
One trend: these three new types of relationships between men and women are changing the pattern of monogamous marriage

author:There are deer in Shushan
One trend: these three new types of relationships between men and women are changing the pattern of monogamous marriage


Marriage at this stage, without a doubt, is a naked material transaction.

In the past, the market was good, and it was easier to make money, but there were still more young people who paid for "material marriage". Nowadays, the market is average, and it is more difficult to make money, so there are fewer and fewer young people who pay for "material marriage".

Baidu Encyclopedia has an official data:

In 2018, the number of marriage registrations was 10.139 million, and the marriage rate was 7.2 per thousand; In 2020, the number of marriage registrations was 8.143 million, and the marriage rate was 5.8 per thousand; In 2022, the number of marriage registrations will be 6.835 million, and the marriage rate will be 4.8‰

It can be concluded that the number of young people who choose to marry is decreasing dramatically, and the marriage rate is also decreasing dramatically. This generation of young people will no longer pay for "material marriage".

The number of post-80s generations who get married and have children is indeed large. But in the post-90s and post-00s, there are a lot of young people who are single and unmarried. Under the impact of the single tide, a new type of relationship between men and women will appear.

One trend: these three new types of relationships between men and women are changing the pattern of monogamous marriage


In order to meet the needs of life, "rental" relationships between men and women are spreading in big cities.

In recent years, there has been a saying on the Internet that you should rent a boyfriend/girlfriend to go home for the New Year.

Why do young people "rent" a friend of the opposite sex to go home for the New Year? In order to cope with the urging of parents, relatives, seven aunts and eight aunts. When they are done, the lease is over.

The tenement relationship between men and women is essentially an extension of "material marriage". The core of material marriage is to take what each person needs, the man plots the woman's figure, and the woman plots the man's money.

Young people are smart and know that they can't afford tens or millions to get married, but they can find another way - renting. Everyone takes what they need, and they are very free, and no one interferes in anyone's life, which is perfect.

This kind of leased relationship between men and women is actually very common. When you open Meituan and take a look at the section of eating, drinking and playing, you will find that there are many companion services that "accompany shopping, watching movies, and eating".

With the rise of tenalist relationships between men and women, people can choose different members of the opposite sex to accompany their lives. Isn't the current monogamous marriage challenged and impacted?

One trend: these three new types of relationships between men and women are changing the pattern of monogamous marriage


Single-mindedness became history, and the consequent relationship between men and women who "lived together without getting married" spread in big cities.

In the past, when it was said that anyone was "single-minded and honest", people would think that it was a good man/good woman. Nowadays, when it comes to who is "single-minded and honest", people will think that this is a licking dog, a stupid person, and cast a contemptuous gaze.

Single-minded feelings, obviously so romantic, why are they abandoned by people? Because this is an era of "sloppy flowers gradually becoming charming".

The mobile phone was used for a year, and it was replaced immediately; If your clothes are slightly stained, you will throw them away immediately; I only read the preface of this book, and I didn't think it was good, so I didn't read it immediately...... It can be seen that people do not have any patience.

If you are impatient with small things, you will naturally have no patience with feelings. This is true not only for men, but also for women, who want to have a "fast food" relationship and not want to completely indulge in it.

At this time, there are more cases of cohabitation and not getting married. In big cities, there are young men and women living together and not marrying everywhere. What they focus on is "freshness", if you like A today, you may like B tomorrow.

When liking the new and hating the old has become the norm, and when the honest person in the relationship is let down, I think the divorce rate and cheating rate will only get higher and higher in the future. The marriage rate will only get lower and lower.

One trend: these three new types of relationships between men and women are changing the pattern of monogamous marriage


The elimination of men at the bottom from marriage leads to a trend in which high-quality resources of the opposite sex are concentrated in the hands of the rich, while the poor are more inclined to have one-night stands.

In the animal world, powerful beasts occupy the territory of abundant water and grass, and can attract countless beasts of the opposite sex and have countless companions. It can be understood that there are groups of wives and concubines.

And the weak beasts, there is no place for them, and no person of the opposite sex will like them. In order to satisfy their own desires, they will have one-night stands with other weak beasts of the opposite sex. After the night, everyone went their separate ways.

In the factory, beautiful factory girls will gather around the boss and become the boss's underground lover. There are countless small three, four small five, and small six.

And the factory girl who is not very beautiful will be pursued by the factory. The factory pursues them, not to get married, but to satisfy their own desires. After everyone takes what they need, they will go their own way.

The situation in the factory is just a microcosm of society.

In the future, the people at the bottom will become less and less able to make money, and resources will be concentrated in the hands of the rich. It is destined that exquisite resources of the opposite sex will also be concentrated in the hands of the rich, while ordinary resources of the opposite sex can only become the object of one-night stands of the poor.

One trend: these three new types of relationships between men and women are changing the pattern of monogamous marriage


Write to the end

These three new types of relationships between men and women are changing the pattern of monogamous marriage.

First of all, there is a tenancy-style relationship between men and women; secondly, it is the relationship between a man and a woman who live together without marriage; Third, it is a relationship between men and women in which the rich have a group of wives and concubines, while the poor only pursue one-night stands.

Whether we accept it or not, today's young people are abandoning traditional marriage. Even the marriage that is currently in the dust that "you can only get married if you have a house and a car" is being disgusted and spurned by young people.

What is it that has caused the collapse of traditional marriage? I think it's the rising tide that lifts all boats in marriage.

There is a limit to people's ability to bear, and when the pressure of reality exceeds people's tolerance, then they will abandon tradition and choose a new way out.

Text/Shushan has deer