
How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?


On a hot summer day, there's nothing like a cold drink to quench your thirst.

But many people may not know that when we drink water/drinks, we also invisibly ingest a lot of microplastics.

A study by Columbia University showed that each 1-liter bottle of bottled water contained about 240,000 microplastic particles.

A 2019 report also mentioned that an average person might consume about 5 grams of microplastics per week, the size of a credit card.

These microplastics are difficult to metabolize by the body, and when microplastics are enriched in the human body to a certain extent, they may have negative effects on the endocrine, immune system, and even the nervous system.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

In addition to the pervasive microplastics, the old pipes that hide dirt and dirt, and the improper renovation of the waterways during decoration will also lead to bacteria, impurities, heavy metals and other problems in the daily water of residents, threatening human health.

For every family, in order to truly obtain safe, healthy and assured drinking water, it is most reasonable to start from the use of the terminal, that is, the home water purifier, and to do deep purification of natural water.

Just recently, Angel, a Chinese brand with the world's leading water purification technology, has launched a new product - Angel Tianchi Pro 1200G water purifier, which claims to have a removal rate of up to 99.99% for heavy metals, microplastics and super bacteria, which can not only filter impurities, but also remove super bacteria.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

Let's test how effective it is in the laboratory.

Super bacteria

First of all, let's take a glass of daily water from residents, take a little water sample and drop it on the glass slide, you can see that there are a lot of bacteria and some impurities in the water.

These small black spots under the microscope are plankton in the water, mainly from microorganisms and bacteria that grow after long-term use of the pipes.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

In daily life, the state of the property water tank and the secondary pollution of drinking water caused by the aging of the decoration pipes are all problems that are easily ignored. We further prepared a bucket of overnight water for the residents' daily life, and also under a 2000x microscope, it was clear that the number of bacteria and impurity microorganisms increased geometrically.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

In other words, long-term storage of water or overnight storage greatly increases the risk of "bacterial invasion", and the long-term use of such water in catering kitchens and bathrooms will have an impact on human health.

Then, the overnight water was filtered with Angel Tianchi Pro 1200G water purifier, and then placed under the same conditions for observation, and the purified water quality was clear and pure, without any bacteria and impurities and microorganisms.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

The two sets of pictures are put together, and the contrast is more intuitive.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

The hard power of this purification comes from Angel's APCM aerospace sterilization technology, which has experienced the antibacterial "certification" of strong radiation and high vacuum in the extreme space environment, and the removal rate of ESKAPE's super drug-resistant bacteria has reached 99.99%, and more importantly, Angel's unique active adsorption kills bacteria, realizing the use of physical sterilization to ensure that the waterway is always fresh.

heavy metal

In our daily water, there is also a risk of metal precipitation in aging pipes, some heavy metals will affect the development of the human nervous system, adults because of the end of development, the impact is relatively small, but for the growth and development of infants and young children, it will have a great impact.

In order to simulate the contamination of water by aging metal pipes, we prepared a bucket of daily water for residents soaked in old valve pipes.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

Two beakers were taken, sample 1 was the daily water used by residents soaked in old metal, and sample 2 was Angel's purified water.

Then, two water samples were dropped into the heavy metal test agent and shaken to wait for the reagent to be fully dissolved.

It is obvious that the light pink color of sample No. 1 proves the presence of heavy metals, while the yellow color of Angel's purified water indicates that the heavy metals in the water have been completely purified.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

Residual chlorine

Residual chlorine is also a common topic in daily water.

As a leader in the sterilization and disinfection industry, chlorine is widely used in the disinfection of tap water.

However, more than a certain amount of chlorine will cause many harms to the human body, such as affecting digestive function, changing the structure of the skin, showing symptoms such as dryness and chapping, long-term exposure to chlorine derivatives, and may also increase the incidence of cancer.

So, let's test the ability of Angel water purifier to remove residual chlorine.

Similarly, the No. 1 sample is the daily water of ordinary residents, and the No. 2 sample is Angel purified water, and the color card can be seen that the test paper of the No. 1 sample has turned pink and contains a large amount of residual chlorine, and the No. 2 has not changed, indicating that Angel purification technology has effectively removed the residual chlorine.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

This is because Angel uses imported coconut shell activated carbon, which can not only quickly capture and absorb different colors and odors, but also improve the taste, so that children can also fall in love with drinking water.

water quality

There are three major indicators for daily drinking water quality testing standards, namely TOC, COD, TDS, which are used to indicate the degree of water pollution and the content of impurities in the water.

