
One of the "six inevitable requirements" for continuing to push forward reform will provide a strong institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization

author:Gansu People's Congress

One of the "six inevitable requirements" for continuing to push reform forward

Provide a strong institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization

Li Lin

Source: People's Daily Online-People's Daily

  Executive summary

  To achieve the goals and tasks of the new era and new journey, we must take the comprehensive deepening of reform as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization. Compared with the objective needs of promoting Chinese-style modernization, there are still some inadequacies in the mainland's state system and national governance system. We must consciously put reform in a more prominent position, continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and provide a strong institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization.

  Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the party and the people to catch up with the times in great strides. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "to achieve the goals and tasks of the new era and new journey, we must take the comprehensive deepening of reform as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization." The Politburo meeting of the CPC Central Committee held on April 30 stressed that "we must continue to push reform forward", and proposed that this is an inevitable requirement for upholding and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the country's governance system and governance capacity. We must profoundly grasp the relationship between reform and opening up and institutional building, and between institutional building and Chinese-style modernization, continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

  Promoting Chinese-style modernization requires strong institutional guarantees

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization is the central task of the Party and the country in the new era and new journey." The completion of the central task is a systematic project, which requires overall planning, systematic planning, and overall advancement, and is inseparable from institutional guarantees. The socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the national governance system have profound historical heritage, significant advantages in many aspects, and rich practical achievements, so they have strong vitality and great superiority, and can continue to promote the progress and development of a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion.

  In governing the country, the system plays a fundamental, overall, and long-term role. From the perspective of the essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization, whether it is to adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, achieve high-quality development, develop whole-process people's democracy, or enrich the people's spiritual world, achieve common prosperity for all people, promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and create a new form of human civilization, it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, better transform the advantages of the system into the efficiency of national governance, and promote new progress and breakthroughs in Chinese-style modernization. Since the beginning of the new era, our Party has anchored the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform, adhered to and improved the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promoted the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and formed a complete set of institutional systems including the fundamental, basic and important systems of socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to ensure the development of the cause of the Party and the country, the happiness and well-being of the people, social harmony and stability, and the long-term peace and stability of the country, providing a strong institutional guarantee for promoting and expanding Chinese-style modernization.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "promoting Chinese-style modernization is an exploratory undertaking, and there are still many unknown areas, which require us to boldly explore in practice and promote the development of the cause through reform and innovation." A stable system leads to a stable country, and a strong system makes a strong country. Adhering to and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity are the essential and intrinsic requirements for promoting Chinese-style modernization. To promote the unprecedented great cause of Chinese-style modernization, it is urgent to continue to push forward reform in the new era and new journey, so that the socialist system with Chinese characteristics can better adapt to Chinese-style modernization. In the face of the complex international and domestic situation, in the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and in the face of the new expectations of the people, we must show greater courage and more measures, make precise, coordinated and continuous efforts, and resolutely break down all institutional and institutional obstacles that restrict the smooth progress of Chinese-style modernization. Strong institutional effectiveness ensures the steady and long-term development of Chinese-style modernization.

  To strengthen the institutional guarantee of Chinese-style modernization, we must further deepen reform in an all-round way

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "China's reform is the self-improvement and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. This important exposition profoundly expounds the relationship between reform and opening up and system building. In the new era and new journey, we must rely on further deepening reform to uphold and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and provide a strong institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization.

  Our party has always attached importance to the construction of the state system and the national governance system. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, our party united and led the people to establish people's political power in the base areas, and accumulated valuable experience for the establishment of a new type of state system in which the people are the masters of the country in New China. After the founding of New China, our party united and led the people to establish the basic socialist system and lay the fundamental political premise and institutional foundation for modernization. After the reform and opening up, our party has thought about and explored the issue of the national governance system and governance capacity from a new perspective, established the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and continuously improved national governance, providing a new and dynamic institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization. Since the beginning of the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has broken through the shackles of ideology and concepts with unprecedented determination and strength, broken through the barriers of solidified interests, resolutely eliminated the shortcomings of various systems and mechanisms, actively responded to the risks and challenges brought about by changes in the external environment, and started a magnificent process of comprehensively deepening reform. We have strengthened the fundamental system, improved the basic system, innovated important systems, made the socialist system with Chinese characteristics more mature and formalized, and continuously improved the level of modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, providing a more perfect institutional guarantee for China's modernization.

