
Huang Zijiao and He Junxiang both broke out sexual assault scandals! The Taipei District Prosecutor's Office summoned two people to appear in court today

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud
Huang Zijiao and He Junxiang both broke out sexual assault scandals! The Taipei District Prosecutor's Office summoned two people to appear in court today

▲Huang Zijiao and He Junxiang were successively charged with suspected sexual assault. (Photo/Flip Huang Zijiao's Facebook, reporter Zhou Chengan)

Reporter Liu Changsong/Taipei report

Artists Huang Zijiao and He Junxiang have been charged with suspected sexual assault cases, and the prosecutors and police separately investigated and summoned relevant witnesses to clarify the circumstances of the case alleged by Huang and He.

Huang Zijiao and He Junxiang both broke out sexual assault scandals! The Taipei District Prosecutor's Office summoned two people to appear in court today

▲ Huang Zijiao was accused of sexually assaulting a girl in 2006 and will be summoned by the prosecutor. (Photo by reporter Liu Changsong)

It is understood that Huang Zijiao was accused of molesting a number of women in 2023, and later disposed of not prosecuting because there was no evidence and the complaint was withdrawn, but the prosecutor accidentally found out that Huang Zijiao's private hard disk contained 7 sexual images of underage girls, and at the same time that Huang Zijiao was investigated and prosecuted, the woman with the pseudonym "Miss K" broke the news again that she had been Huang Zijiao's swimsuit model when she was 17 years old, and Huang Zijiao touched her private parts with words such as "sacrifice for art", and was finally sexually assaulted.

Miss K decided to file a complaint with the Taipei City Maternal and Child Police Team because she publicly hoped that Huang Zijiao would apologize, and the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office decided to summon Huang Zijiao to appear in court for an explanation after nearly 2 months of investigation.

Huang Zijiao and He Junxiang both broke out sexual assault scandals! The Taipei District Prosecutor's Office summoned two people to appear in court today

▲He Junxiang has publicly denied that he has violated the rules with others. (File photo/Photo by reporter Zhou Chengan)

As for He Junxiang's accusation that in January, when he was at a party in a private guest house, he was rude to a female guest who arrived later, and the female guest later reported the case and accused He Junxiang of allegedly obstructing sexual autonomy, etc., for this reason, the prosecutors and police divided into two routes on May 24 to search the residences of He and his friends, and seized and secured mobile phones and other related evidence, at that time, He Junxiang issued a statement through his lawyer to emphasize, "There is no misconduct with any third party, please media friends do not spread false reports and waste social resources."

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