
A review of the achievements of the reform of the Party building system since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

author:Gansu People's Congress

It provides a strong guarantee for continuously promoting the new great project of party building in the new era

-- A summary of the achievements in the reform of the Party building system since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

  To govern the country, we must first govern the party, and only when the party is prosperous can the country be strong.

  Entering the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the whole party to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party with unprecedented determination and strength, creatively put forward a series of original and iconic new ideas, new ideas and new strategies, formed General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the party's self-revolution, led the whole party to find the "second answer" to jump out of the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos, and guided the centennial party to open up a new realm of self-revolution.

  Improve the party's leadership system, improve the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and strengthen the restraint and supervision of the exercise of power...... Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the reform of the Party building system has been further promoted, the systematic, creative and effective nature of the Party has been continuously improved, the Party has taken on a new look, and a good political ecology with a clean and upright atmosphere has become a common practice, providing a strong political guarantee for the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country.

  The Party's leadership system has been increasingly improved to ensure that the Party always controls the overall situation and coordinates all parties

  On June 27, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to study the issue of further deepening reform in an all-round way and promoting Chinese-style modernization.

  Among the principles that should be implemented in further deepening reform in an all-round way put forward at the meeting, the first is to "uphold the party's overall leadership, firmly safeguard the authority of the party central committee and centralized and unified leadership, give play to the party's core role of leadership in controlling the overall situation and coordinating all parties, and carry out the party's leadership throughout the entire process of reform in all aspects, so as to ensure that reform always moves forward in the correct political direction", fully demonstrating the key role of the party's leadership in comprehensively deepening reform.

  January 4, 2024, Zhongnanhai, Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and spent a full day listening to the work reports of the Party groups of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, as well as the work reports of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee.

  In recent years, the CPC Central Committee has listened to the work reports of the "five leading groups" and the work report of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee every year. This has become an important institutional arrangement for strengthening and maintaining the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee.

  In the state system and the national governance system, the party is the key to determining the operation of the entire system. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that we must adhere to the party's leadership and consciously implement the party's fundamental requirements of controlling the overall situation and coordinating all parties to promote the construction of systems in all aspects, promote the development of various undertakings, and strengthen and improve all aspects of work.

  Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has placed upholding and strengthening the Party's leadership in a prominent position in comprehensively deepening reform, made a series of important decisions and deployments, and continuously made new breakthroughs in the construction of the Party's leadership system:

  It has a clear banner, fully demonstrating that "party, government, military and civilian studies, east, west, north, south, and middle, the party is the leader of everything", and the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which is "the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics", is enshrined in the party constitution and constitution;

  Consolidate the foundation, deepen the reform of the Party and state institutions, focus on further institutionalizing the status and role of the Party as the highest political leading force, adjust, reorganize and optimize dozens of departments, and realize the systematic and overall reconstruction of the Party and state organizational structure and management system;

  The Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, the Central National Security Commission, the Central Cyber Security and Informatization Commission, the Central Financial and Economic Commission, and the Central Committee for Comprehensively Governing the Country According to Law have been established to strengthen the functions and roles of the Party Central Committee's decision-making, deliberation and coordination bodies;

  Establish rules and regulations, and promulgate several intra-party regulations such as the "Several Provisions of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening and Maintaining the Centralized and Unified Leadership of the Party Central Committee" and the "Regulations on Requests for Instructions and Reports on Major Matters of the Communist Party of China", making the Party's overall leadership more institutionalized and standardized;

  Integrate and integrate the party's leadership into the whole process and all aspects of ideological work, the governance of state-owned enterprises, the leadership system of colleges and universities, and the construction of mass organizations......

  Through the implementation of a series of innovative measures, the party's leadership system has become more mature and finalized.

  On the afternoon of October 31, 2019, in the Great Hall of the People, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was successfully concluded.

  Anchoring the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform, the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Upholding and Improving the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Promoting the Modernization of the National Governance System and Governance Capacity adopted by the plenary session clarified the party's leadership system as the fundamental leadership system of the mainland and grasped the key and fundamental aspects of national governance.

  In June 2023, the National Organization Work Conference was held in Beijing, which clearly put forward General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building, and used the "13 insistences" to systematically summarize and summarize.