  Practice has proved that comprehensively deepening reform under the leadership of the Party is an effective path and inevitable choice to uphold and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. Through reform, we have continuously formed and developed systems and mechanisms that are in line with contemporary China's national conditions and are full of vitality and vitality, and have made our system more and more mature in the process of eliminating the shortcomings of the system and mechanism. At the same time, it must be noted that reform is forced by problems and deepened in the course of continuous problem solving. When old problems are solved, new problems arise, and reform cannot be achieved overnight, nor can it be done once and for all. We must consciously put reform in a more prominent position, make real efforts to improve the system, improve the mechanism, stimulate vitality, and add impetus, and continue to push reform forward. At present, compared with the objective needs of promoting Chinese-style modernization and the grand goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in an all-round way, there are still some inadequacies in the mainland's state system and national governance system, and there are still shortcomings and weaknesses in improving the legal system that is urgently needed for national governance, necessary to meet the people's growing needs for a better life, and urgent for safeguarding national security. On the new journey, to uphold and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, we must further deepen the reform in an all-round way with greater political courage and wisdom, promote the organic convergence, system integration, coordination and efficiency of all aspects of the system, improve the comprehensive efficiency of reform, improve the efficiency of national governance, and better support and serve Chinese-style modernization.

  Comprehensively deepening reform should reflect the requirements of the times for promoting Chinese-style modernization

  At present and in the future, it is a critical period for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, and there are still many problems and challenges in upholding and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. The task of further deepening reform in an all-round way and giving better play to the remarkable advantages of the mainland's state system and national governance system is not lighter, but heavier. The more critical the period and the more risks and challenges we face, the more we must maintain our strategic focus, continue to make full use of the key move of reform in light of the new conditions of the times and in accordance with the new missions and tasks, so as to provide a strong institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization.

  Deeply grasp the new requirements of the theory of Chinese-style modernization for system construction. In the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has profoundly answered the major theoretical and practical questions of what is Chinese-style modernization and how to build Chinese-style modernization with a series of new ideas, new views and new assertions, put forward and elaborated the theory of Chinese-style modernization, further deepened the understanding of the connotation and essence of Chinese-style modernization, made Chinese-style modernization clearer, more scientific, more feasible, and provided a fundamental follow-up and action guide for promoting Chinese-style modernization. We must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, profoundly grasp the new requirements put forward by the theory of Chinese-style modernization for comprehensively deepening reform and the new requirements for system construction, and take upholding and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity as the main axis. Add impetus to the achievement of strategic goals.

  We have always adhered to a scientific methodology for reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Reform has broken and established, and the law of it will get twice the result with half the effort, and the law without it will have a negative effect." "Since the beginning of the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has creatively put forward scientific methods and effective paths for comprehensively deepening reform, forming the richest, most comprehensive and most systematic reform methodology since the reform and opening up. On the new journey, to uphold and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, we must thoroughly study and implement a series of new ideas, new views and new assertions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively deepening reform, adhere to scientific reform methodology, take promoting social fairness and justice and improving people's well-being as the starting point and end point, start from the overall interests, fundamental interests and long-term interests of the people, and plan and promote reform with an overall concept and systematic thinking. We should grasp the most immediate and realistic interests of the people to promote reform in key areas, pay more attention to system integration, pay more attention to highlighting key points, and pay more attention to the actual results of reform. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination and coordination of various reform measures, prevent and overcome the phenomenon of each doing its own thing and hindering each other, promote the reform measures in all fields and all aspects to work in the same direction and form a joint force, enhance the overall efficiency, and better provide a strong institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization.

  Correctly handle the relationship between institutional stability and development. Further deepening reform in an all-round way is not only a continuation of the practice of comprehensively deepening reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, but also a new chapter of the era in the new journey to promote Chinese-style modernization. This requires us to correctly handle the relationship between institutional stability, continuity, and development and innovation on the one hand. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "it is necessary not only to maintain the stability and continuity of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the national governance system, but also to continuously enhance its development and innovation." On the premise of upholding, implementing, and perfecting the fundamental, basic, and important systems of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we should start with the most urgent matters, deepen theoretical innovation and promote institutional innovation in solving practical problems, combine deepening reform with promoting system integration, strengthen the full linkage and cohesion of institutional innovation, promote the self-improvement and development of the mainland's socialist system at a higher starting point, higher level, and higher goal, and boost production relations and productive forces, superstructure, and economic foundation. National governance and social development are better adapted, and the overall effect and overall effect are achieved in better guaranteeing Chinese-style modernization.

  (The author is a researcher at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

  People's Daily (2024-07-02 09 Edition)

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