
Xu Shiyou angrily reprimanded: You Taizhong scolded me on the phone, who told you to settle the bill?

author:Wenshi Teahouse 2018

At a meeting of the Nanjing Military Region, Commander Xu Shiyou was very angry and angrily rebuked, "This is really unreasonable!" You Taizhong scolded me on the phone, who told you to settle the bill? What's going on?

Xu Shiyou angrily reprimanded: You Taizhong scolded me on the phone, who told you to settle the bill?

Do You Taizhong dare to scold Xu Shiyou?

Among the founding generals, You Taizhong and Xu Shiyou are both very famous, and they are both generals who attach great importance to feelings. Coincidentally, they are all from Dabie Mountain, and they all have the character of Dabie Mountain. Xu Shiyou is from Xinxian County, Henan, and You Taizhong is from Guangshan, Henan.

These two generals in Dahean have a very deep friendship. They are all generals of the Red Four, they are all over the grassland three times, and they are all dead for life. During the Liberation War, Xu Shiyou was a general of the Third Field Army, and You Taizhong was a general of the Second Field Army.

The Third Field Army has a 27th Army, formerly known as the Ninth Column of the East China Field Army, which is the lifeblood of Xu Shiyou and the troops he brought out. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, You Taizhong was transferred to the commander of the 27th Army.

It is very rare for You Taizhong to be able to move across the field army and serve as the commander of the 27th Army. This shows that Xu Shiyou recognizes him very much. The 27th Army was originally subordinate to the Nanjing Military Region led by Xu Shiyou.

In the sixties and seventies, due to well-known reasons, the 27th Army was transferred to the north and changed to be under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Military Region.

It's really difficult. The 27th Army was stationed in the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time, and was accustomed to eating rice, and suddenly went to the north, but there was no rice to eat. And the north is colder than the south, and the 27th Army needs a lot of cotton clothes.

Xu Shiyou angrily reprimanded: You Taizhong scolded me on the phone, who told you to settle the bill?

When Song Shilun led the Ninth Corps into the Korean War, many soldiers were frostbitten and frozen to death because of the lack of cotton clothes prepared. The 27th Army could not do without cotton clothing. You Taizhong brought up these real difficulties.

Xu Shiyou immediately said that he would guarantee that the cotton clothes and rice of the 27th Army would be supplied free of charge. With Commander Xu's words, You Taizhong was relieved to go north, he was very grateful to Xu Shiyou, and the old chief deserved to be the old chief.

But soon, You Taizhong was not happy, he directly called Xu Shiyou, and said angrily, Old chief, is this what you did? Didn't you say that you would supply rice for free, how could your military region send someone to settle the bill?

When Xu Shiyou heard this, he was very puzzled. He promised You Taizhong that he would supply the 27th Army with rice for free, and he did not send anyone to settle the bill. Hundreds of thousands of catties of rice is not a small amount, if you really settle the bill, You Taizhong will not be able to bear it.

No wonder he was so angry that he dared to lash out at the old chief on the phone. Xu Shiyou comforted You Taizhong and said that he would immediately investigate the matter. Putting down the phone, Xu Shiyou immediately called the leaders of the logistics department of the military region, first scolded him, and then asked what was going on.

Xu Shiyou angrily reprimanded: You Taizhong scolded me on the phone, who told you to settle the bill?

It was indeed the leadership of the logistics department of the military region who sent someone to settle the bill. The reason is that Xu Shiyou and You Taizhong promised to supply them free of charge, but they did not clearly explain to the leaders of the logistics department of the military region that hundreds of thousands of catties of rice should not be underestimated, so the logistics department of the military region sent someone to settle accounts with Commander You Taizhong.

It turned out to be a misunderstanding. The leadership of the logistics department of the military region is also out of responsibility for the military region, and the work is very serious and prudent, but it does not fully lead the spirit of Xu Shiyou's instructions.

Xu Shiyou is a dignified commander of a large military region, and he can't break his promise. He mentioned this incident in a special meeting, and said in public that You Taizhong scolded him on the phone.

In fact, where did You Taizhong dare to scold Xu Shiyou, he was just angry for a moment and said something too heavy to Xu Shiyou. Xu Shiyou deliberately said that You Taizhong scolded him and said that the matter was very serious, and he said it to everyone in the Nanjing Military Region.

Xu Shiyou is a rough man on the surface, but in fact he is as careful as a hair, and the purpose of his remarks is to hope that all the people in the military region will continue to support the 27th Army, and no matter where the 27th Army is stationed, they will always be the children of the Nanjing Military Region and will always be a family.

You can't let your family chill their hearts.

Xu Shiyou has too deep feelings for the 27th Army. Until his later years, he also told Chi Haotian to find the remains of the martyrs of the 27th Army and build a monument to them in Jinan to commemorate the soldiers of the 27th Army who died in the Battle of Jinan.

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