
"The little summer is thirsty and the old cow is thirsty at the head, and the small summer is rising in the tail river", this year's small summer is at the beginning or the end?

author:Warm the three farmers with the text

As the fifth solar term of summer, "Xiao Xia" marks the official beginning of the hot weather, and the related proverb "Xiao Xia is thirsty to death of old cattle at the head, Xiao Xia is full of deep observations and summaries of weather changes and agricultural activities.

"The little summer is thirsty and the old cow is thirsty at the head, and the small summer is rising in the tail river", this year's small summer is at the beginning or the end?

1. Is this year's summer "at the beginning or at the end"?

This year's summer is quietly coming, coinciding with July 6, the first day of the sixth lunar month, this coincidence is like a careful arrangement of nature, indicating that we will usher in a special year of "small summer at the head". This is not only a date marker, but also contains profound cultural connotations and rich agricultural wisdom.

The old proverb "the summer is at the head" seems to be a secret guide prepared by nature for us. It tells us that in this season of the year, the Xiaoxia solar term comes exceptionally early, as if it is the prelude to the hot summer. At this time, the sun's rays become hotter, the temperature of the earth rises, and the speed of growth seems to speed up.

So, what is the meaning behind this proverb? It means that we need to pay more attention to the growth of our crops and manage the field in a timely manner to ensure that they can thrive in the heat of the day. At the same time, for our daily life, this also means that we need to pay more attention to heat stroke prevention and cooling, and arrange our work and rest time reasonably to avoid heat stroke and illness in hot weather.

The arrival of Xiaoxia is not only a change of solar terms, but also a new beginning. It reminds us to cherish the gifts of nature, respect the laws of nature, and use wisdom and sweat to create a better future. In this year, let us meet the challenges together, seize the opportunities, and create a better tomorrow.

"The little summer is thirsty and the old cow is thirsty at the head, and the small summer is rising in the tail river", this year's small summer is at the beginning or the end?

2. "The little summer is thirsty and the old cow dies"

The old proverb "The little heat is on the head, the old cow is thirsty to death", this old proverb is like a vivid picture, depicting the cruel scene of the summer heat vividly. It is not just a simple saying, but also the crystallization of the ancients' in-depth insight into the laws of nature and the accumulation of experience.

When the solar term coincides with the beginning of the month, it is as if nature has pressed the hot button, and the whole land is mercilessly scorched by the sun. The endless sunlight burned every inch of the land like a flame, and even the battle-hardened old cow felt unprecedented pressure under this scorching heat. They panted heavily, sweat rained down, and their eyes showed a longing for water and helplessness in the heat.

Such weather is undoubtedly a huge challenge for farmers. They must redouble their efforts not only to ensure the proper growth of crops, but also to pay attention to the health of their livestock. They would water the crops early in the morning and late in the evening to lower the temperature of the land; They build pergolas for their livestock in the shade and provide them with cool drinking water to relieve their scorching heat.

The summer is at the head, which is a test of nature and the responsibility of farmers. With their awe of nature and love for life, they still stick to this scorching summer, looking forward to the harvest in autumn. And the proverb "thirsty old cow" has also become the best testimony of their perseverance and facing difficulties.

"The little summer is thirsty and the old cow is thirsty at the head, and the small summer is rising in the tail river", this year's small summer is at the beginning or the end?

3. "The small summer rises in the tail river"

The old proverb "When the summer is solstice, the tail river is surging waves", this old proverb is like a prophecy, revealing a certain law of nature for us. When the summer season falls at the end of the moon, it seems to quietly announce to the earth: the rain will fall like wisps, and the rivers, lakes and seas will be surging with layers of waves.

Such a celestial phenomenon is undoubtedly a double-edged sword for the vast farmland. On the one hand, the endless rain, like a mother's milk, nourishes every inch of the land, allowing crops to thrive and be full of greenery. Under the moisture of the rain, the rice ears drooped low, and the wheat waves rolled, and a good harvest was in sight.

