
City in progress | Promote all-round development and educate new people of the era

author:Dali Melter
City in progress | Promote all-round development and educate new people of the era

The growth of the "red scarf" is related to the future of the country, and it is a glorious and important task to lead the Young Pioneers to listen to the party and follow the party from an early age, and to grow into socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. In the practice of education, schools should take the goal of cultivating people with virtue and carry out organized social practice activities of the Young Pioneers, so that the Young Pioneers can become a spiritual home for the healthy growth of children in the new era.

On July 1st, Dali Rong Media Center • Dali People's Radio Comprehensive Radio FM99.9 "City in Progress" "Strugglers, Youth" series of special interview program guests: Jiang Sixiang, counselor of the Young Pioneers Brigade of Shuanglang Town Middle School in Dali City, will pay attention to it with you: promote all-round development and educate new people of the times.

City in progress | Promote all-round development and educate new people of the era

Jiang is homesick

Counselor of the Young Pioneers Brigade of Shuanglang Town Middle School in Dali City

City in progress | Promote all-round development and educate new people of the era

Shuanglang Town Middle School combines youth political enlightenment with value guidance, political theory and Young Pioneer activities, and learns relevant experience from demonstration schools such as Xiaguan No. 4 Middle School and Xiaguan No. 3 Primary School, so as to inject impetus into the reform of the school's Young Pioneers.

Combined with its own reality, the school organizes a speech contest of "Please rest assured that the party is strong and the country has me", which is deep, practical and thorough, inherits the red gene, continues the spiritual bloodline, and encourages young people to strive to be new people of the era who take on the great task of national rejuvenation. At the same time, he actively participated in the study and education propaganda group organized by the Youth League Municipal Committee, and through the production of blackboard newspapers and hand-copied newspapers in the class, the party's voice was well transmitted, the struggle strength was condensed, and the fighting fortress was built well. Lead the school's "red children" to become dreamers.

City in progress | Promote all-round development and educate new people of the era

Moral education

The school takes "building a harmonious and interactive student-based moral education and cultivating innovative talents with sound personality" as the main line of moral education, and takes "activities as the carrier" to shape students' sound personality and humanistic feelings, and cultivate modern citizens with six core qualities: humanistic heritage, scientific spirit, learning to learn, healthy life, responsibility, and practice and innovation.

The school promotes the real implementation of moral education through the "33" class teacher management mechanism (the 3rd level of "school-grade-class" and the 3 sections of "safety education-school rule compliance-moral training") and the "36" team activity mechanism ("six ones" team building such as joy reading, class text, class flag, class song, class number, and school attendance). The school gives full play to the role of classroom teaching as the main channel, and refines the content of moral education into the teaching objectives of each subject curriculum, and integrates it into the whole process of education and teaching.

Nourish the heart with wisdom

The school promotes the development path of excellent schools with excellent students, implements small classes and parallel classes, and the education equality mode of classes and students is excellent students, which creates an excellent school atmosphere and provides fertile and thick soil for the cultivation of more excellent students. The school has built a "training" management mechanism and a platform for the cultivation of "eugenics" awareness. Home-school cooperation helps the implementation of the educational ideal of "development for all". The school has established a "three fine" management mechanism of "precision, fineness and refinement" to promote the simultaneous development and integrated development of "five educations" from teaching plans, classrooms and homework.

Strengthen the heart with the body

The school not only pays attention to physical education classroom teaching, but also regularly organizes sports activities such as sports meetings, winter competitions, basketball games and cheerleading, and fully implements the "National Student Physical Health Standards", with a passing rate of 99.2% for students' physical health, and the physical education results of the high school entrance examination have always been among the best. The school regards basketball and football as characteristic sports, and regularly holds basketball, football and volleyball leagues at different levels, and the school's men's basketball team has continuously won the ranking of the urban junior high school group.

Nourish your heart with beauty

The school has a full-time aesthetic education teacher, equipped with aesthetic education hardware, 1 art classroom, 1 music classroom, and complete audio-visual education equipment; Strictly implement the curriculum, open up art, music and other art interest courses, and promote aesthetic education.

To work to cultivate the heart

In order to fully implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality, broaden the channel of practical education, and continue to promote the implementation and development of quality education, Dali Shuanglang Town Middle School will carry out labor practice education activities every semester, so that students can go into the campus and enter the family, operate and experience it by themselves, truly sway the sweat of labor, harvest the happiness of labor, and understand the meaning of labor.

City in progress | Promote all-round development and educate new people of the era

Home-school collaboration and collaborative education

Shuanglang economic development is relatively fast, in this environment many parents choose to go out to work, virtually turn their children into left-behind children, the school also knows that the growth and development of each child, are inseparable from the joint efforts of the school and parents, in order to further strengthen the linkage between home and school, enhance parents' understanding of school work, strengthen the concept of family education, and truly achieve the effect of one plus one is greater than two, every year, every semester the school will hold a parent-teacher meeting, on the children in the process of growth is prone to internal conflicts and other issues, Parents need to pay attention to it, take timely and effective methods to help children face inner contradictions and conflicts, guide teachers and parents to give children a positive and healthy interpersonal environment, help children experience the fun of communication, and gain good communication and handling skills. In the WeChat parent group, the educational video is pushed, and combined with the teacher's educational experience, each parent has something to reflect, and the teachers will also put forward some views and suggestions to parents, for parents to support, home and school together, so that children's growth is healthier.

City in progress | Promote all-round development and educate new people of the era

The rule of law has entered the campus to build a strong security line

In order to further carry forward the spirit of the rule of law, enhance the awareness of the rule of law among teachers and students, solidly advance the construction of rule of law campuses and safe campuses, create a safe, civilized, and harmonious campus environment, and escort the healthy growth of minors with the power of the rule of law, the school has jointly carried out a publicity campaign on the theme of "Rejecting Campus Bullying and Building a Harmonious Campus Together", inviting lawyers to give lectures on campus bullying prevention, traffic safety, abduction prevention, and sexual assault prevention for students. Specialized in the relevant legal knowledge of the blackboard newspaper and class meeting. Strengthen students' sense of the rule of law and their awareness of security, guide students to learn how to protect themselves, and truly protect the lawful rights and interests of young people.

City in progress

"City in Progress" program time:

Monday to Friday

9:00-10:00 (Premiere)

21:00-22:00 (Replay)

How to follow:

1. Dali Rong Media Center, Dali People's Radio Station Comprehensive Radio FM99.9;

2. Download APP such as "Dragonfly FM Radio" and "Himalaya" on your mobile phone to listen or listen back synchronously;

3. Digital TV users, select the "Radio" interface, and select "Cang'er FM" to listen.

City in progress | Promote all-round development and educate new people of the era

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Editor: Guo Jinkai Xiang Hongyu

Duty week: Yang Danni Zhang Hui

Editor-in-Chief: Li Sheng