
How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

author:Ink that exudes the screen

How can a woman enhance her peach blossom luck? Using the following methods can greatly enhance your peach blossom luck and find the right person as soon as possible.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Aries ·

03.21 - 04.19

Be a little more delicate

Aries girls tend to look like big women, they are very efficient in doing things, they scold when they scold, and they are merciless, which makes boys very scared, so it is best for Aries girls to be a little more delicate to increase their femininity.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Taurus ·

04.20 - 05.20

Don't just laugh

Venus Taurus girls like to laugh very much, the opposite sex wants to please Taurus girls, Venus Taurus women will only use a smile to cope, but they don't know how to reply in a timely manner, and it is easy for boys to feel bored after a long time.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Gemini ·

05.21 - 06.21

Don't talk about the romance of the year

Venus twin girls like to talk and chat and communicate with each other's ideas, but sometimes if they talk too much, it is easy to talk about the taboos of boys.

For example, when it comes to past boyfriends, etc., but the Venus Twins girl feels that this is nothing, it is just past experience, which will inevitably make the other party lose interest.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Cancer ·

06.22 - 07.22

Improve your laughter

Venus Cancer girls like to laugh very much, and the laughter is usually not very good, laughing is often like a hen giggling very exaggerated, a careless Obasan temperament appears, often before the sound of the first to come.

In fact, usually the girls of Venus Cancer are very feminine, but they are often deducted a lot of points by this terrifying laughter.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Leo ·

07.23 - 08.22

Put away your arrogance

The girl of the Venus Lion is very strong, like a queen, and even sometimes puts on an unstoppable arrogance towards the suitor, so it often makes the suitor want to pursue.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Virgo ·

08.23 - 09.22

Put away your principles

The girl of the Venus virgin is too troublesome, she thinks too much about everything, gives herself too many constraints and restrictions, wants to do many things but does not dare to do it, and the boy who ties her hands and feet admires it very much, or she will think that she is too childish.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Libra ·

09.23 - 10.23

Write down your experience and teach everyone

Venus Libra girls are not only very good with the opposite sex, but also good enough to start classes and apprenticeships, Libra women don't think they are very good at first, but after observation and comparison, she will find that she gets along with the opposite sex more than other girls like a fish in water.

She usually shows no threat to women in front of the opposite sex, and gets along with men like friends, but when she falls in love, she will exude femininity in a timely manner, which is something that other women need to learn more from her.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Scorpio ·

10.24 - 11.22

Mystery doesn't have to be weird

Venus is more individualistic in Scorpio girls, but sometimes her love and hate are too clear, and the love and hate are so strong that in the process of getting along with others, it makes people feel that she seems to be a very extreme person.

Although she is very attractive, because her usual behavior is too weird, she has reservations in her speech, which has damaged more than half of her femininity.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Sagittarius ·

11.23 - 12.21

You have to be willing to talk about feelings first

A Venus Sagittarius girl usually has a good relationship with the opposite sex, but she just can't have a fixed partner, because she can't pick one of so many good friends to talk about, and it's difficult for her to define what a relationship is.

Therefore, the Venus Sagittarius woman is only determined by whether she is willing to fix a relationship, otherwise, she will always pursue an ethereal relationship.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Capricorn ·

12.22 - 01.19

If you don't defend it, you will have feelings

A girl with Venus Capricorn is too afraid of trouble, for example, when she first meets an ordinary friend, she will be very afraid of this friend calling.

Because she will very much want to find out whether the other party wants to chase her, and whether she likes the other party, etc., wait until she finds out before dating, she is too calm, too rational, and too boring, so she can't have many ambiguous friends, so she often misses opportunities.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Aquarius ·

01.20 - 02.18

Reduce feelings of alienation

Even if the Venus Aquarius girl is happy to go out on a date and eat with each other, she will behave very politely from beginning to end, which makes people feel very detached.

Even if she is interested in the other party, she just won't take a step beyond Lei Chi, and she can't make people feel her enthusiasm and warm eyes at all, so it's easy for the other party to think that she just treats herself as an ordinary friend.

How the zodiac sign woman can enhance her peach blossom luck

· Pisces ·

02.19 - 03.20

I'm afraid of calling the wrong person

The girl with Venus Pisces is actually very heterosexual, because she is not defensive, she is not alienated, and it is easy to listen to each other, but the bad thing is that she is easy to have improper sympathy.

For example, if the other party is falling out of love, she will comfort the other party, and in the end she will even fall in love with the other party because she feels that the other party is pitiful, in which case it is easy to have a wrong and inappropriate relationship.

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