  Among the "13 insistences", the first is "upholding and strengthening the party's overall leadership", which fully demonstrates the key role and significance of the party's leadership.

  Give full play to the core role of leadership in overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties, and a stronger and stronger party is leading the giant ship of China's "Rejuvenation" to cut through the waves and move forward bravely.

  The system of comprehensively and strictly governing the party has been continuously improved, and the party's self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, and self-improvement have been comprehensively promoted

  In January 2024, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was held at the Jingxi Hotel in Beijing, which profoundly expounded General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the party's self-revolution.

  At the meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the practical requirements of "nine to" to further promote the party's self-revolution, one of which is to "improve the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party as an effective way".

  Improving the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the party is a major measure proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to strengthen the great project of party building in the new era.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have taken the comprehensive and strict governance of the party as the distinctive theme of party building in the new era, put forward a series of innovative ideas, implemented a series of reform practices, improved a series of institutional norms, promoted the continuous deepening and development of the great project of party building, and initially built a system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party.

  To improve the system of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, system construction is particularly important. The focus of the study and education on party discipline that is being carried out throughout the party is precisely the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China."

  Strictly enforce political discipline and political rules, continue to exert efforts in the full coverage of the whole chain and the whole cycle, encourage and guide party members and cadres to take responsibility, and promote the integration of discipline and law enforcement...... As the basic intra-party regulations that regulate the behavior of Party organizations and Party members, the re-revision of the Party Discipline Regulations has further tightened the "fence" of the system and released a strong signal that the discipline will be stricter in the future.

  Comprehensively and strictly administering the party is always on the road, and the reform of the party-building system can only be carried out.

  From the regulations on disciplinary punishment and accountability, to a number of guidelines on intra-party political life under the new situation, intra-party supervision regulations, and then to the first "Regulations on the Work of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China", a series of basic and key intra-party regulations have been formulated and revised, forming a relatively complete system of intra-party laws and regulations, and the prevention mechanism and preventive role of "no corruption" have been fully demonstrated, and the system of governing the party in the new era has entered the "fast lane".

  The strength of the party comes from the organization. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the party's overall leadership and all the party's work must be realized by the party's strong organizational system.

  Constantly improve the organizational system, so that the party's organizations at all levels are connected and implemented effectively, so as to ensure that the party's leadership is "like an arm and an arm";

  We have always adhered to the clear orientation of focusing on the grassroots, effectively realized the full coverage of the party's organization and work, and allowed the party's grassroots party organizations to better play a leading role in implementing the decisions and deployments of the party central committee;

  Focus on forging a team of high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, insist on putting political standards in the first place, keep an eye on the "key minority", and ensure that the elected cadres are politically stable, reliable, and at ease;

  Adhere to the combination of strict management and love, pay equal attention to incentives and constraints, create a positive and healthy, entrepreneurial political ecology and good environment, and better stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the majority of party members and cadres;

  The party's mass line education and practice activities, "three stricts and three realities" special education, "two studies and one action" learning and education, "not forgetting the original intention, remembering the mission" theme education, party history learning and education, learning and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, party discipline learning and education...... The continuous centralized education and regular education within the party have supplemented calcium and strengthened the bones for the majority of party members and cadres;


  Build a solid institutional "dam", strengthen organizational guarantees, and build a solid ideological foundation...... The Party's self-revolution is interlocking and progressive under the promotion of comprehensively deepening reform, and the Party's self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation and self-improvement are constantly realized in the process of reform, innovation, integrity and innovation.

  The system of restraint and supervision on the exercise of power has been continuously strengthened, and the supervision system of the Party's unified leadership, comprehensive coverage, authority and high efficiency has become increasingly sound

  On November 30, 2023, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission announced that as of mid-November, the determination of the level of supervision officials at the city and county level in 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps has been fully completed for the first time.

  The completion of this work marks the successful conclusion of the first work on the determination of the national supervision official level that has been promoted since 2022, and an important step forward in the reform of the national supervision system.

  From the adoption of the constitutional amendment at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress, the establishment of the constitutional status of the Supervision Commission, the adoption and implementation of the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the basic law in the field of anti-corruption on the mainland, the establishment of the State Supervision Commission of the People's Republic of China, the completion of the establishment of the Supervision Commission at the national, provincial, municipal, and county levels, and the formulation and promulgation of laws and regulations such as the Supervision Officials Law and the Regulations for the Implementation of the Supervision Law......

  Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the reform of the national supervision system has been further promoted, the full coverage and effectiveness of the supervision of public power and public officials have been significantly enhanced, and the institutional advantages formed by the reform are gradually being transformed into governance efficiency.

  Supervision occupies an important position in the management of the party, the party, and the country. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the biggest challenge facing our party's overall leadership and long-term governance is the supervision of power.

  Break the situation with the reform of the discipline inspection system and lead the traction; create breakthroughs and improve efficiency through the reform of the national supervision system; Supporting and coordinating the reform of discipline inspection and supervision institutions...... Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the "three reforms" of discipline inspection and supervision have been organically integrated and promoted as a whole, the party's centralized and unified leadership over anti-corruption work has been comprehensively strengthened, and the "four beams and eight pillars" of institutional mechanisms have been basically established, providing strong support for strengthening supervision and restraint on power.

  On August 30, 2017, the 18th Central Committee inspection was successfully concluded, marking the first time in the history of the Party to achieve full coverage of the Central Inspection during one term.

  The full coverage reflects the attitude of tackling tough problems at every turn, and it also reflects the wisdom of governing the party through the system. At the end of each round of inspections, General Secretary Xi Jinping reviewed the inspection report in detail, made judgments on the problems found during the inspection, and promoted the continuous deepening of the inspection work.

  From the 18th Central Committee to explore special inspections, pilot "mobile" inspections; to the 19th Central Committee to inspect the "number one" and the key minority, and pay close attention to the outstanding problems that the people have strong reactions to; By the 20th Central Committee's inspection, the first round of regular inspections, mobile inspections and "looking back" in the same direction, "three arrows at the same time", the deterrent and penetrating power of the inspection work has been continuously enhanced.

  At the same time, we will continue to strengthen the inspection and rectification and the application of the results, improve the rectification work mechanism, promote the implementation of the main responsibility of the Party committee (Party group) for rectification, combine the inspection and rectification with the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and promote reform and development, and enhance the effectiveness of promoting reform, construction and governance through inspection......

  According to the data, in 2023, a total of 231,000 party organizations will be inspected at the provincial, municipal, and county levels, and 182 central units will carry out internal inspections and inspections of 27,000 party organizations, and the linkage between inspections and inspections will be further deepened.

  From strengthening the overall cohesion of discipline supervision, supervision and supervision, stationed supervision, and patrol supervision, to under the leadership of intra-party supervision, we should do special supervision and connect all kinds of supervision;

  From promoting the concretization, proceduralization, and institutionalization of the dual leadership system for discipline inspection and supervision work, strengthening the leadership of higher-level discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions over lower-level discipline inspection commissions, to continuously deepening the reform of stationed institutions, and strengthening the direct leadership and unified management of dispatched organs over stationed institutions;

  From improving the mechanism of "group and group" coordinated supervision, "room and group" joint supervision, and "room group and local" joint case handling, to improving the working mechanism of system integration, coordination and efficiency, and building a system of discipline inspection and supervision laws and regulations;


  Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the reform of the supervision system has continued to deepen, the seriousness and authority of the system have been significantly enhanced, and a long-term mechanism for managing power, affairs and people by relying on the system has been further formed, and various supervision has become more standardized, more effective and more effective.

  "Persist in governing the party with the spirit of reform"——

  The recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee put forward new requirements for strengthening party building on the new journey.

  Whether it is political, ideological, or organizational, work style, system, and discipline building, or continuing to promote the anti-corruption struggle, it is necessary to clearly permeate the spirit of reform, and constantly raise the level of institutionalization, standardization, and scientificization, so that all aspects of the work of comprehensively and strictly administering the party can better reflect the nature of the times, grasp the law, and be full of creativity, and promote the transformation of the party's institutional advantages into the actual effectiveness of governing the country.

  It is necessary to open a new situation in the great social revolution and strengthen the body in the great self-revolution.

  Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the reform of the Party building system has been active, prudent, solid and in-depth, continuously enhancing the Party's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness, and providing a strong political guarantee for comprehensively deepening reform and promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Reporter: Sun Shaolong, Wang Ziming, Zhou Wentao