick also taught his daughter to write Chinese characters and express good wishes. Pinnick, who has been in China for nearly 15 years, says he has long since integrated into the land. During the exchange week, he led the young people of the two countries to practice Tai Chi every morning. He told reporters: "I hope that by participating in this event, my daughter can also feel the charm of communication." It is hoped that exchanges between the United States and China will be more in-depth and extensive. ”

  Meet and get acquainted, know each other on a blind date. "This may be the beginning of a lifelong friendship. These deep-rooted seeds will surely take root and sprout, and the tree of friendship between Chinese and American youth will be even more lush. Chen Beilin, a student and volunteer of Fuzhou University of Foreign Studies, said.

  Building bridges of trust

  "Friendship between people helps to promote friendly exchanges between countries"

  "Dreaming of Guling, from California to Fuzhou; Dreaming of Guling, from parting to reunion. Looking for love, dreams are friends, you see that Hongqiao flies to the permanent ......" At the special theatrical performance held on the evening of June 27, Chinese and American artists sang "Dream Drum Ridge" with deep affection, winning warm applause from the audience.

  Kara Dilikov Canales, one of the lead singers of "Dream Drum Ridge", opera singer, senior advisor to the U.S. President's Council on Arts and Humanities and special envoy for cultural exchange, said that art can build a bridge between young people in the United States and China, allowing them to forge deep friendship, which is conducive to the long-term development of U.S.-China relations. "When I came to Fuzhou, I smelled the fragrance of jasmine in Fuzhou, and I was more affectionate when I sang the song "Jasmine"." "Face-to-face exchanges between the youth of the two countries can play an important role in the healthy development of U.S.-China relations, and people-to-people friendship can help promote friendly exchanges between countries," Canales said. ”

  Learn to write calligraphy, experience lacquer art, hairpins, and watch tea performances...... At the Youth Bazaar, American youth actively participated in a number of experiential activities and were fascinated by the profound heritage of Chinese culture. Rigel Adam, from Washington, told reporters that this was his seventh visit to China. "When I first came to China in 2016, I established contact with Chinese friends, and planted the seeds in my heart to learn more about China and make more Chinese friends." Adam said that he will go to Shanghai in July this year to participate in the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, "I hope to have more exchanges and cooperation with Chinese friends in my study and work, and jointly contribute to building a better world." ”

  "Can I add you as a WeChat friend?" Wang Zhiqin, a 20-year-old student at the University of Washington, quickly became acquainted with reporters. During the week, Wang Zhiqin exchanged contact information with almost every new Chinese friend. "I cherish every opportunity to come to China. I felt the development of science and technology in China when I visited different cities in China, and I felt the diversity and tolerance of Chinese culture when I exchanged with Chinese youth. After returning to the United States, I will share my story in China with my friends, and I hope to keep in touch with my Chinese friends, so that we can continue to be young ambassadors to enhance the friendship between the two peoples. Wang Zhiqin said.

  Gathering the power of youth——

  "Contributing the wisdom and strength of youth to the common response to challenges"

  During the week, three special "Guling Tea Talks" attracted a wide range of young people from both countries, and heated discussions on issues such as China-US relations, cultural diversity, and climate change sparked heated discussions. "How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the World", "Youth Leadership in Global Governance", "Taking Action for a Greener Future", ...... Under different themes, young people from China and the United States shared experiences and perspectives, discussed opportunities and challenges, and deepened their understanding of each other's societies and cultures.

  "Emission reduction in the transportation sector is closely linked to climate change, green mobility is the current and future trend, and China has made outstanding achievements in areas such as new energy vehicles." Theo Wig, a young American, focuses on reducing transportation emissions and green mobility. During the exchange week, Weige was deeply impressed by Fuzhou's new energy vehicles and the greenery of the city. "China's efforts to protect the environment are touching," he said. The United States and China can do more to address climate change. ”

  David Fuller, from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, said, "The U.S.-China relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world, and global challenges require U.S. and China to work together. Youth exchanges can enhance understanding and cooperation between the two countries, and contribute their wisdom and strength to jointly address challenges. It is hoped that there will be more exchanges between the two countries in the future to continue this friendship. ”

  William Robbins, a 19-year-old Chinese major at Fordham University in the United States, shared a Chinese lesson with reporters. "We once had an assignment called 'The World is for the Public', and I was very impressed. This exchange activity made me feel that although there are differences between the United States and China, the two peoples share the same desire to understand each other and build friendship. "This week has provided a great opportunity for me to connect with many young people in China, and I believe that our friendship will continue." ”

  At the summary meeting of the exchange week, Chinese and American youths jointly released the "Guling Initiative", and agreed that the century-old Guling story is a vivid portrayal of the friendship between the Chinese and American peoples. The people of China and the United States can transcend their differences and establish a deep friendship. The young people of the two countries should not only be witnesses and beneficiaries of the development of China-US relations over the past 45 years, but also should be the defenders and promoters of the healthy and stable progress of China-US relations in the future. Starting from Guling, Chinese and American young people will actively participate in exchanges and exchanges in various fields, and jointly continue to write a wonderful story of friendship between the Chinese and American people in the new era.