
The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

author:Seafarer Big Brother

A country with world-class mines, and its people are destitute. Crew circles often say: "Mozambique? Oh, it's a country where the mud can't hold up the wall, it's only suitable for foreigners to plunder, not for locals to develop locally. ”

When I first entered the nautical industry, I couldn't understand what my colleagues were saying, until I visited the local country and saw and heard it, I was deeply moved, and I couldn't help but say, "They deserve to be so poor, even the United States doesn't want to deal with it." ”

I don't know if I don't know, such a country is cute and hateful, not to mention how bad people are, just to say what I saw and heard in the local area and the performance of the local workers, I was somewhat disappointed.

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

I started working with the country in 2009 and actually got into it in 2011. When I came to Maputo in 2009, I was very impressed. The captain directly held a safety meeting and asked our crew not to go to the local area, because the safety here is fragile, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to come back after going down.

It's a pity that when I arrived in this country, I lost the opportunity to play. I have been traveling around the world for a long time, and I have been to more than 90 countries so far, and I have been impressed by each country. Until 2011, the captain of our ship was a British captain, and he was more bold, thinking that there are good and bad security in any country, and as long as he is not bad, he can be treated well wherever he goes.

Therefore, the captain did not forbid us to go to the local country at that time. With such an opportunity, it opened up my true understanding of Mozambique, I didn't know, I came here to play a few times, only to find that such a country is poor for reason, and it also made me see that people are really poor.

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

It was a sunny day, and our ships were allowed to enter their lanes. This waterway is different from other countries, with curved and complex undercurrents, and even the basic waterway buoys and guide signs have long been lost due to lack of maintenance.

On the day he came, the captain was still a veteran British captain, and the captain asked the pilot, "Mr. pilot, is your channel here based on imagination?" Do you know what to do as pilots? ”

At that time, my English was not very good, and I thought that the captain was scolding the pilot, but later, after some exchanges between them, I learned that the British captain looked down on people and the country. Out of politeness, the pilot responded politely, "Our channel has already been loaded into my head, don't worry, I can sail the ship with my eyes closed." ”

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

Although it was a joke from the pilot, there is really no one of a certain level of skill in this channel who can lead a large ship into this channel. The captain responded to the pilot with a smile and said, "Mr. pilot, I have been to hundreds of countries, so to speak, in other countries, I don't need a pilot to reach the dock safely, but I am not sure about your dock at all." ”

In fact, the captain of the ship is always sarcastic that the country is too poor, and the poor do not even have the funds to dredge the basic waterways. In reality, to say that you are poor, you can't see it from the waterway. In 2011, when I actually stepped into this country, it really opened my eyes, whether it was communicating with the local workers, learning about their living conditions, or entering the local experience myself, I breathed the taste of poverty all the time. I don't know if I don't know, this country is actually what the crew said, "The mud can't hold up the wall, but it is a very caring country." ”

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

On the same day, our ship finally docked safely. This dock is very backward, judging from the equipment on the dock, it has been backward for at least ten years, which makes me feel very happy.

If the loading and unloading equipment is very high-tech, then it means that the storage capacity of our entire ship of 200,000 tons only takes 2 days to complete, if the loading and unloading equipment is very backward, it means that our loading and unloading time in the local country is to be determined, maybe 20 days, maybe a month.

On that day, the loading and unloading equipment on the dock was quite backward, and I was very pleased with the state of the workers. In the past, I felt that the workers in the United States were very lazy in their work, and there were less than 10 people who actually worked when 50 workers came up, and they sat and sit, slept, and chatted, even if the foreman was staring, they still went their own way, because the concept of human rights and freedom had already been engraved in their heads, and no one could blame the other party, and no one could ask the other party to do what they thought.

This is the state of American workers, and when I came to Maputo, Mozambique, I realized that the same is true for workers here. What the hell is going on? Let's go on, it's incredible.

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

On the day of berthing, because the procedures were not yet complete, our crew could not go to the local area for the first time. In desperation, our crew could only stay on the ship, living a boring and lonely life.

To relieve my fatigue, I went to the unloading deck. Whenever I was lonely and boring, especially when I was not allowed to go to the local area, my usual practice was to go down to the unloading deck to play with the workers and talk to them.

