
Praise the new era and sing the Chinese dream Yonghe: The people's big stage walked into the old revolutionary base village

author:Minnan Net

The people's big stage, the villagers are happy. Last night, "Praise the New Era, Sing the Chinese Dream" Yonghe Town, Jinjiang City, celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, and the grand stage of the people in the village evening of the old revolutionary area was staged in Yingdun Primary School. The performance attracted party members, villagers, and students to participate, and they expressed their love for the party and patriotism with melodious melodies, loud singing, and enthusiasm.

Praise the new era and sing the Chinese dream Yonghe: The people's big stage walked into the old revolutionary base village

Wonderful dance performance on stage

"Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China, the Communist Party works hard for the nation, and the Communist Party is dedicated to saving China......" The impassioned chorus of "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" opened the curtain of the people's big stage performance, and the audience sang in unison with enthusiasm.

More than 10 wonderful programs, such as the dance "Yaoshan Fun Baby", the solo song "Happy China Walk Together", the musical stage play "I Want to See Your World", the dance "The Sea We Are Coming", and the recitation of "Immortal", won the applause of the villagers.

The night's theatrical programs were all written and performed by the teachers and students of the primary schools in Yonghe Town, and everyone integrated their love for the party and the motherland into the wonderful song and dance performances.

At the scene, when they saw the robot dance show brought by the Jinjiang Science and Technology Museum, the children in the audience cheered and laughed. During the performance, there were also questions and answers about the history of the Red Revolution in Yingdun Village, and the atmosphere was warm and climaxing.

"It's great to be able to bring my kids to watch such a great show on my doorstep. Nowadays, the beautiful countryside is getting more and more beautiful, and the life of our people is getting better and better. Mr. Xu, a villager, said.

"This people's big stage theatrical performance fully demonstrated the beautiful life of the new era, expressed the love of the masses for the party, and also narrowed the exchanges between grassroots party organizations and the masses and neighbors, empowering grassroots governance and cohesion for the development of rural revitalization." The relevant person in charge of Yonghe Town said that Yonghe Town holds cultural performances such as the People's Stage all year round, and the People's Stage is gradually normalized, standardized and branded, promoting traditional Chinese culture and enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the villagers through activities.

In the next step, Yonghe Town will further integrate cultural resources, carry out a wide range of cultural performances to benefit the people in the form that the masses like to see, lead the new trend of rural civilization, and continuously improve the happiness and sense of gain of the masses.

Praise the new era and sing the Chinese dream Yonghe: The people's big stage walked into the old revolutionary base village

On-site volunteering activities

In the afternoon of the same day, a volunteer service activity of culture, science and technology and health "three to the countryside" was also held in Yingdun Primary School. Yonghe Town Party Construction Office, Youth League Committee, Women's Federation, Comprehensive Management Center, River Chief Office, Forest Chief Office, Judicial Office, Armed Forces Department, Grid Office, Yingdun Overseas Chinese Hospital, etc., jointly carry out various services such as theoretical publicity, policy publicity, scientific knowledge popularization, and free clinics.

(Reporter Wang Shiwei, Qin Yue)

Praise the new era and sing the Chinese dream Yonghe: The people's big stage walked into the old revolutionary base village

Source: Jinjiang Economic News

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