
The thrilling "escape" history of 985000......

author:Ping An Nanyang


You're working

Suddenly, I received a QQ email

Pull you into the work group of the unit

What to do? To add or not to add?

The thrilling "escape" history of 985000......

Received a message that this kind of unit is pulling new groups

Be vigilant

Otherwise, you may lose a lot!

The thrilling "escape" history of 985000......

Recently, there was a case in Fangcheng County

Criminals use illegal means

Stealing company information

Impersonating a company leader

A scam that falsely claims to be paid for a project

The thrilling "escape" history of 985000......

June 4th

Xing, the cashier of a company in Fangcheng County

Receive a QQ email

Invite them to join the company's staff group

After Xing joins the group

found that the group was full of the company's "management"

The "boss" of the company is among them

Arrange the deployment of various work matters

Immediately after that, the "boss" sent a corporate account

Request a transfer to it

The thrilling "escape" history of 985000......

Xing wanted to call to verify the identity of the other party

But the "boss" was clearly displeased

Urging Xing to hurry up and pay

In desperation

Xing had no choice but to transfer 985,000 yuan to

The "Boss" specifies the account

When the real boss saw the transfer information and asked Xing

It was only then that she realized that she had been deceived

The police were immediately called

After receiving the alarm

The Anti-Fraud Center of the Fangcheng County Public Security Bureau responded quickly

The troops worked in several ways

On the one hand, freeze and stop the payment of the bank card involved in the suspect

On the one hand, organize the arrest of criminal suspects

The thrilling "escape" history of 985000......

After the arrest team determines the identity information of the other party

Immediately go deep into Liaoning Province and Jiangsu Province to carry out arrests

After work

The suspects Xu and Miao were quickly arrested

And all the defrauded funds of 985,000 yuan will be recovered


Criminal suspects Xu and Miao

Criminal compulsory measures have been taken by the public security organs in accordance with law

985,000 yuan has been fully refunded to the enterprise

The case is being further processed

Police remind

After receiving the news that the boss requires the transfer, the company's financial and accounting personnel must confirm with the boss in a variety of ways before making the transfer. At the same time, the company should establish a more meticulous accounting system, and resolutely do not give fraudsters a chance!