When I got to the unloading deck, the workers were busy with their work, and everyone just greeted me in a friendly way. At that time, I saw a female worker appear in a corner of the unloading deck. Out of curiosity, I walked over and greeted her in a friendly way.

When the other party saw that I was so handsome, they asked me half-guessingly, "Friend, are you Chinese or Japanese?" ”

I was puzzled and surprised, looked at her dark skin, and replied, "I, you guess, from the skin, I should be more like Chinese, right?" ”

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

Before I could finish my words, the other party heard that I had a Chinese accent, so I quickly wiped my hands and then asked me for a hug. Out of friendliness, I approached her and gave her a simple hug, only to choke on the smell of her until I sneezed.

At that time, it was very embarrassing, and the beautiful worker smiled and said, "Friend, do you have a cold?" ”

I was so choked by the smell of the woman's body that I didn't expect her perfume to smell so strong. I said unceremoniously, "Yo, your perfume smells too good." ”

She thought I was exaggerating and directly influenced what she thought of me. Then, she smiled and said, "Friend, can you take me to your room?" I can do anything, and I will do anything. ”

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

At that moment, I was completely confused, and I already hated the smell of her perfume. The smell of perfume on her body was like a bottle of perfume poured directly on her body, the smell was strong, and even after I hugged her, the smell on my body was very strong.

At that moment, I sensed danger, and when I stepped back, she followed. I wanted to avoid her, but she would have mistaken me and thought I had agreed to take her back to my room. I was in a hurry, I was worried that my colleagues would think that I had just done something related to the female worker in the corner, so I ran away in front of my colleagues.

The female worker didn't know what to think, so she continued to follow. I said to the sailor on duty at the entrance of the staircase, "Is there something wrong with this female worker, the smell is very strong, and she just said that I want to take her back to her room." ”

I was afraid, but the sailors were interested when they heard it. said, "Third officer, such a good opportunity, people take the initiative to send it to you, don't you want it?" ”

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

When the sailor saw that I was still avoiding this woman, the sailor said to me, "Third mate, if you don't want it, then I want it, and when I go back to the room, I will be my person." ”

I said unequivocally, "Go, go, take it back to your room if you want." ”

The sailor was indeed very bold, and when he learned that I had no ideas, he received her quite warmly. When the female worker came to the entrance of the ladder on duty, the sailor asked her seriously: "Do you really want to go up to our living quarters?" ”

"Yes, friend, I know you like me, and I don't want much, as long as you are willing to give me 100 Mozambican New Metica." The woman said.

"Third mate, is 100 Mozambican New Metical How many yuan?" After listening to the woman, the sailor asked me in turn.

I still know the local exchange rate very well, at that time 100 Mozambican new meticais was equal to about 10 yuan. I said to the sailor, "100, that's too cheap, isn't it?" Converted into RMB, it is less than 10 RMB. ”

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

The sailor was very excited when he heard this, and said, "Oh my God, is it so cheap?" Can I use it so cheap? ”

I laughed, and the sailor asked her directly, "Why do you only need ten dollars, and I dare not take you back to your room for such a bargain?" ”

Of course, the woman was very excited when she heard this, and said, "You have to think that you are too little, and more is okay." ”

Next, the woman's words directly changed my impression of ordinary people in Mozambique again, and also made me feel that the lives of the local people are miserable.

"There aren't many jobs in our country, and everyone isn't very motivated to work. ”

Why is this? What follows is the heartfelt words of this female worker, and it is also their helplessness.

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

The women workers told me that they were paid very little for a day of work on the docks, and that the foremen generally worked in a squeezing style, requiring us to work twelve hours, sometimes working overtime until two or three in the morning. There are not many people engaged in such a long period of work, even if it is hard and tiring, the locals are willing to choose to give up. Why is that?

Because they worked for more than ten hours, the salary they received a day was only 5-8 yuan. When I heard about such a daily income, I felt incredible.

The female worker continued: "You will be unloading here for a long time, and if you pay attention to the workers who come to the ship every day, you will find that in fact the workers who come to work on the ship every day are different, many of them have left after a day of work on the local docks, and there is no sense of family, let alone saving money. ”

What does this mean?