Among them, the higher the TOC and COD values, the more harmful substances in the water. According to the relevant regulations of the national standard and industry standard for direct drinking water, TOC and COD are required to be less than one milligram per liter, and TDS is required to be less than 60 milligrams per liter before the human body can drink it directly.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

We tested Angel's purified water and residents' daily water respectively, and the results showed that the values in the tap water were high, and the Angel purified water fully met the standard of direct drinking water.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?


Finally, there is the issue of microplastics, which we mentioned earlier.

The dyed plastic powder is poured into the daily water of the residents, and the microplastics in the water can be clearly seen under a high-power microscope.

Then after using Angel Tianchi Pro 1200G water purifier, the same glass of water, the plastic can no longer be seen under the microscope "swimming".

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

To sum up, Angel Tianchi Pro1200G shows excellent purification ability in removing superbacteria, heavy metals, residual chlorine, microplastics, impurities, and TDS, and the reason why it has such outstanding purification ability is because of Angel's core technology - Angel CFIII composite filter element and RO membrane.

Together, the two can remove 99.99% of heavy metals and 99.99% of microplastics from water.

RO membrane

For the sake of visual comparison, we also selected the common RO membrane filter element and Angel RO membrane filter element on the market for disassembly.

In comparison, Angel's RO membrane filter element adopts a 12-inch extended membrane, with a longer filter flow channel design and a larger water flow contact surface.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

Some people may worry that the purification effect is so "delicate" that the filtration speed will be very slow.

Angel RO membrane filter element by changing the design of the water flow channel, to achieve the "golden ratio" of the membrane and the water channel, can improve the flushing speed and the best flushing effect, to achieve the highest water utilization, RO membrane 50 tons of effective water purification according to a family of five daily 25L of water calculation, RO filter element can be used for 5 years (effective total water purification 50000L÷ 365 days÷ 25L per day water consumption ≈ 5 years).

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

The amount of RO water is sufficient, and the daily use is sufficient, which can not only meet the daily direct drinking water, cooking rice and soup, brewing tea, etc.

At the same time, the seven-layer filtration design of the double filter element does not reduce the flow rate, and the large flow rate of 1200G is realized, and the purification effect is not attenuated.

We use a pen to compare, the water output of Angel water purifier is equivalent to that of a marker, and a glass of water can be filled in 2 seconds.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

Moreover, Tianchi Pro 1200G also uses a mechanical intelligent faucet, which can check the water quality without bending over, and the knob does not need to distinguish the water, making it easier for the elderly and children to get started.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

After doing so many experiments, it has been found that Angel water purifier has truly achieved the "three-in-one" of purification, water saving and large flow.

At the same time, it also has a new patent - pure water return system plus frequency conversion pressurization flushing technology, which does not mix old water. You can also see through the smart faucet that even if you use the water purifier after overnight, it is still fresh water. From the source to the end, it is more assured, 0 lead, 0 aged water, 0 bisphenol A, so that both mother and baby can use water with peace of mind.

There is another patent that is very user-friendly, which is to press the bullet core in one second. Compared with the traditional way of changing the filter element, Angel Tianchi Pro 1200G water purifier can press the core in 1 second to complete the core change with one bullet and one button, without laborious knobs, let alone make an appointment for after-sales door-to-door core replacement, and you can easily change the core at home.

How much potential risk is there in the small matter of eating a "credit card" and drinking water every week?

In addition to the powerful water purification function and intimate design, Angel's after-sales service is also "online", with a 3-year warranty for the whole machine, a 5-year warranty for core components, and service outlets across the country to achieve 24-hour uninterrupted customer service and ensure the safety of drinking water.

Every insistence is a unremitting effort for safe drinking water; Every breakthrough is the ultimate pursuit of higher standards for drinking water.

Founded in 1987, Angel has been focusing on the field of water purification for 36 years, and has obtained a total of 911 patents, participated in the formulation of 16 national and industry standards, obtained 6 authoritative certifications in the world, and set up 4 major water quality laboratories in the country.

As a self-media that has long been concerned about the development of science and technology and Chinese enterprises, it is great to see that a domestic brand like Angel can break the monopoly of technology and go abroad to shine on the global stage.