However, on the other hand, excessive rainfall is also like a ferocious beast, roaring and attacking farmland and villages. The rain pooled into a torrent that swept through the dirt and stones, hitting the levees and houses. For a time, the farmland turned into a swamp, the village fell into the ocean, and the safety of people's lives and property was seriously threatened.

In this summer season, farmers should not only look forward to the moisture of the rain, but also be vigilant against the invasion of floods. They need to adjust their farming activities in a timely manner according to the changes in the weather, strengthen the embankments, dredge the rivers, and prepare for flood control and drainage. Only in this way can we ensure the safety and stability of agricultural production and let the joy of a bumper harvest come as scheduled.

"The little summer is thirsty and the old cow is thirsty at the head, and the small summer is rising in the tail river", this year's small summer is at the beginning or the end?

Fourth, what is the omen of this year's "little summer at the head"?

So, what does this year's "little summer at the head" mean? First of all, we can expect the weather to be hotter in the future. In this case, farmers need to take a series of measures to cope with the hot weather. For example, strengthen the irrigation and sun protection of crops to ensure that crops have sufficient water and a suitable growth environment; At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the heatstroke prevention and cooling of livestock to avoid them getting sick or dying due to high temperatures.

In addition, we also need to pay attention to the impact of hot weather on people's lives. In hot weather, people are prone to uncomfortable symptoms such as fatigue, thirst, and loss of appetite. Therefore, we need to strengthen our awareness of self-care, pay attention to heat stroke prevention and cooling, maintain indoor ventilation, and arrange diet and rest reasonably. At the same time, the government and relevant departments also need to strengthen early warning and response measures for high temperature weather to ensure people's lives and health.

Although according to the traditional concept of solar terms, "Xiaoxiao" is the first small peak of summer, symbolizing that the weather will gradually become hotter and the sun will become more and more intense. However, in our ever-changing times, the pace of nature seems to be quietly changing the pace. In recent years, the global climate has fluctuated dramatically, making traditional solar terms predictions no longer as accurate as they used to be.

Once, when the "little summer" arrived, people naturally thought of the scorching sun and the dry riverbed, as if drought had become synonymous with this season. Today, however, such a scenario is no longer inevitable. Rain may come unexpectedly at this time, bringing a burst of coolness; Or maybe the sun is strong, but the humidity is moderate, and it doesn't look so hot.

The reason for this is the result of global warming and the frequent occurrence of extreme weather events. In this context, we can no longer simply rely on traditional solar terms to predict the weather, but should learn to observe real-time weather conditions to guide our lives and agricultural activities.

When the "little summer" comes, we don't have to worry too much about the threat of drought and don't have to look forward too much to the hot summer days. Because the real weather changes are always hidden behind the unpredictable clouds, we need to capture and interpret them with a more keen eye. Only in this way can we find our own piece of coolness in this changeable world, and this year will be a bumper harvest year.

This kind of observation and summary is not only the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, but also an important weapon for us to deal with climate change. It allows us to anticipate possible extreme weather events and provide strong support for disaster prevention and mitigation. At the same time, it also reminds us to respect nature, conform to nature, and reduce the impact of human activities on the climate through scientific and rational means.

"The little summer is thirsty and the old cow is thirsty at the head, and the small summer is rising in the tail river", this year's small summer is at the beginning or the end?

To sum up, the proverb "the little summer is thirsty and the old cow dies of thirst, and the small summer rises and the water rises in the tail river" not only has profound cultural connotations and the wisdom of agricultural production, but also reflects the changes and laws of the natural climate. In the context of this year's "Little Summer Heat", we need to strengthen our awareness of self-care, adjust and prepare for agricultural activities, and pay attention to the impact and trends of climate change. Only in this way will we be better able to cope with the challenges and opportunities brought about by hot weather and climate change, but not necessarily drought in the later stage.

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