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

"In our case, workers are paid on a daily basis, and when they get paid, they leave the dock and go to the streets. They don't think that there is a home far away, and there are wives and children at home waiting for him to take the money and go home to support the family. These men don't do this, they all let their wives feed their children, and they won't even go home to see if they can't support them. When these people get their salary, they choose to spend it immediately until they are done and return to the dock. Many people come once and then come for several days. ”

After listening to the female workers say this, I think that the men here are very irresponsible for their wives and children, they don't care whether their wives and children live or die, and the money they earn will be spent immediately. There is no enthusiasm to go to work, three days of fishing, two days of drying nets.

When I heard the female workers say this, I felt deeply inferior to these men, and I didn't expect that the workers here would treat life and family like this.

There must be a reason why they would do this, and when I think the men on deck asked about it, they replied very helplessly, which is understandable.

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

I asked the workers, "Friend, you are also men who have a family, why do you choose not to come to work every time you get paid, do you spend all the money you earn?" ”

"Yes, friend, if we don't spend the money we get here right away, it will soon fall into someone else's pocket. In our place, the law and order is very poor, petty theft, and even robbery and extortion of many people, whether it is a foreigner or a local, as long as they are targeted, then they don't want to protect the front in their pockets. ”

After hearing this, I understood why they treated their hard-earned money like this, and the workers continued to say to me, "In our Mozambique, blacks are discriminated against, and whites are excluded from us, so that even if we have money, we are not qualified to keep money in the bank." Before we save, we can't deposit it in the bank, so we can only dig a mud pit and hide it. However, sometimes when it rains here, the banknotes will rot quickly, and there will be no pennies at all, and it will be a busy day. ”

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

Hearing this, I feel sorry for the blacks here, and I feel hateful for those whites. I believe that every worker here hates white people to the core, but they are helpless, and their kindness is tortured step by step without it.

On the contrary, when we were in Wenchuan, China, there was one thing that touched me very much. Since I got to know the country and they took the initiative to take action against us, it made me feel that there is a real love in the world.

After the earthquake struck, the local people in Mozambique took the initiative to raise funds and donated 40,000 yuan to us. You must know that the 40,000 yuan is the amount raised from all over the country. Everyone strives to contribute their own strength, so that we can be warmed in times of need.

Although this is not enough to stuff the teeth, but the truth, kindness and beauty of others are at least more reliable than those stars and those countries, and they only know that what they say is more reliable.

So why is such truth, goodness and beauty exchanged for poverty?

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

The root cause is that the country is too backward. This country is a big mining country, many of the world's mining resources are in this country, and it is one of the best resource countries, but due to the economic failure, science and technology, they do not even have basic excavation technology and equipment, resulting in the resources still sealed in the soil, and the life of the people is very hard.

You must know that the people here are actually not bad, but such living conditions make them feel very helpless.

The fact that they can put aside the corners of other people's mouths, do their part, and take the initiative to raise money for us to tide over the difficulties is enough to show that people's hearts are true, good, and beautiful.

Truth, goodness and beauty are not enough, our crew can be regarded as discerning, and here they have a lot of ideas, and several of my colleagues have said that it would be great if they could stay here for a long time.


The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

As I said before, the continent of Mozambique is a fertile land country, which is quite rich in natural resources and has good conditions for the development of industrial and agricultural production.

Mozambique is an agricultural country, and my colleagues saw that the environment was very suitable for growing tea, and thought that if they could grow tea here, it would be a good business.

After my understanding, there are six major cash crops here, in addition to cashew nuts, cotton, cane sugar, there are also coconut, tea and sisal. When I learned about this, I realized that there are really Chinese people growing tea here, so my colleagues have an eye. He was right not to want to leave, at least it was a blank field with a lot of resources.

In addition to these, local aluminium is already an important export for Mozambique.

The primary, secondary and tertiary industries here are very good.

The ship went to Mozambique, a poor country, and the daily income of the people was only 8 yuan, but the crew went but wanted to stay

It seems that my colleagues want to stay for a reason, and it is understandable that they are reluctant to leave, that is, the safety here is not guaranteed. If you want to do business in the local area, you must bring a guard, so that it is possible to do business for a long time.

From my experience of traveling here, travel safety here is a big issue, otherwise there would be a lot to explore here. #头条创作挑战赛##头条首发大赛##长文创作激励计划#

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