
More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

author:Hi Koko

The maximum temperature in India has soared to 52.9 degrees, and the average temperature on the northern continent has risen to more than 45 degrees, and the heat is unbearable. Even the animals could not stand the heat and rushed down the mountain in search of water.

Compared with the extreme heat in India, China seems to be much cooler, and it has reached June, friends in Hunan have to wear long sleeves and long pants in recent days, the average temperature is only 22 degrees, and they don't even need to turn on the air conditioner.

When netizens saw the news of the high temperature in India, they sighed: China's temperature is suitable, and we must thank the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

What is the effect of the Tibetan Plateau on continental temperatures?

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

The highest temperature in India is over 52 degrees!

In recent years, you can really feel the temperature rising every year. I remember when I was a child, even in summer, the average temperature was only about 35 degrees, and I didn't feel particularly hot when I was playing with friends outside at noon.

With global warming, the temperature in various countries is also starting to gradually become wrong. This year, it seems to be a year of record high temperatures in India.

According to statistics, the average temperature in the central and northern parts of India has exceeded 40 degrees for half a month, and Schindler's highest temperature has broken 52 degrees, approaching 53 degrees.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

The body temperature of a human is usually around 37 degrees Celsius, and even if there is a high fever, it will not exceed 42 degrees Celsius, and the maximum limit that can withstand it is about 46.5 degrees.

It is clear that the temperature in India is approaching the limit of human body temperature, and in some parts of the world, it has even exceeded the limit. The temperature remains high, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it feels like the sky is going to "collapse" without air conditioning. In this case, "hot dead" is really no longer an adjective.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

The continuous hot weather caused more than 200 people to die of heat in India, and hundreds of people were sent to the ICU for rescue. The continuous heat and drought caused some of the lakes to dry up, and the monkeys on the mountain had to go down the mountain in search of water. According to news reports, more than 40 monkeys have been found drowned in wells.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

People couldn't stand the heat and went down to the Ganges to cool off.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

What is the cause of high temperatures in India?

India is a neighboring continent, and the temperature on the continent is quite suitable this year, so why is there such a big difference in temperature between India and the continent, and what is the reason for this?

In fact, India's climate is also very complex, to be exact, they have 6 seasons in a year.

At this time, it is in the hot and dry season, the cold air in the north is hindered by the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the monsoon climate of the Indian Ocean cannot be blown into the Indian subcontinent. In the hot and dry season, India may continue to be rainless for 1-2 months, and every day is sunny and sunny.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

There is no cold air convection, no rain to moisten, and it is definitely hot on a sunny day every day.

According to historical data, the warmest time in India is from May to June, with the average temperature in New Delhi reaching 39 degrees. This time, though, the temperature in New Delhi soared to 52.9 degrees, much higher than the temperature of the last decade.

This time, the temperature anomaly in India, in addition to being affected by the hot and dry season, is largely due to the arrival of Cyclonic Storm "Remar".

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

The arrival of the cyclone caused a change in wind direction, causing northwesterly winds to blow in northern India, causing hot and dry air masses to accumulate. This hot air mass "walked" from the high-altitude Afghanistan to the relatively low-lying India.

Under the interference of various factors, India is like a "steamer", with continuous high temperatures. The continuous high temperatures have led to a shortage of local water resources, and many lakes, large and small, have dried up one after another.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

The high temperature also brought other "side effects", such as the local electricity "stopping" as soon as the high temperature was high, and there were power outages in many areas. This can put the Indian people in dire straits, after all, after the lack of electricity, not only the air conditioner has not to blow, but also the electric fan cannot be used, which makes it even worse.

Even if it's hot during the day, even the temperature at night is so high that it's hard to sleep all night. Now many schools in India have been forced to start closing, and construction workers are unable to work, bluntly saying that iron pipes are hot.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

China's temperature is suitable, all dependent on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

In contrast to the scorching heat in India, the weather in China seems to be unusually calm.

In 2024, it seems that the weather has become exceptionally cool, and the temperature has risen to more than 30 degrees Celsius in June, but the weather has become cooler after a few rains. Nowadays, the northern region is still wearing thin coats, and many netizens ridiculed that "if you endure it any longer, it will be hot".

