
Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

author:CCTV Sannong
Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

The results of the college entrance examination are released

Candidates are busy filling out their volunteers

And major colleges and universities frequently show their "grabbing people" skills

In particular, the design of the acceptance letter

Enough for one card

Let the education concept of a university "break the circle"

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

The following universities

The first lesson of educating people was designed into the admission letter

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

The science and technology behind 7 soybeans rejuvenate agriculture

UCAS has been in 2023

on the cover of the undergraduate admission letter

Embedded with 7 "Dongsheng 118" soybeans

It forms the shape of the Big Dipper

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

These soybeans are produced in the saline-alkali land of western Jilin Province

It is the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Soybean molecular design breeding team

It took 7 years to select and breed new varieties that are tolerant to salt and alkali

It is also the Chinese Academy of Sciences

One of the important achievements of the "Black Soil Granary" science and technology battle

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

Zhou Qi, President of UCAS and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said:

"Hopefully, when you receive your acceptance letter,

has planted a seed of science in my heart,

Take 'scientific and technological innovation' as the eternal ideal pursuit,

Put 'serving the country and benefiting the people'

As a way forward for a lifetime. ”

Zhejiang A&F University

8 national patents in Maozhuli

Since 2015

Admission letter of Zhejiang A&F University

It has always been made of moso bamboo as raw material

It uses the school's self-developed ones

Planing and cutting micro-thin bamboo technology to produce printing

In 2023

The planed thin bamboo used in the admission letter

The thickness has been reduced to only about 0.22 mm

It can be folded in half, pressed sideways, and curled at will

It can even be curled into a shaft like paper

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

Zhejiang A&F University every year

Incorporating new patented technology

Continuous iteration and upgrading

The related technology has won 8 national patents

In this way, students are encouraged to be honest and innovative, truth-seeking and dedicated

Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

Cultural inheritance in the ace profession

Textile Engineering

It is one of the ace majors of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

This year's offer letter

Three intangible cultural heritage crafts are integrated

Song Jin, Su embroidery, calligraphy and painting mounting

And empower traditional craftsmanship through digital technology

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

Slender silk

Witnessed the Silk Road

and the lush mulberry fields and textile skills of the south of the Yangtze River

The school uses a needle and a thread

Wear the imprint of culture and time

This is a message to the new students

Diligence is like silkworms, unity is like a cocoon

Tenacious as silk, the future is bright

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

University of Science and Technology Beijing

The thinnest steel holds up the information network

The admission letter of Beijing University of Science and Technology uses "5G steel"

Also known as cicada wing steel

Thicknesses as thin as 0.07 mm are possible

by a team of school teachers

and Shougang alumni work together to tackle key problems and develop them

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

"5G steel" is the world's first

Manufacturing process of ultra-thin low carbon steel strip with large aspect ratio

The thickness of the steel strip in the continuous rolling mill is the thinnest in the world

It is widely used in 5G base station signal receivers

signal emission filters, etc

This independent research and development is the result of production

Broke the monopoly of foreign technology

Harbin Institute of Technology

Dare to extend the ideal to the universe

Harbin Institute of Technology has created a "cosmic" romance for new students

A hardcore "golden" key

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

The material used for the key is a high-performance titanium alloy

Known as "space metal" and "future metal"

It has high strength, low temperature and high temperature resistance

Good stability and other characteristics

It is a key component in the production of space vehicles

The surface of the key is plated

A full range of ion implantation and deposition surface enhancement technologies are used

This technology is "Shenzhou spacecraft" and "Tianzhou spacecraft"

More than 10 successful docking with the space station

Critical safeguards are provided

This "golden" key

It means that students open the door of the universe and the door of the future

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

A letter of acceptance that is written in a word

More than just a voucher for admission

It is also a major university

With the academic culture and great achievements accumulated over the years

The next life for the new students

Inject the spiritual strength of carrying forward the past and forging ahead into the future

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

Looking forward to more colleges and universities to design their admission letters

I also wish the candidates admission to their dream universities

"CCTV Three Rural Areas" will continue to pay attention

Many colleges and universities have designed the first lesson of educating people into their admission notices!

Edit | Feng Xiaonan

Editor-in-Chief | Wang Jiao

Producer丨Liu Bing

Source | The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Beijing Daily, network creators, etc

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