
The Philippine ship suddenly exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was dispatched, and the Philippine media: recognize China's sovereignty

author:Force wave observation

This is an unexpected incident that happened recently, but behind this unexpected incident is the trade-off between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea.

It turned out that recently, a Philippine fishing boat sailing in the southwest area of Scarborough Shoal suddenly caught fire and exploded, and eight Filipino fishermen on the fishing boat were injured, several of whom were seriously injured. The situation is quite critical.

The Chinese coast guard was dispatched, and the coast guard vessels, including 3302 and 3105, quickly rushed to the scene. Philippine Coast Guard vessels were spotted on a rescue mission. The Chinese coast guard has taken flexible measures to deal with this humanitarian relief. From a humanitarian point of view, the Chinese coast guard sent a batch of relief supplies to the Filipino fishermen. After rescue, the Philippine Coast Guard towed the fishing boat back after the explosion. It's over.

The Philippine ship suddenly exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was dispatched, and the Philippine media: recognize China's sovereignty

After the incident, there was public opinion in the Philippines that it was the Chinese coast guard that "sank the fishing boat" with naval guns. Obviously, the Philippine public opinion is lying, if the Chinese coast guard really opened fire, the fishing boats would have been sunk long ago, how could the wreckage of the fishing boats be brought back? The explanation of Philippine public opinion is extremely ridiculous, and it can even be said that it is not tenable at all.

Philippine public opinion is to repay morality with grievances, and the Chinese coast guard station has rescued the lives of Filipino fishermen from a humanitarian perspective. The Philippines tried to catch the thief, saying that the Chinese coast guard was "how". The danger signals raised by public opinion in the Philippines on the issue of Scarborough Shoal are something that must be guarded against.

However, the Chinese side quickly explained the truth of the matter, and the Philippine domestic media quickly changed their attitude and recognized China's sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal. Philippine public opinion also said that the Chinese coast guard assisted the Philippine coast guard in searching and rescuing fishermen who fell into the water. This change in attitude seems to prove that the decisive attack of the Chinese coast guard in the Scarborough Shoal area some time ago has been effective.

The Philippine ship suddenly exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was dispatched, and the Philippine media: recognize China's sovereignty

Some time ago, the Chinese coast guard's action at Scarborough Shoal was decisive and beautiful. At that time, the Philippine military dispatched a group of special operations forces to prepare to transport supplies to Philippine ships illegally docked at Scarborough Shoal. After these special operations forces arrived near Scarborough Shoal, they were properly enforced by the Chinese coast guard. After a contest, the Chinese coast guard quickly suppressed the Philippine special operations force, seized the guns of the Philippine special operations force, and reportedly wounded some Philippine special operations personnel.

Since this incident, the Chinese coast guard has strengthened its maritime law enforcement in the Scarborough Shoal area. The Philippines' attitude toward China seems to have softened, and the Philippine authorities have said that the military should strengthen its readiness to carry out its mission. On the other hand, the Philippine authorities have expressed the hope that something can be discussed in a sitting down. The change in attitude of the Philippine authorities seems to prove that China's law enforcement against the Philippines is effective. If the Philippines wants to continue to take the lead, the Chinese coast guard will strengthen law enforcement. However, judging from the current situation, the Philippine authorities no longer want to continue to fight the iron iron against, at least the Philippine authorities want to maintain communication with the Chinese side, which is an obvious progress.

The Philippine ship suddenly exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was dispatched, and the Philippine media: recognize China's sovereignty

However, China should remain cautiously optimistic about the change in attitude of the Philippines. Of course, China hopes that the Philippines will return to the right track and work with China to properly resolve the relevant issues. However, the current Marcos Jr. administration has gone further and further in its attitude against the Chinese side, and it can be said that it has lost its mind. Marcos just didn't listen to many of China's good suggestions or opinions. Unless the guns of the Philippine special operations team are seized, the Philippines will reluctantly show overtures. The Philippines knew this move for a long time, so why bother now?

So where will the situation at Scarborough Shoal and the South China Sea go next? How should we view the game in the South China Sea in the coming period?

The Philippine ship suddenly exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was dispatched, and the Philippine media: recognize China's sovereignty

In the coming period, the United States will continue to strengthen its military deployment in the South China Sea. As the situation in the Palestinian war changes, it is very likely that the United States will directly transfer its aircraft carrier battle groups deployed in the Middle East to East Asia. In this way, the United States will commit at least three aircraft carrier battle groups in East Asia that can quickly enter the war. With the pressure exerted on China by this aircraft carrier battle group, the pressure faced by China is quite worthy of attention. It is very likely that the Philippines, with the blatant support of US aircraft carriers, will start a new game against China at Scarborough Shoal, such as sending special combat teams to transport supplies to ships near Scarborough Shoal, or sending fighter jets to do something in the airspace near Scarborough Shoal. The Philippine Coast Guard and military will comprehensively strengthen their capital in the Scarborough Shoal area to play with the Chinese side.

The Philippine ship suddenly exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was dispatched, and the Philippine media: recognize China's sovereignty

The U.S. military will also cooperate with the Philippines in military exercises in relevant hot spots, so that Japan and South Korea and other countries will join in cheering up the Philippines. As a result, it is likely that the Philippine authorities will act more aggressively and dangerously. This can be said to be quite unfavorable for the next development of the situation in the South China Sea.

Therefore, China's strategy is to base itself on doing well, but preparing for the worst. The Chinese Navy's 25 052Ds and 8 055 drives are prepared for the worst-case scenario. And now the extremely modern combat strength of the Chinese navy is enough for China to contain the outbreak of war and strive for the final victory.

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