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

In the Hunan and Hubei regions near Guangdong, the average temperature is only 22 degrees Celsius after the rain in June, and it is even a little cold when you walk outside and wear a long sleeve. Shenzhen and Guangzhou, where the temperature is usually high, also averaged 27-28 degrees in early June, and the temperature was very cool.

Topography is one of the main factors affecting the climate, and the continental temperature is suitable, and the biggest contributor is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau stretches from the Pami Plateau in the west to the Hengduan Mountains in the east, covering an area of 2.5 million square kilometers, which is not only the highest and largest plateau in the mainland, but also a well-deserved roof of the world.

Since the Quaternary period, the towering mountains have risen dramatically, changing not only the climate of the plateau itself, but also the surrounding climate.

Located at 25 degrees in the south and 40 degrees in the north, 1,500 kilometers wide from north to south, spanning 15 degrees of latitude, it is like a behemoth entrenched in the middle of Asia and the southwest of the continent, like a barrier, forming a unique plateau climate.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

The average temperature in the southern region except for the valleys is lower than 5 degrees, and the temperature in the northern plateau mountain range remains below 0 degrees, with low temperatures but abundant sunshine.

The air above the plateau is extremely thin, and during the day, the exposed rocks and gravel absorb more heat, and the temperature rises rapidly. In the wild, the temperature will drop rapidly, and the temperature difference will be large.

In summer, when the weather is hot, the low pressure on the plateau will lead to precipitation, and in the winter, the cold high pressure will dry and cold the wind, and the dry and wet will be distinct. Due to the strong convection, heavy rain and hail often occur, and thunderstorms and hail are as high as more than 100 days a year; Category 8 winds are more than 150 days, sometimes as high as more than 200 days.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

Because the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is located on the mainland, it has a certain impact on the climate of the continent, and even has an impact on the northern hemisphere and the world.

The impact on the continent is mainly manifested in the blocking of the Indian southwest monsoon. When the upper monsoon is blocked by the plateau, convection currents are formed, and when it encounters cold air, it causes rainfall, which is why the rich Gangetic plains are created.

At the same time, when the southeast monsoon blew, it was once again blocked by the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and then a large amount of rain occurred again, making the southern part of the mainland rich in rain.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

Geographically, most of the Earth's area near the Tropic of Cancer is covered by endless deserts. And parts of the mainland are approaching the Tropic of Capricorn.

If there is no plateau, this part of the continent will have less precipitation, and the continuous high temperature and precipitation will be low, and it may become a desert in the long run.

This shows how important the Tibetan Plateau is to us, and it is precisely because of it that it balances rainfall, balances temperature, and turns the mainland into a livable country.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has a great impact on the continental climate, and in fact, it is also closely related to the living environment of the whole of Asia. Its impact on atmospheric circulation and the environment is crucial to the survival of human beings, especially in Asia.

Among the 10 major rivers, 3 of them originate from the Tibetan Plateau. In addition to the big rivers, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Lancang River (Mekong), the Nu River, the Brahmaputra River and so on are closely related to it. If the Tibetan Plateau ceases to exist, then humanity will be in a dilemma for survival.

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

Some people say that the Tibetan Plateau nurtures China's 1.4 billion people, but this is not accurate. The northeastern region of the mainland mainly relies on the Liao River, and the Liao River has little to do with it.

However, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau affects many Asian countries such as India, Myanmar, and Thailand, and is like a giant "water tower" in Asia, feeding far more than 1.4 billion people!

More than 200 people died of heat in India, but China has not turned on the air conditioner! In fact, thanks to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?

Of course, in addition to grasping the lifeblood of "water resources", the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau also has many valuable natural resources. According to research, there are a large number of rare metals such as gold, copper, tin, tungsten and rare earth resources stored on the plateau. The plateau is also extremely rich in flora and animal resources, and is a treasure of the world.

Many netizens ridiculed for this, saying, "It is worthy of the strict selection of the ancestors, and the place chosen is good!" ”

What other unknown cold knowledge do you know about the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau? Welcome to leave a comment and express your views and opinions!


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